USA Election 2024

DOJ: "TikTok's Chinese Government could influence the election, so we're forcing them to sell".

Meanwhile Elon Musk on X: "LOL look at this AI deep fake of Kamala Harris".
I suppose the left’s version of this is the JD Vance couch story (which wasn’t AI just someone’s shit posting gone viral) though honestly I can’t help but think that stories of him fucking a couch can only help his reputation as he’s otherwise so blandly fascist. If it had been true, it would’ve been the only interesting thing about him. That’s probably why it caught on despite coming from a self-professed shit poster. (I should add most people are just having fun with it, there only a few who actually believe it)
According to Bloomberg these are Harris’ top 3 potential VP picks:


All pretty good options though honestly Tim Waltz is doing such a good job getting legislation passed with such a slim majority that honestly moving him to the VP spot could be a waste. Then again I think he’s term limited soon. The best choice for the campaign is of course up those with more experience than me.
I suppose the left’s version of this is the JD Vance couch story (which wasn’t AI just someone’s shit posting gone viral) though honestly I can’t help but think that stories of him fucking a couch can only help his reputation as he’s otherwise so blandly fascist. If it had been true, it would’ve been the only interesting thing about him. That’s probably why it caught on despite coming from a self-professed shit poster. (I should add most people are just having fun with it, there only a few who actually believe it)
I have never heard of this one put out by the left, maybe because Elon Musk didn't post it.
I suppose the left’s version of this is the JD Vance couch story (which wasn’t AI just someone’s shit posting gone viral) though honestly I can’t help but think that stories of him fucking a couch can only help his reputation as he’s otherwise so blandly fascist. If it had been true, it would’ve been the only interesting thing about him. That’s probably why it caught on despite coming from a self-professed shit poster. (I should add most people are just having fun with it, there only a few who actually believe it)
Apparently the whole couch thing came from the first edition of his book. That particular anecdote was removed in subsequent publications.
"It was my first time watching him speak live. He sounds like a low IQ conman to me..."

Welcome to my immediate thought of Donald Trump the day he came down the escalator. The only reason I didn’t know this before is because I ignored him, he was never entertaining or appealing to me, and even when he went on his racist birther tour, I wrote him off as a showman angling for a dollar. So I was kind of right about that too.

I’m with you, I don’t know how even the most tuned-out individuals haven’t been able to figure this out.

You don’t have to “go low” to attack Trump politically. Just point to his words, lies and obvious stupidity. Play a clip of him from 40 years ago where he at least appears normal, then play one of him at any point in the last 9 years. Point out his immense intellectual deficit and ask his supporters to find a single clip of him speaking about any sort of policy in-depth.

There should be a shadow campaign of democrats to make people feel ashamed for voting for a dangerous, low-IQ mental midget. I hope these folks’ grandkids ask them why they voted for a basket case orange Hitler just because the price of eggs and gas wasn’t to their liking. Why the **** would any decent person vote for a man they already know won’t accept a loss?
Apparently the whole couch thing came from the first edition of his book. That particular anecdote was removed in subsequent publications.

F******* a foofoo in a couch cushion is hardly as embarrassing as the groveling, grifting and carpetbagging this flip-flopping male chauvenist pig has done to get to where he is. If he thought it would win him the presidential or senate reelection, he’d be bending over and singing the virtues of sodomy.

Harris should point out the women-hating Trump campaign spends more on makeup, hair dye and eyeliner than her own.
"It was my first time watching him speak live. He sounds like a low IQ conman to me..."

If this was 2016, that wouldn't have caught my attention. But it's 2024. Where the hell has that guy been for the past 8 years that he's just now getting clued in? He was the president for 4 years. A lot of BIG things happened. He was in our lives more than any other president by a large margin and still is thanks to his court cases and his need to be the center of attention. Was he in a coma during all that? I used to be clueless like that back when politicians were just your run-of-the-mill scumbags, but damn, that's taking it to a whole new level. I'm impressed, disappointed, and frightened all at the same time.

That's like getting shot and suddenly realizing you're a soldier in the midst of a war.
That's like having your roof ripped off only to discover there's a hurricane outside.
That's like watching your wife give birth and realizing they got you good with the stork thing.

If the guy wasn't at a BitCoin convention, I admit I would have made some incorrect assumptions about his IQ.
The worst part of that piece on the reaction to Trump's speech was the following: Mike Doan said he actually fell asleep during the speech, despite being initially excited. "I was excited to hear what Trump had to say about #bitcoin then I [fell] asleep listening to him ramble and pander to the crowd," Doan wrote on social media Saturday. "I have to remind myself, vote for the platform, not the personality."

The last phrase says it all. With Trump, the platform IS the personality. Trump has no platform other than satisfying his malignant narcissism and staying out of jail, so he says whatever it takes to please the crowd in the moment. If Doan and his fellow Bitcoin lovers are willing to sacrifice everything this country stands for to get Project 2025, the closest thing to a Republican platform, screw them.
Apparently the whole couch thing came from the first edition of his book. That particular anecdote was removed in subsequent publications.
Yeah I’ve seen that too, but it’s not true, people are just continuing the shit posting which btw I’m all for. Some of the memes are hilarious. But sadly for Vance it isn’t true - as I said it would be the most interesting thing about him.

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Reflecting on the past week, Joe's larger than life sacrifice, putting country ahead of himself, creates an enormous incentive to reward this selflessness - and the most obvious reward is making sure the Harris ticket wins.
The fundraising avalanche is but the first manifestation - watch every member of the usually fractious left take a deep breath and make choices that maximize the chances of winning the WH.
Making their own sacrifices regarding ideology and priorities to further the overarching common goal of keeping the orange menace at bay.
With Joe's example right in front of them, anything less suddenly looks petty.
My opinion of Joe Biden - someone I did NOT want in 2020 was changed because he did way ******* better than I could have imagined. He is the best most progressive president I’ve seen in my few decades. And he was well-liked before the rank division. Trump and the racist tea party before him killed the normal win/loss flow we have, and added a bunch of vitriol.

Now they’ve devolved into a cult of personality. History will look with great favor on Biden. Not just for stepping down, but also enduring the BS the dummies in congress and their supporters brought on him while simultaneously trying to defend an utter piece of s**t. The worse Trump gets, the more they attack people who don’t deserve it in disgusting ways.

That Biden was able to rise above it, maintain and treat the office as it should despite the attacks - and got a LOT done while doing it - will be just as big a part of his legacy as stepping down and helping Harris. Also, beating the assclown by a good clip in 2020 and not giving the lying whiner a chance at revenge sort of makes me happy, not so much because Biden is gone, but because while Trump and even some democrats can say Biden would have lost, we’ll never know. I’ll posit he would have won, we won’t know how it would have turned out anyways, and the fact is that Biden is now undefeated against Trump and will remain that way. 😎

And if Trump loses to a woman of color, omg, that is the sweetest chef’s kiss ever.
After trump's recent proclamation about not needing to vote in the future if he's elected, Biden with his selfless act of stepping aside could very well be viewed as the President who saved American democracy.

I’m loving the Harris emails. The Biden ones were good too, this is just an extension, but it feels even better with the renewed enthusiasm and the mental midget’s escalating attacks of desperation.

I’m loving the Harris emails. The Biden ones were good too, this is just an extension, but it feels even better with the renewed enthusiasm and the mental midget’s escalating attacks of desperation.

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Perfect. The Harris campaign should have that as a 45 second spot on all television networks.

That starts solid black and fades-in to the above over 5 seconds, stays static for 25 seconds, fades back out to solid black over 5 seconds, and remains black for 10 seconds leaving just the "Harris for President" at the bottom. Or something like that.
I’m loving the Harris emails. The Biden ones were good too, this is just an extension, but it feels even better with the renewed enthusiasm and the mental midget’s escalating attacks of desperation.

View attachment 30566

I'm happy to see that she's not getting in the gutter, but she's not afraid to throw punches either. That was one thing I'd wished Biden had done more of. It's good to see him getting called out for what he is. I'm loving it.