USA Election 2024

My point is it aligns with Herdfan and it makes sense that you feed off of each other.
I disagree. Voicing concerns about Biden's acuity does not equal aligning with anyone - it is legitimate and terrifying me as well.
The unfortunate fact is that almost everyone has by now "normalized" T's abominable persona and incessant lying, and the new element is increasing evidence that Joe is increasingly unable to effectively communicate - sadly a critical political skill. Sadly, because I totally agree that he is way more qualified to steer the ship of state than T, and even if he can't get a single sentence out without a stumble, he can certainly guide and decide - there is no evidence that his cognition is impaired or that he has forgotten lifelong lessons learned.
But that is not what most people see right now, and it's a scary place to be - in particular because there is no guarantee that scrambling the board at this late stage will improve democratic chances.
I mention it because I don't want trump to win. Period. Biden's very noticeable decline over the last two years, and accelerating over the last few months is something that can cause trump to win. How can that be ameliorated? By Biden graciously stepping down and letting a more robust dem candidate step in, so that that trump won't be President next year. We've been talking about that on the forum for many weeks now, speculating who could step in.

I mention that often because time is running out (has actually ran out).

We all know trump lies as effortlessly as people breathe. Do I really need to join the chorus a certain number of times per day/week to satisfy some kind of forum loyalty test, that trump is an existential danger to US democracy?
IMO it still gives Trump a free pass, all we're doing now is talking about Biden's memory. This aligns with the media as well and all it does is boost Trump, even if that's not the intent.

I disagree. Voicing concerns about Biden's acuity does not equal aligning with anyone - it is legitimate and terrifying me as well.
The unfortunate fact is that almost everyone has by now "normalized" T's abominable persona and incessant lying, and the new element is increasing evidence that Joe is increasingly unable to effectively communicate - sadly a critical political skill. Sadly, because I totally agree that he is way more qualified to steer the ship of state than T, and even if he can't get a single sentence out without a stumble, he can certainly guide and decide - there is no evidence that his cognition is impaired or that he has forgotten lifelong lessons learned.
But that is not what most people see right now, and it's a scary place to be - in particular because there is no guarantee that scrambling the board at this late stage will improve democratic chances.
Fair enough, I've also been on the bandwagon questioning Biden which is obvious if you look at my posts in this thread. I just think making it the "only" issue now is costing Democrats. It sucks that people are dying around Trump, he can be a convicted felon, multiple trials, etc. and the only one being taken to task is Biden for his memory.

Here's what it looks like to me:

Trump guilty of sexaul assault, 91 indictments, convicted felon, facing multiple trials, confused Clinton with Obama 8 times during recent speech...
Democrats and Media:
Greenshot 2024-07-16 10.02.30.png
IMO it still gives Trump a free pass, all we're doing now is talking about Biden's memory. This aligns with the media as well and all it does is boost Trump, even if that's not the intent.

Ok... in order to be a member in good standing, how many times per week should I take trump to task? Serious question. I will oblige.

I used to do that almost daily here. But that was months ago when there was a decent chance trump would be in prison by now, and I was pretty excited about the prospect of that actually happening and wanting to cheer that outcome on. And of course, as a result, Biden being elected President.

Sadly, at this point in time, that ship has sailed, and the election outcome will be determined by how well Biden is perceived by voters.

Unfortunately, trump's new (and phony) *softer game face* will ease concerns of voters who are on the fence.
I just think making it the "only" issue now is costing Democrats.
Totally agree, and Joe correctly pointed that out in his latest interview. The press is, as usual, doing a terrible job, running after clicks and ratings, missing the forrest for the trees etc.

But that is not what this site should be about, as far as I can tell. I see this as debate forum, not a propaganda outlet.
People will discuss what is on their mind, and right now, Joe is much more on my mind, at least, than T.
T needs no further discussion, as far as I'm concerned...
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But that is not what this site should be about, as far as I can tell. I see this as debate forum, not a propaganda outlet.
People will discuss what is on their mind, and right now, Joe is much more on my mind, at least, than T.
T needs no further discussion, as far as I'm concerned...

Thank you. Well said.
Ok... in order to be a member in good standing, how many times per week should I take trump to task? Serious question. I will oblige.
Wait, so you’re allowed to bash Biden but I’m not allowed to defend him?

I never said you can and can’t say certain things but I have just as much of a right to say my piece as you do yours. Don’t play the victim.
Wait, so you’re allowed to bash Biden but I’m not allowed to defend him?

Of course you can - please do. I never said you couldn't or even shouldn't. I would never think of trying to control anyone's views and speech.

But that should have nothing to do with me and my observations. Especially as we want the same thing; trump losing and eventually living in a prison cell.

Bashing Biden... I've never done that. Just reporting what I see in the context of knowing that trump in office would be a disaster for the US and its democracy.

I greatly admire Biden for being a decent person and his leadership.
I never said you can and can’t say certain things but I have just as. Much if a right to say my piece as you do yours. Don’t play the victim.

You're taking me to task for not saying enough positive things about Biden. I can do that. Just give me a hint on how often I should.

I never questioned your right to say anything. If you say something about me personally, I should be able to respond if I disagree.
There is definitely a split in the Democratic party and if the party doesn't get behind Biden it will likely cost us the election, the last few pages of this thread is a prefect indicator. Trump is clearly held to a different standard, even in our party.

If I had the energy I would link them all but I would ask yourselves how many times Trump has confused one person for another over the years, far more than Biden ever did, and juxtapose that with how many times Biden has been questioned on it since the debate.

If Trump does indeed win it will be because Democrats are their own worst enemies and refuse to take a stand, and we'll have nobody to thank for 4 more years of Trump than ourselves.
You're taking me to task for not saying enough positive things about Biden. I can do that. Just give me a hint on how often I should.

I never questioned your right to say anything. If you say something about me personally, I should be able to respond if I disagree.
Do what you want, I've never penalized you for your opinions. You seem to really enjoy the part where you can say your piece but not so much when I say mine. The difference between you and a Republican who has always hated Biden/Democrats as that you are questioning your guy, not trolling for someone you already hate. So relax with the potential restrictions, you've never had to worry about it before and you don't now. If you don't like me defending him, that's your own problem.
I like to think there aren't many people here who want to see Trump win, but we disagree on the best way to get that done. That's appropriate. As I've said before, I think the party should either replace Biden or rally behind him, and the former is less likely each day, if not impossible.

It's frustrating because there's little we can do practically other than convincing friends and relatives, which is rarely successful given that most minds are made up. I donate to Democratic campaigns, which at least makes me feel a bit better and does help in aggregate.
Do what you want, I've never penalized you for your opinions. You seem to really enjoy the part where you can say your piece but not so much when I say mine. The difference between you and a Republican who has always hated Biden/Democrats as that you are questioning your guy, not trolling for someone you already hate. So relax with the potential restrictions, you've never had to worry about it before and you don't now. If you don't like me defending him, that's your own problem.

I've never said a word about you defending Biden or anybody else. Again, I like Biden - I've defended him for years. I'll be voting for him. I hope he wins. If not, the country will be in huge trouble.

You seem to really enjoy the part where you can say your piece but not so much when I say mine.

I've never said anything about you saying your piece. Never.

Question: If I feel you're unfairly characterizing me saying things I've never said, should I not point that out and just let it roll of my back? Honest question.
Question: If I feel you're unfairly characterizing me saying things I've never said, should I not point that out and just let it roll of my back? Honest question.
I believe you already have on several occasions, hopefully that answers your question.

Choosing Vance was a mistake. VPs are supposed to make up for a presidential candidates weaknesses. Vance mirrors Trumps weaknesses and worse. They will attempt to lean hard on his poor rural upbringing but the people where he is from don’t like him because he threw them under the bus through his book/movie for his own financial gain, not to mention he went to an elite college and spent some time as a venture capitalist in Silicon Valley. He’s a class traitor, not champion.

This was a desperate move to advance and sustain MAGA and Project 2025. Not comforting in this moment, but I see these bold moves by the Republican fascists as a realization that the window of their opportunity is shrinking and if they don’t get major wins soon that window is going to slam shut.

Always like his takes, but this one is a little more personal as both him and Vance came up in white trash America, started becoming famous around the same time, and interacted with each other on an occasion bonding over what a POS Trump is.
I still think we're f'd. Especially seeing how trump has changed his demeanor (softer, kinder, humble, etc.) that was on display at the convention yesterday. trump 2.0 going forward, at least until the election?

Highly disagree. A leaked call between RFK and Trump, Biden out having good campaign rallies, a shit Supreme Court, and Trump won’t be able to keep this garbage up for four months. And if he does, so what? The clips of the last 9 years will be played.

He’s still a fat loser, I’m glad the fat loser is ok, and his hypocrite carpetbagger VP bootlicker won’t fare much better when the tapes are played.

Trump is still a POS, and it will be pointed out more and more the closer we get to Election Day.
Highly disagree. A leaked call between RFK and Trump, Biden out having good campaign rallies, a shit Supreme Court, and Trump won’t be able to keep this garbage up for four months. And if he does, so what? The clips of the last 9 years will be played.

He’s still a fat loser, I’m glad the fat loser is ok, and his hypocrite carpetbagger VP bootlicker won’t fare much better when the tapes are played.

Trump is still a POS, and it will be pointed out more and more the closer we get to Election Day.

Absolutely agree on your assessment of trump, as I've been quick to point out for years.

However... Adam Schiff, a politician I have a ton of respect for and is several orders of magnitude smarter than me regarding politics and elections, feels differently and is very worried. Including how down-ballot Senate and House races will turn out:

Highly disagree. A leaked call between RFK and Trump, Biden out having good campaign rallies, a shit Supreme Court, and Trump won’t be able to keep this garbage up for four months. And if he does, so what? The clips of the last 9 years will be played.

He’s still a fat loser, I’m glad the fat loser is ok, and his hypocrite carpetbagger VP bootlicker won’t fare much better when the tapes are played.

Trump is still a POS, and it will be pointed out more and more the closer we get to Election Day.

Democrats need more than "we're not Trump". They need to articulate a grand plan for the future and stop gaslighting everybody on how great everything is going.

Here's one off the top of my head. We're kicking the financial sector and foreign investment out of the single family home ownership business. They have a year, maybe 2, to sell off their inventory. If they don't? Massive tax penalties. Go find some other less essential to quality of life way to screw people over.