USA Election 2024

Just saw an interview with Gov. Tim Walz… wow, that dude knows how to give an interview. Jake Tapper asked him if recreational marijuana, free school lunch, college tuition for low-income families, etc would help or hurt her ticket.

“Oh no, kids are eating, women are making their own healthcare choices, people have insurance, wages are up…”


So many possible VP picks are out there campaigning for themselves and for Harris, but in a good way. It shows we have a great field. I don’t think there’s a bad pick in the bunch, really. There’s a lot of bad republicans, but I’m not sure Trump could have picked a worse VP than Vance. Like, I’d rip Rubio too, but he makes more sense. Same with Burgum. They’ve all trash-talked Trump, but they’re not quite the carpetbagging grifter weirdo Vance is.
Just saw an interview with Gov. Tim Walz… wow, that dude knows how to give an interview. Jake Tapper asked him if recreational marijuana, free school lunch, college tuition for low-income families, etc would help or hurt her ticket.

“Oh no, kids are eating, women are making their own healthcare choices, people have insurance, wages are up…”


So many possible VP picks are out there campaigning for themselves and for Harris, but in a good way. It shows we have a great field. I don’t think there’s a bad pick in the bunch, really. There’s a lot of bad republicans, but I’m not sure Trump could have picked a worse VP than Vance. Like, I’d rip Rubio too, but he makes more sense. Same with Burgum. They’ve all trash-talked Trump, but they’re not quite the carpetbagging grifter weirdo Vance is.

Hard to believe just a couple months ago we couldn't really think of anybody we were confindent could beat Trump other than Biden. Now you can't throw a rock without hitting a great Democrat VP contender.

Meanwhile on the other side of the isle the only VP qualifier is being a sufficient spineless asshole.
It's astonishing how stupid trump and vance are considering they're offending roughly half of the US voting population with their anti-women campaign rhetoric.

The link above is a Washington Post editorial discussing that. For some reason, WaPo links never unfurl here.
It's astonishing how stupid trump and vance are considering they're offending roughly half of the US voting population with their anti-women campaign rhetoric.

The link above is a Washington Post editorial discussing that. For some reason, WaPo links never unfurl here.
If they don't unfurl it's blocked on their end, common with sites using a paywall like this. I recommend either posting a snippet from the story in a quote or finding another source.
Hard to believe just a couple months ago we couldn't really think of anybody we were confindent could beat Trump other than Biden. Now you can't throw a rock without hitting a great Democrat VP contender.

Meanwhile on the other side of the isle the only VP qualifier is being a sufficient spineless asshole.
I see it a bit differently. We knew there were Democrats out there who could beat Trump, but few thought Biden would step aside and give anyone the opportunity. There was also a lot of skepticism about Kamala Harris, who suffered from the VP curse, but she's more than come into her own, despite Herdfan's protestations about "word salad." I've been especially impressed by Buttigieg and Walz, who are both willing to go on Fox "News" and speak truth to stupid calmly and authoritatively.
I see it a bit differently. We knew there were Democrats out there who could beat Trump, but few thought Biden would step aside and give anyone the opportunity. There was also a lot of skepticism about Kamala Harris, who suffered from the VP curse, but she's more than come into her own, despite Herdfan's protestations about "word salad." I've been especially impressed by Buttigieg and Walz, who are both willing to go on Fox "News" and speak truth to stupid calmly and authoritatively.
I love calling out anyone for word salad all while ignoring just about every speech Drumpf makes.
Whoa... Apparently he never graduated from elementary school.

trump ramble.jpg
Whoa... Apparently he never graduated from elementary school.

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Snopes did a fact check on this statement, which was taken from an interview. It's less incoherent after editing, but still isn't well articulated, and ignores the cruelty inherent in the way Trump deals with people and what he'll do if elected. The notion that you have to believe in god (by which he means the Christian version) to be a good person is also abhorrent.

Trump is usually less coherent in his rally speeches, which are often way beyond redemption through editing because they're so nonsensical.
If your only reason for being "good" (as defined by the "good" book) is that you are afraid of burning in hell, there is something wrong with you.
For sure. Being honest, kind to others, and all the other attributes that make someone "good" should be rewards in and of themselves.
I was reading a story today about what the Criminal Candidate really meant when he said people wouldn't have to vote in four years.

And I thought back on how many times people have had to say "that's not what he actually meant". Then I thought back about how many of his flubs have been just horrid garbage. It's never "he clearly meant fund the police, not defund" or "He obviously intended to say 10 million, not 10 billion". No, when he says something that's taken wrong, it's always something extremely vile, racist, authoritarian, violent, Fascist, sexist, un-democratic, etc. It's a constant cycle of "Spew Garbage -> Explain Garbage Away -> Repeat". And it's never ending. From "Grab them by the *****" to "You'll never have to vote again".
I was reading a story today about what the Criminal Candidate really meant when he said people wouldn't have to vote in four years.

And I thought back on how many times people have had to say "that's not what he actually meant". Then I thought back about how many of his flubs have been just horrid garbage. It's never "he clearly meant fund the police, not defund" or "He obviously intended to say 10 million, not 10 billion". No, when he says something that's taken wrong, it's always something extremely vile, racist, authoritarian, violent, Fascist, sexist, un-democratic, etc. It's a constant cycle of "Spew Garbage -> Explain Garbage Away -> Repeat". And it's never ending. From "Grab them by the *****" to "You'll never have to vote again".

Spot on. The only times when he emits truths. Believe them.
Have we entered The Twilight Zone?

As an aside... I'm wondering if the group he was speaking to, apparently mesmerized Christians, or Christians in general as a whole, are on-board with his proclamation?

I would hope not with respect to the latter.
When Trump appeared on the scene, I expected Christians wholesale to reject him, yet the vocal ones embraced him, and the rest remained silent. 😔 Where are the Never-Trumper Christians?