USA Election 2024

Trump: “I want to go back to General Kelly and who I fired…”

He's done that and similar comebacks a lot. Unfortunately, that stunt will whoosh over the heads of many watching, while trump keeps rattling on about what he wants to say.

trump's pretty much controlling the debate. And likely winning it for many.
Trump is asked about fitness and brags about golf and his cognitive test, with a shoutout to Ronny Jackson.

Jesus Christ, Biden is finishing strong.

Biden: “Id be happy to golf with you if you carry your own bag.”

Trump: “Lets not act like children”.


Let’s leave it at that and call it a tie. That’s an old man spar if I ever saw one.

*Underwhelming closing statements.
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I don’t think this is moving anyone. Each side is going to see what they’ve already believed, and neither had a standout.

I don’t think Biden did enough to alleviate concerns about his age.

They’re reporting Biden had a cold, and nobody against him is going to buy it. That’s the reality. They’ll see it as an excuse.

Any Trump “win” tonight is only because he didn’t do anything he doesn’t usually do.

It has the vibes of the first Obama/Romney debate, with more serious consequences, unfortunately.

If the talk is of Biden’s age, then he kind of lost, I suppose.
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I don’t think this is moving anyone. Each side is going to see what they’ve already believed, and neither had a standout.

I don’t think Biden did enough to alleviate concerns about his age.

I think some-to-many undecideds will be moved; including in swing states.

Regarding concerns about Biden's age... I think many (myself included), will be even *more* concerned. I wasn't expecting Biden to have such an underwhelming/poor performance.
I think some-to-many undecideds will be moved; including in swing states.

Regarding concerns about Biden's age... I think many (myself included), will be even *more* concerned. I wasn't expecting Biden to have such an underwhelming/poor performance.

We shall see. The talk of Biden’s age is in full force again, so they will have to do damage control and gear up more for the next debate. This is definitely reality at its finest.

I think most undecided people will remain that way. Just because Biden whiffed a bit, I don’t think Trump endeared himself by constantly dodging questions - sometimes totally ignoring them and not even giving the usual politician gloss-over.

I’m guessing an undecided voter who has concerns about Biden’s age and Trump’s demeanor will still be on the fence.

It continues the trend of underwhelming incumbent first-round debates.

*Biden comes out in front of a watch party crowd and seems twice as better as the whole debate, wtf.
Biden’s performance was not great this evening. It was pretty painful to watch and unfortunately for Biden, I think he generally performed towards the end. The first few minutes for him were pretty hard to watch.

I was shocked to see CNN being incredibly honest with Biden’s poor performance and even MSNBC was calling into question people’s faith in Biden.

Trump performed as I expected- energetic but inarticulate and dishonest with facts. But all Trump had to do not to totally lose was act like he did with his first debate with Biden- the debate design frankly helped Trump more than it it did Biden IMO.

I can’t say I think either side won this debate but Biden certainly lost for many with his rough condition.
We shall see. The talk of Biden’s age is in full force again, so they will have to do damage control and gear up more for the next debate. This is definitely reality at its finest.

I think most undecided people will remain that way. Just because Biden whiffed a bit, I don’t think Trump endeared himself by constantly dodging questions - sometimes totally ignoring them and not even giving the usual politician gloss-over.

I’m guessing an undecided voter who has concerns about Biden’s age and Trump’s demeanor will still be on the fence.

It continues the trend of underwhelming incumbent first-round debates.
We’ll see what the polls say, but Biden missed so many opportunities tonight. He should have hit the ball out of the park on abortion, climate change, January 6, and more. Trump lied repeatedly and didn’t answer the questions, but the moderators barely pushed back. What a sad state of affairs.
Glad I didn't watch, not so much because I really expected anything out of Biden one way or the other but listening to Trump for any amount of time makes me want to rip the hair out of my head from its sockets.

If he wins I'll be in total blackout mode for the next 4 years when it comes to any sort of news, I'll take a page from the MAGA playbook and become a totally ignorant dolt oblivious to what's really going on in the world around me.
I was shocked to see CNN being incredibly honest with Biden’s poor performance and even MSNBC was calling into question people’s faith in Biden.

Ditto with ABC's coverage. Even talking about finding a replacement for Biden. No idea how that works. Should have been considered a year ago.
Ditto with ABC's coverage. Even talking about finding a replacement for Biden.

Yep, MSNBC too. Although, that’s not really new - unlike Fox, MSNBC and CNN are not as biased as the right pretends they are. There is no doubt MSNBC is a network for progressives and CNN has become center-left (for valid reasons too numerous to get into), but Fox viewers are always going to be exposed to less balanced info than any of the other major basic or network channels.

The coverage of the hush money trial was a great example - lots of dissecting the case and testimony both for and against Trump. Fox acted as the real-time war room broadcast network for the Trump campaign. You may as well call it “Truth Social Video”.
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Ditto with ABC's coverage. Even talking about finding a replacement for Biden. No idea how that works. Should have been considered a year ago.
In some ways it feels like Biden shafted us by staying in, selfish unfair to everyone in his party and the country as well. Maybe Dems best bet is to challenge it but yeah, it's hard to say how they would pull it off.
Glad I didn't watch, not so much because I really expected anything out of Biden one way or the other but listening to Trump for any amount of time makes me want to rip the hair out of my head from its sockets.

If he wins I'll be in total blackout mode for the next 4 years when it comes to any sort of news, I'll take a page from the MAGA playbook and become a totally ignorant dolt oblivious to what's really going on in the world around me.
Problem is, if Trump prevails, we won’t go back to business as usual in four years. We’ll be in the midst of Project 2025, with a VP who will run in 2028 and win because the apparatus will be in place to assure it. They’ll just continue what Trump started as the useful idiot he is.
Problem is, if Trump prevails, we won’t go back to business as usual in four years. We’ll be in the midst of Project 2025, with a VP who will run in 2028 and win because the apparatus will be in place to assure it. They’ll just continue what Trump started as the useful idiot he is.
Looking like we'll just have to suck it up, everywhere I turn they're talking not about how well Trump did but how poorly it went for Biden. Even as a fan of Biden it's been hard to watch him over the last year, not just because he has a hard time getting his words right but he is doddering around like, well, an 81 year old man who should be enjoying what time he has left instead of handing the white house back to a madman.
Ditto with ABC's coverage. Even talking about finding a replacement for Biden. No idea how that works. Should have been considered a year ago.

That’s what I have been saying all along- The writing has been on the walls for years Biden’s abilities were slipping quickly. Now the media is going to pretend this is all a surprise to them? If you don’t want Trump in 2024, you have to offer a competent alternative.

For the love of God, seriously, don’t give me this “he has a cold” nonsense- which of course was no revealed until after the bad performance. That might explain Biden’s raspy voice but doesn’t account for everything else we saw. At some point you need to stop believing the nonsense Joe Biden is actually running marathons around his staff behind closed doors when this alleged vitality is nowhere to be found in public.

It’s not bad enough that the Dems decided to stick with Biden despite the red flags, they circled the wagons and participated in pretty undemocratic behavior like cancelling primaries to protect Biden from a more capable contender from within the Party. All because democracy is on the line, allegedly. And this is their solution? How does one reconcile all of this.
That’s what I have been saying all along- The writing has been on the walls for years Biden’s abilities were slipping quickly. Now the media is going to pretend this is all a surprise to them? If you don’t want Trump in 2024, you have to offer a competent alternative.

For the love of God, seriously, don’t give me this “he has a cold” nonsense- which of course was no revealed until after the bad performance. That might explain Biden’s raspy voice but doesn’t account for everything else we saw. At some point you need to stop believing the nonsense Joe Biden is actually running marathons around his staff behind closed doors when this alleged vitality is nowhere to be found in public.

It’s not bad enough that the Dems decided to stick with Biden despite the red flags, they circled the wagons and participated in pretty undemocratic behavior like cancelling primaries to protect Biden from a more capable contender from within the Party. All because democracy is on the line, allegedly. And this is their solution? How does one reconcile all of this.
Tonight didn't go well for Biden, sounds like we all agree on that but what you've been "saying all along" is nothing but right wing talking points while blatantly omitting any and every gaffe out of Trump's mouth. Sorry, but you've shown yourself to be MAGA all the way on this site, at least own up to it.
Its a new day. And I'm still processing what occurred last night.

It would have been great being a fly on the wall during Biden's debate preparations with his advisors and coaches. I'm wondering if his wife Jill was part of that group and what her input was. This morning Newsom put a positive spin on Biden's performance.

What was irritating last night was trump *continually* sneaking in responses to *previous* questions, rather than the question currently in play. One time...OK. After that his mic should have been muted.