USA Election 2024

I agree, don't announce it unless there is something to gain. IIRC, he had already locked up the nomination, so there was no need to announce it. Maybe if the primary had been tight coming into the last month, then maybe announce it and hope it pushes you over the top.

I was surprised Harris was the pick simply based on how she absolutely blasted him at the first debate.
I certainly don't believe you or the journalist are racist or sexist, but "DEI pick" has been adopted by people to denigrate Harris and other black women without being explicit. Had I repeated what the journalist said or wrote, I would have put the term in quotes.

Regarding what the Democrats should do if Biden bows out, which I doubt he'll do, it's a tough call. But, yeah, it would look bad if Harris were dropped in favor of a white man. And I think she's more qualified than Dan Quayle was.

I think Gretchen Whitmer would be a good middle ground candidate, a woman, just not of color. Plus she’d get a swing state win. Honestly, I think the expected outrage of pushing Harris aside is way overexaggerated. Nobody is going to be pushed to vote for Trump over it and I don’t think it would completely close anybody off to who the candidate would be, assuming it’s a smart pick.

The biggest potential voting block is anti-Trump voters. It covers both parties and independents. I don’t think those votes would be lost based entirely on a perceived slight to race or gender in this election.
I was surprised Harris was the pick simply based on how she absolutely blasted him at the first debate.

On a related note, I believe one of the key factors that broke Tulsi Gabbard and made her run from progressive to the far right is when she mopped the floor with Harris in the debates and then Harris ended up being VP. I would have said just go independent but that wouldn’t have given her all the attention she clearly needs. I think that’s a common trait in people who swing from one extreme to the other. They need the attention.
one of the key factors that broke Tulsi Gabbard and made her run from progressive to the far right is when she mopped the floor with Harris in the debates

Look, when I argue with you, I have to take a contrarian position.
But, an argument is a collected series of statements intended to establish a proposition: it's more than just the automatic gainsaying of what the other person says.
No it isn't.
Oh, I've had enough of this.
No you haven't.

Seems to me that "debate" is a profoundly inappropriate word for politicians standing around at podiums trying to tear each other down. Ad hominem is a disreputable discourse technique, but it seems to be all they do.
Look, when I argue with you, I have to take a contrarian position.
But, an argument is a collected series of statements intended to establish a proposition: it's more than just the automatic gainsaying of what the other person says.
No it isn't.
Oh, I've had enough of this.
No you haven't.

Seems to me that "debate" is a profoundly inappropriate word for politicians standing around at podiums trying to tear each other down. Ad hominem is a disreputable discourse technique, but it seems to be all they do.

Maybe for the solo job of president, but it seems to accurately show how they'll behave if elected to Congress. Or at least when you're running under the banner of one of the parties that I'll make you guess.
Look, when I argue with you, I have to take a contrarian position.
But, an argument is a collected series of statements intended to establish a proposition: it's more than just the automatic gainsaying of what the other person says.
No it isn't.
Oh, I've had enough of this.
No you haven't.

Seems to me that "debate" is a profoundly inappropriate word for politicians standing around at podiums trying to tear each other down. Ad hominem is a disreputable discourse technique, but it seems to be all they do.

Yeah, they’re more like exhibitions. Same as congressional committee hearings. A stage, a reality show.
A different set of standards I know but at least they're starting to ask.

I couldn't get beyond the story's paywall. But in general... I don't see why they'd (his base) ask him to step down when he's promising things his supporters want (and which provided for in his four years in office). That he lies as effortlessly as people breathe, is a convicted criminal, and brags about assaulting women isn't a biggie in their world.
Created a new thread for the assassination attempt and moved the posts, let's keep it all there.