USA Election 2024

"Bull Moose Conservative" ? What does that even mean? It sounds like an oxymoron.

He's probably making a call back to Teddy Roosevelt's Bull Moose Party. Not that anyone would mumble the inanities above would have anything in common with it.
They are not seated. Biden was stiff coming out and sounds like he has a sore voice. Trump moves more smoothly but he looks like a lurched grouch. He’s going through his greatest hits at a rapid pace, hyperbole and all, he’s just doing it in a more calm fashion. He’s repeating himself, but nothing new there.

*Oh my god, expect to see a screen shot tomorrow of Biden’s face when Trump said “everybody wanted to turn Roe v Wade back to the states, everybody, conservatives, liberal, republicans, democrats, without exception.”

Biden’s face said it all!
He’s loosening up, still have 70 minutes to go. He just nailed Trump on abortion.
Nailed on facts, yes.

I think trump comes of more believable and authoritatively for those that don't follow the news closely. Optics.

Biden kind of looks out of it. Optics again.
He’s loosening up, still have 70 minutes to go. He just nailed Trump on abortion.
I don’t think he nailed him by any means. Biden even said late term abortions aren’t acceptable, which they are in some circumstances. Biden looks tired and isn’t taking advantage of opportunities.
I don’t think he nailed him by any means. Biden even said late term abortions aren’t acceptable, which they are in some circumstances. Biden looks tired and isn’t taking advantage of opportunities.

He also mentioned just before that exchange it was only a means to save the mother’s life.

He’s definitely older looking and sounding tonight, not good. Not everyone listens, but looks at the show, I just don’t know how people take Trump’s never ending hyperbole and vagueness seriously. Saying it loudly and authoritatively doesn’t make it sound any more believable.

I’ll definitely grant you this isn’t the spry Biden I was hoping to see.
I just don’t know how people take Trump’s never ending hyperbole and vagueness seriously. Saying it loudly and authoritatively doesn’t make it sound any more believable.

Sadly... a huge chunk of the US citizenry will take what he's saying seriously simply based on his authoritative delivery. Including some Dems and people on the fence. Especially in swing states where it really matters.
He also mentioned just before that exchange it was only a means to save the mother’s life.

He’s definitely older looking and sounding tonight, not good. Not everyone listens, but looks at the show, I just don’t know how people take Trump’s never ending hyperbole and vagueness seriously. Saying it loudly and authoritatively doesn’t make it sound any more believable.

I’ll definitely grant you this isn’t the spry Biden I was hoping to see.
He’s a bit better now, but certainly not swaying any undecideds.
He’s definitely got the stereotypical old man look down. I don’t think that energy drink jacked him up much.

Sadly, this may be good, as republicans can just continue to attack his age instead of resorting to cocaine or Mt. Dew.

Biden is obviously winning on content and specifics of the questions asked, but - at least so far - I’d give Trump a B. You’ll have to take that with the understanding he’s an F at all times, so I guess a score of 58 or so would be a B in terms of F’s.

*Trump is FUMING as Biden tells the truth about J6.
Somebody on Biden's team should have coached him to keep his mouth closed when not speaking.
He called Trump a convicted felon and Trump almost shrugged and agreed 😅

*He put Trump on the spot and f***** Tapper interrupted. He asked him to condemn the proud boys and J6 criminals, and Tapper intervened.

WTF. Do better.

*Trump has border Tourette’s.

**Biden probably won the debate solely for making Trump talk about a porn star. HE WENT THERE, thanks Joe! 😂
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Trump is lying constantly and not getting called on it. He’s not answering the questions and not getting called on it. Biden has hit back a few times, but not enough.

Yeah, and if he’s not, then Tapper is cutting him off. But, it does beat hearing them talk over each other.

On one hand, Biden’s age is up close and personal tonight. Trump’s less of an idiot than he usually is, but he hardly answers any questions and is so repetitive.

Trump calling Biden a liar all the time is probably going to backfire.

The “who wins” will probably be a wash, both sides will get their sound clips for and against each nominee.

*Tapper: “What are you going to do about the cost of child care?”

Trump: “I want to go back to General Kelly and who I fired…”

And we’re back to the border… Biden answered the question for him. That’s what we need to see.

*Trump was asked about child care again, and went back to refuting a vote naming him worst president. Not one single word about the cost of child care.
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