USA Election 2024

I'm not going to sugar coat this: that's an embarrassingly dumb thing to say. Every single Jewish Senator, including the Senate Majority Leader chosen from the party to lead the Senate, is a Democrat and nearly every Jewish Congressman is also a Democrat. The Republican Leadership hangs out with Nazis like Fuentes and went to his far right conference.

It’s a symptom of not being able to put things in perspective. Democrats are generally not racist or antisemitic to even a fraction of a degree as the republican base, but it’s all equal. It’s another form of their defense of Trump’s lying - “all politicians lie”.

Therefore, that he lies at an infinitely higher rate about infinitely more important issues (like the election he lost bigly) can be defended because Biden lied about his grades or some horseshit.

If democrats have a “Jewish problem”, republicans have an apocalyptic issue with blacks, Hispanics, Muslims, LGBTQ people, women. And hey, women isn’t a big deal, it’s only half the population after all. Maybe I’m just a crazy dem, but sometimes this stuff is astonishing. Republicans won’t even acknowledge there’s way more people in the party who use “pro-Israel” as a front for their anti-Muslim hatred than there are pro-Palestinian protesters in the democrat party.

I’d like them to take a microphone to a Trump rally and ask the random redneck what the difference is between a Jew and a Muslim, or why they are pro-Israel.
I'm not going to sugar coat this: that's an embarrassingly dumb thing to say. Every single Jewish Senator, including the Senate Majority Leader chosen from the party to lead the Senate, is a Democrat and all but 2 Jewish Congressmen are also Democrats. The Republican Leadership hangs out with Nazis like Fuentes and went to his far right conference - even beyond Trump, the Republicans have a problem with the kind of antisemitism we keep telling ourselves doesn't exist anymore.
Not to mention the folks who chanted "Jews will not replace us" are reported to have good guys on their side, according to the Republican Nominee for President.

Tell me again how the Democrats have a "Jewish problem"?
But Minnesota isn't really a swing state. Shapiro from PA would have been a better EC choice, but he's Jewish and right now the Dems have a Jewish problem.

The Bulwark staffed by center right Never Trumpers who really want Harris to win had some interesting takes on the pick. They are well acquainted with the type voters Harris needs to win over.

They would have far preferred Shapiro because he’s a popular governor of a swing state and has experience working/battling with a Republican legislator. MN is fairly safe for a Democrat. They saw his main downside (other than the Gaza thing) as possibly being seen as an east coast elite paired with Harris being a west coast elite.

Walz is what big city liberals think a Midwesterner is, as if rural liberals don’t exist. That’s not a bad thing but it’s not quite the big selling point they think it is.

He was the governor of MN during George Floyd. So he’s probably going to have to address questions about that. Interestingly I don’t really recall MN getting called out on that as much as more famous liberal cities in different states. So I’m not all that familiar with his actions during that time. Being in that tough position I’m sure he probably pissed off some people on both sides at some point.

They also made a mindblower statement about his age and appearance - He's younger than Brad Pitt. Wrap your head around that, :ROFLMAO:
The Bulwark staffed by center right Never Trumpers who really want Harris to win had some interesting takes on the pick. They are well acquainted with the type voters Harris needs to win over.

They would have far preferred Shapiro because he’s a popular governor of a swing state and has experience working/battling with a Republican legislator. MN is fairly safe for a Democrat. They saw his main downside (other than the Gaza thing) as possibly being seen as an east coast elite paired with Harris being a west coast elite.

Walz is what big city liberals think a Midwesterner is, as if rural liberals don’t exist. That’s not a bad thing but it’s not quite the big selling point they think it is.

He was the governor of MN during George Floyd. So he’s probably going to have to address questions about that. Interestingly I don’t really recall MN getting called out on that as much as more famous liberal cities in different states. So I’m not all that familiar with his actions during that time. Being in that tough position I’m sure he probably pissed off some people on both sides at some point.

They also made a mindblower statement about his age and appearance - He's younger than Brad Pitt. Wrap your head around that, :ROFLMAO:
On balance, I think Walz brings more to the ticket than Shapiro would have. Walz has been a governor longer, he was in Congress (where he was ranked the 7th-most bipartisan House member), and his 24 years in the National Guard will count in his favor. He supports gun rights, but also favors common-sense regulation. Most of all, he comes across as someone who can be trusted and isn't, you know, weird.

Even though it's unfair, Shapiro's status as a Jew would have itself become an issue, but his time may come.
Mind Your Own Damn Business!
The irony of these words directed at the MAGOTS, formerly the GOP who claimed at one point in time to be for freedom and small government. So we finally understand their meaning of freedom, “our freedom to control you”. This is not talking about stopping criminals, it’s about controlling average people from living their lives, sticking a knife in diversity, barring women from having body autonomy, and loving who you want to love. (Partially sentiment of Gov Walz.)
The dems don't have a jewish problem, they have a Gaza problem - as does everyone except Netanyahu. He NEEDS it for his political survival, doing his best to torpedo any possible opening or ceasefire.
Gaza is intractable, and can easily blow up the fragile party unity, so they won't touch it with a ten foot pole. I can't fault them on that.
Even though it's unfair, Shapiro's status as a Jew would have itself become an issue

I think the fact that we've talked about it at great length in this thread proves that point. Even if it's a discussion on if you believe it matters or not to voters, it's still something being talked about.

Of course there is some irony in hoping not having him on the ticket would remove that subject from the table and yet people are still talking about it.
It’s a symptom of not being able to put things in perspective. Democrats are generally not racist or antisemitic to even a fraction of a degree as the republican base, but it’s all equal. It’s another form of their defense of Trump’s lying - “all politicians lie”.

Therefore, that he lies at an infinitely higher rate about infinitely more important issues (like the election he lost bigly) can be defended because Biden lied about his grades or some horseshit.

If democrats have a “Jewish problem”, republicans have an apocalyptic issue with blacks, Hispanics, Muslims, LGBTQ people, women. And hey, women isn’t a big deal, it’s only half the population after all. Maybe I’m just a crazy dem, but sometimes this stuff is astonishing. Republicans won’t even acknowledge there’s way more people in the party who use “pro-Israel” as a front for their anti-Muslim hatred than there are pro-Palestinian protesters in the democrat party.
Aye of course antisemitism exists on the left, it's sadly not contained to the right wing - although again conflating that with pro-Palestinian protesters is problematic, a number of those protestors are also Jewish. Bernie Sanders doesn't support such protests because he's anti-semitic ... obviously. If we conflate Israel with Jewishness, that's eerily similar to the anti-Catholic bigotry we also still see ("oh your Catholic, therefore you must be loyal to the non-American Pope" which is why JFK had to give his famous speech on the subject) and basically anti-immigrant anything. The "you're not really an American", you're an X-American where the X isn't viewed as a celebration of our diverse origins but with suspicion that you're really still an "X". That said, just like I've seen people dismiss any criticism of Israel as anti-semitism I have likewise seen anti-semites dress up their anti-semitism as "just criticizing Israel and being pro-Palestinian". You then look at their other statements, their "friends", and realize, nope, that's just anti-semitism. Context matters. That's why Sanders also stressed the continued need to condemn anti-semitism as well because ... people on the left who celebrated Oct the 7th? Yeah fuck those guys. Basically the US Nazis are having a fucking field day. They get to (occasionally physically) attack Jewish and Palestinian Americans and Leftists and occasionally co-opt various groups dumb enough to include them.

But yes completely agree on your larger point that while these problems exist on the left, the right is a complete clusterfuck of whatever bigotry you can imagine and then some. That's not an excuse for the left to not improve, but when it comes down to it, there isn't much of a comparison between the two.

I’d like them to take a microphone to a Trump rally and ask the random redneck what the difference is between a Jew and a Muslim, or why they are pro-Israel.

Someone did that ... and the evangelical response was ... uh ... something else. Basically they support Israel because they view a Jewish State in Israel as a sign of the end times, which remember they want and view as a good thing. So basically they view at as necessary to support Israel so Jesus can come back and send them all straight to heaven and the rest of us to hell. Charming.

On balance, I think Walz brings more to the ticket than Shapiro would have. Walz has been a governor longer, he was in Congress (where he was ranked the 7th-most bipartisan House member), and his 24 years in the National Guard will count in his favor. He supports gun rights, but also favors common-sense regulation. Most of all, he comes across as someone who can be trusted and isn't, you know, weird.

Even though it's unfair, Shapiro's status as a Jew would have itself become an issue, but his time may come.
I dunno, I don't think it would've. While Bernie Sanders never got the nomination, it never came up (which is another reason why the "Democrats, especially the leftist ones, have a Jewish problem" is so fucking stupid). Then again, for the 2016 general election ... especially against Trump? Yeah it probably would've then. But uhhh ... then in the Venn diagram of people who have a problem with Shapiro being Jewish and Harris' skin color and being a woman, that's not quite a circle but I doubt she would've lost much additional support over choosing Shapiro as VP had she done so. Shapiro running for president in (hopefully) 2032? Yes he'll face those problems in the General. With the primaries though it'll be the age old problem of how to unite the various fractious factions in the Democratic Party and how well he is able to do that will yes in depend in part on what is happening with Israel in 8 years. Sadly.

The dems don't have a jewish problem, they have a Gaza problem - as does everyone except Netanyahu. He NEEDS it for his political survival, doing his best to torpedo any possible opening or ceasefire.
Gaza is intractable, and can easily blow up the fragile party unity, so they won't touch it with a ten foot pole. I can't fault them on that.

Yup. And it has to be said, as valuable as this discussion is ... it's a complete tangent from why Walz was chosen. Reportedly Walz and Harris were immediately simpatico while Shapiro wants to wait to run for president himself. It 8 years he'll be 59 and hopefully for him very well positioned to run.

I think the fact that we've talked about it at great length in this thread proves that point. Even if it's a discussion on if you believe it matters or not to voters, it's still something being talked about.

Of course there is some irony in hoping not having him on the ticket would remove that subject from the table and yet people are still talking about it.

Well for that reason I think it's a bit circular, especially if we're referring to the Primary vs General. It's being talked about because the Republicans are attempting to weaponize Shapiro being Jewish as a manufactured attack on Harris and Democrats which of course people rightly point out "that this is stupid", but then they point to the resulting "discussion" as proof that it's important and needs to be discussed. It's an age old tactic of distraction and works shockingly well.
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Had Shapiro been in the ticket, believe me, Trump voters would have found their way to saying many antisemitic things about him, whilst simultaneously being HUGE supporters of Israel. The irony would be lost on them.
Well for that reason I think it's a bit circular, especially if we're referring to the Primary vs General. It's being talked about because the Republicans are attempting to weaponize Shapiro being Jewish as a manufactured attack on Harris and Democrats which of course people rightly point out "that this is stupid", but then they point to the resulting "discussion" as proof that it's important and needs to be discussed. It's an age old tactic of distraction and works shockingly well.

But I do think there was some concern on the Democrat side. And who could blame them, the collective major media of both sides paints anybody who is even slightly disturbed by daily images of kids with their limbs blown off in Gaza as Jew hating Hamas stans.
Someone did that ... and the evangelical response was ... uh ... something else. Basically they support Israel because they view a Jewish State in Israel as a sign of the end times, which remember they want and view as a good thing. So basically they view at as necessary to support Israel so Jesus can come back and send them all straight to heaven and the rest of us to hell. Charming.

"Yeah, if we act like really big assholes to the point where we force Jesus to come back, he'll reward us for our effort! We'll go to heaven, while all the people who tried to stop us from murdering everyone will go STRAIGHT TO HELL!"
On balance, I think Walz brings more to the ticket than Shapiro would have. Walz has been a governor longer, he was in Congress (where he was ranked the 7th-most bipartisan House member), and his 24 years in the National Guard will count in his favor. He supports gun rights, but also favors common-sense regulation. Most of all, he comes across as someone who can be trusted and isn't, you know, weird.

Even though it's unfair, Shapiro's status as a Jew would have itself become an issue, but his time may come.
He’s a great speaker and motivator.
Tough guy JD Vance is attacking Walz’s military career. Republicans have lost the plot with these guys, throwing out all their morals and values to worship the steak salesman. 40 year old billionaire-backed, San Francisco-dwelling big-tech blowhard with zero charisma blasting someone who’s achieved a hell of a lot more than he has, personally and politically.

JD Vance is really selling his ass for his next come up. I hope his attacks backfire. Nobody has accused Walz of being a war hero, from my knowledge, but Vance is accusing him of “stolen valor”, as if over two decades of service means nothing. He was the highest ranking service member of the house, ffs. What has Vance ever done besides verbally blow whatever crowd would get him a promotion? He’s a perfect fit for Trump, someone projecting their defects and engaging in all of the activity they pretend to rail against. A grifting charlatan.

Oh, what was that, a DUI arrest from three decades ago? Right around the same time convicted felon Trump was raping a woman in a dressing room.
My wife told me JDV claimed Walz quit the Guard before a war (which war, don’t know) implying he was chicken or not patriotic, when the reality is he retired before the war started. 🤔
What pisses me off more than anything, is the fact that Trump tried to overturn the 2020 election (they are discussing on MSNBC) and he was not prosecuted for it. Why? Substantially because our Congress is loaded with co-conspirators. 🤬 The weakness of democracy when split down the middle, it’s fucked up.
The optics of Vance vs Walz/Harris rallies today couldn't have be more stark, once again they couldn't fit everyone in and it was busting at the seams.

Also, if the media could stop with the "where is Donald Trump?" who apparently has no rallies scheduled this week, that would be great. We ALL need this break, including Trump himself as he can't seem to string together a coherent sentence at the moment.
My wife told me JDV claimed Walz quit the Guard before a war (which war, don’t know) implying he was chicken or not patriotic, when the reality is he retired before the war started. 🤔

It’s a little known fact that if you’re an unpatriotic coward the best way to hide is by being an enlisted member of the military for over 2 decades. It really throws them off the scent.