USA Election 2024

They’ve been replaying clips of the Trump/Biden 2020 debate many times today.. Biden was calm, straightforward, and RIGHT about a LOT. I was also thinking “who’s that young guy in Biden’s place?”

The last few years have aged him, even though it’s actually been less than four years. Trump looked like he had just done one of his usual failed business venture press conferences, I doubt he did much heavy thinking or grappling with issues - on or off the golf course. I highly doubt a Biden “vacation” is the same as Trump soliciting donations and divulging classified info to foreign billionaires at Mar-A-Lago. I don’t know about you, I can picture Biden (and every other prior president) sitting at home in their office or den, doing the people’s work as they watch the dogs outside. I can’t get that image from Trump, call it TDS if you must.

Underselling Biden may be Biden’s biggest strength. He’s already smart and composed, go ahead and throw out he’s a dementia patient snorting coke, I would counter only cokehead dementia patients would believe that.

Someone put it in a great analogy, a talking head whose name I can’t remember. He compared Trump and Biden to house sitters, and said Biden may leave the porch light on and nap throughout the day, but he’ll feed the dog and water the plants. Trump would kill the dog and the plants, steal your stuff, then insult your wife and sue you for his inconvenience of you not appreciating, frankly, the greatest house sitter of all time. I thought that nailed the analogy of these two.

I think Biden has this. These things are often underwhelming, and I still want someone to truly lay into Trump publicly, but I do understand the need to be presidential, and Trump certainly wont offer that. Biden must be that person. But, he still needs to really lay into Trump beyond basic facts and normal political back and forth. Someone really needs to point out how utterly ridiculous the man is, WHILE he is in the room and on camera. That has not happened yet, Hillary was too nice, probably thinking she had it won already, and Biden did fine last time, but I’m looking for someone to really go to town. You can be presidential while giving it to him at the same time.
Not the Presidential election, but Squad member Jamaal Bowman (the fire alarm puller) lost his primary last night.

Ah, good. That was a ridiculous and stupid stunt. That said, this race was everything that is wrong with politics - the amount of money to beat him, even when on the same team, is ridiculous. Just because I’m not particularly bothered by the outcome, or the winning candidate, doesn’t mean I like how the race played out.
Trump has less than 13 hours to back out. Only path I can see would be Biden’s refusal to drug test. 50/50 shot I figure. He‘s definitely unpredictable sometimes but also the greatest pussy I’m aware of.
Trump has less than 13 hours to back out. Only path I can see would be Biden’s refusal to drug test. 50/50 shot I figure. He‘s definitely unpredictable sometimes but also the greatest pussy I’m aware of.
or his plane got a flat. something that dos not look like his fault.
I agree with a lot of what's been written above regarding Biden vs trump.

However... The US should *never* again be put into the situation we're currently facing in this presidential election. The risks and potential adverse consequences are too huge. There were options available.
Trump has less than 13 hours to back out. Only path I can see would be Biden’s refusal to drug test. 50/50 shot I figure. He‘s definitely unpredictable sometimes but also the greatest pussy I’m aware of.
I think at this point it's too late and he realizes the gravity of it. While nobody knows how well it will turn out for either candidate, Trump will definitely be out of his element without a crowd, let alone a crowd of only his supporters.

It's also hard to imagine he would be able to speak coherently for 90 seconds on any sort of policy, so we can expect him to go into blowhard mode for much of this thing.

IMO if Trump makes in about himself and Biden makes it about the country, Biden will take it.
Trump on Biden - has dementia, on drugs, doesn’t know where he is, can’t get a word out… and a worthy debater. All over the map depending on the time of day.

He’s going to tank tonight, he’s boring and searches for words when he tries to think, his voice goes down, and I doubt he’ll be able to get out of attack mode. Even the few meager successes he had, he won’t mention them, he’ll mention exaggerated versions of half-truths, or entire lies “I had the greatest healthcare bill known to man and the democrats killed it, but farmers loved me because they did so well with my tariffs.”

Biden looks cool as a cucumber today, Trump will be a shifty, scowling, lying moron.

That is a ridiculous conspiracy theory. If there was a live audience, they'd come back with it's a hand-picked audience lying to cover for Biden. If they were there themselves, they'd claim group hypnosis.

There's a reason people like that never get a good answer to their nonsense. As soon as they get a reasonable answer, they ignore it and move the goalposts. Because their guy has prepped them for Joe to win, they'll find any excuse out there to justify that outcome. And that will be the proof that their guy is playing on a whole different level.
I suspect tonight's debate format will put my question going back to last year about the optics of Biden marching out in tiny steps from stage left to shake hands with trump at center stage to an applauding audience. Guessing there'll be no march to center stage.

As an aside, over the last few months I've also noticed Biden has been looking thiner and thiner - gaunt is probably a better descriptor.
As an aside, over the last few months I've also noticed Biden has been looking thiner and thiner - gaunt is probably a better descriptor.

It's a difficult job, even for someone who isn't riding the tail end of their political career's shelf life.

On the plus side, he doesn't look as deathlike as McConnell.
I suspect tonight's debate format will put my question going back to last year about the optics of Biden marching out in tiny steps from stage left to shake hands with trump at center stage to an applauding audience. Guessing there'll be no march to center stage.

As an aside, over the last few months I've also noticed Biden has been looking thiner and thiner - gaunt is probably a better descriptor.

Not being rhetorical, do old people generally stay a hefty weight at that age when they’re not already obese? Both Trump and Biden have thinned out quite a bit recently, Trump more in the face.
Not being rhetorical, do old people generally stay a hefty weight at that age when they’re not already obese? Both Trump and Biden have thinned out quite a bit recently, Trump more in the face.

I don't have enough data/observation to answer that question. The *rate* of Biden's weight loss was certainly noticeable. I have no idea if that's medically worrisome. Not trying to be a smart-ass, but the first thing my mind conjures when seeing him walking towards Air Force One is a No. 2 pencil.
I suspect tonight's debate format will put my question going back to last year about the optics of Biden marching out in tiny steps from stage left to shake hands with trump at center stage to an applauding audience. Guessing there'll be no march to center stage.

As an aside, over the last few months I've also noticed Biden has been looking thiner and thiner - gaunt is probably a better descriptor.

No, but he will have to stand there for 90 minutes. That's tough for anyone.

I would love to see a split screen. Half on the person talking, then a quarter each on the mods and the other candidate.

Not being rhetorical, do old people generally stay a hefty weight at that age when they’re not already obese? Both Trump and Biden have thinned out quite a bit recently, Trump more in the face.

Anecdotal, but my dad was always a large man: 6-2 and probably 250 for most of my life. When he hit around 75 he started shrinking and losing weight. When he started having TIA's in his early 90's, he was under 6' and under 200 lbs. He wasn't trying to lose weight, he simply didn't eat as much.
"Bull Moose Conservative" ? What does that even mean? It sounds like an oxymoron.

Seems like a title that you could also call “Classic Conservatism”. Republicans used to be the party of progressives, they were not conservative.

We call them “moderate dems” now, imho.