USA Election 2024

Also, if the media could stop with the "where is Donald Trump?" who apparently has no rallies scheduled this week, that would be great. We ALL need this break, including Trump himself as he can't seem to string together a coherent sentence at the moment.

I'm not too sure about that. Some are reporting that when Trump is actively in the public eyes and ears his numbers drop. His numbers go up when he goes quiet. Twitter did him a massive favor when they kicked him off. It allowed people to have memory loss and go "things weren't that bad."
I'm not too sure about that. Some are reporting that when Trump is actively in the public eyes and ears his numbers drop. His numbers go up when he goes quiet. Twitter did him a massive favor when they kicked him off. It allowed people to have memory loss and go "things weren't that bad."
All I can say is he sucks the air out of everything for days and weeks at a time, which must have been working because he has been leading for the best part of a year. But it's a nice break either way, things are more positive and energizing.

At his age it has to be tough too, campaigning takes its toll on any candidate, especially one in his late 70s so he's going to have to figure out a way to keep up with a younger more energized opponent.
Aye of course antisemitism exists on the left, it's sadly pervasive - although again conflating that with pro-Palestinian protesters is problematic, a number of those protestors are also Jewish

I am somewhat reluctant to call "antisemitism" pervasive on the left. Nearly both people on the left are disinclined toward having a problem with Jewish people or synagogues or rosh hashana; leftists do not view jewish people in a negative light (and sometimes even struggle with using the word "Jew" due to all the baggage that has been heaped upon it). Almost all of what you call "antisemitism on the left" more accurately is anti-Zionism, and really not even that: the left would be happy to support Israel if only the country could function without its own special brand of bigotry toward the Palestinians. Sometimes I feel like the only viable course would be for that country to be administered by a neutral third party, like China, in accordance with UNHCR guidelines.

Antisemitism by RWers is the vilest form of those people bigotry that has no analog on the left. The Jews, after all, had Jesus killed. I think the biggest issue has to do with the perceived dominance of Jewish people in high-ranking postions in finance, which makes them easy targets for villification (this, I think, is whence the "final solution" arose: the Great War was seen as being fought on behalf of the bankers, who were largely Jewish, hence, those people were the big problem). It may not be Jews that the RW will target, but their hive-mind structure can rather easily be turned on any them that the leadership decides is a good foe. The left is quite a bit less vulnerable toward the bad-types ethos, though the RW has worked hard to force it on them simply by facilitating a crowd that is itself easy to villify.
I am somewhat reluctant to call "antisemitism" pervasive on the left. Nearly both people on the left are disinclined toward having a problem with Jewish people or synagogues or rosh hashana; leftists do not view jewish people in a negative light (and sometimes even struggle with using the word "Jew" due to all the baggage that has been heaped upon it). Almost all of what you call "antisemitism on the left" more accurately is anti-Zionism, and really not even that: the left would be happy to support Israel if only the country could function without its own special brand of bigotry toward the Palestinians.

Sorry I meant pervasive as in that anti-semitism can occur everywhere across the political spectrum not just on the right rather than antisemitism is particularly pervasive on the left. I can see how what I wrote was ambiguous though and I'll edit it for clarity. Edit: Done.
Sometimes I feel like the only viable course would be for that country to be administered by a neutral third party, like China, in accordance with UNHCR guidelines.
ummmm ... no ... and definitely not China. No solution is very likely for the foreseeable future but that it wouldn't be one of them regardless. Also keep in mind that areas like the Balkans where there are NATO and Euro troops enforcing the peace aren't being administered by NATO/the EU. Beyond ensuring that they are not killing each other, they don't use the troops to dictate policy or government. They do not administer.
Antisemitism by RWers is the vilest form of those people bigotry that has no analog on the left. The Jews, after all, had Jesus killed. I think the biggest issue has to do with the perceived dominance of Jewish people in high-ranking postions in finance, which makes them easy targets for villification (this, I think, is whence the "final solution" arose: the Great War was seen as being fought on behalf of the bankers, who were largely Jewish, hence, those people were the big problem). It may not be Jews that the RW will target, but their hive-mind structure can rather easily be turned on any them that the leadership decides is a good foe. The left is quite a bit less vulnerable toward the bad-types ethos, though the RW has worked hard to force it on them simply by facilitating a crowd that is itself easy to villify.

There is a brand of left-wing anti-semitism though and it also centers around capitalism and culture (again the bankers and finance angle as well as treating Jews as culturally "other"), but yes it isn't typically racial unlike what we see on the right wing. It is also less prevalent. Which is why I agree with @GermanSuplex and yourself that comparing the two is bananas. To say that it exists on the left should not undercut how so very much worse it is on the right.
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The optics of Vance vs Walz/Harris rallies today couldn't have be more stark, once again they couldn't fit everyone in and it was busting at the seams.

Also, if the media could stop with the "where is Donald Trump?" who apparently has no rallies scheduled this week, that would be great. We ALL need this break, including Trump himself as he can't seem to string together a coherent sentence at the moment.
Maybe he’s hiding from his creditors?

There is a brand of left-wing anti-semitism though and it also centers around capitalism and culture (again the bankers and finance angle as well as treating Jews as culturally "other"), but yes it isn't typically racial unlike what we see on the right wing. It is also less prevalent. Which is why I agree with @GermanSuplex and yourself that comparing the two is bananas. To say that it exists on the left should not undercut how so very much worse it is on the right.

Most of my problem with the protesting left - which I’ve definitely criticized here - is well-meaning stupidity, not racism or antisemitism. It’s a mix of post-9/11 defense of Muslims (totally understandable given the hatred they faced due to the terrorist attacks) mixed with an also understandable desire for less killing overall, and a desire for a cease fire. I get that, but it seems like a reactionary, bleeding-heart reaction that never extends to the Jewish people.

Not to say that’s everyone, but it’s quite clear many have no particular dog in the fight and are just yelling “stop the killing!” and maybe even protesting for something to do. I’m sure there are lots of young Palestinian Americans and others who have valid reasons for protests, and I’m also sure there are a small number of actual antisemitic liberals. But a problem on the left? No. I’m sure there’s probably at least one Klan member somewhere who votes democrat, that doesn’t mean the left has a Klan problem.
Most of my problem with the protesting left - which I’ve definitely criticized here - is well-meaning stupidity, not racism or antisemitism. It’s a mix of post-9/11 defense of Muslims (totally understandable given the hatred they faced due to the terrorist attacks) mixed with an also understandable desire for less killing overall, and a desire for a cease fire. I get that, but it seems like a reactionary, bleeding-heart reaction that never extends to the Jewish people. Not to say that’s everyone, but it’s quite clear many have no particular dog in the fight and are just yelling “stop the killing!” and maybe even protesting for something to do. I’m sure there are lots of young Palestinian Americans and others who have valid reasons for protests, and I’m also sure there are a small number of actual antisemitic liberals. But a problem on the left? No. I’m sure there’s probably at least one Klan member somewhere who votes democrat, that doesn’t mean the left has a Klan problem.

To be fair the only really high profile problem on the left with antisemitism I can think of off the top of my head wasn't in the US but with UK Labour under Corbyn. Corbyn wasn't just pro-Palestinian, he was reflexively antisemitic. In addition to everything he had said, I remember an incident that really highlighted his attitude: he was defending some British personality who had told antisemitic jokes by saying "Zionists don't get British humor". The implication being that you can't be Jewish (excuse me "Zionist") and British. Obviously more important was the internal Labor report that was pretty damning on how upper Labour Corbynist leadership handled antisemitism, but that singular incident to me was really emblematic of the kind of person Corbyn was.

That said, I also thought it was pretty irresponsible for the top Rabbi in Britain to essentially tell everyone not to vote Labour in the election held several years ago (not the most recent one) since the only other viable party was the Tory party. Despite Corbyn being culturally antisemitic, the Tories were worse by every possible metric - their bigotry was reflected in policy in a way that even a Corbyn administration wouldn't have been able to pull off (as much as a disaster as that would've been in many ways - although again the alternative was Johnson and the Tories). The only upside to that gigantic loss was that Johnson supported Ukraine (Corbyn might've been dragged to do it, but intrinsically would not have done so) and the heavy defeat allowed new, better Labour leadership to take over. And why there is now a Labour government in the UK that won in a landslide.

Meanwhile, in cult world, JD Vance is also promoting Kamala Harris..


This one is really strange


The associated text reads something like "The fight against Donald" at the top, the big text "White Man Hunt", then "Here is the real story behind the selection of Walz. Unlike Obama, Kamala does not make it with American 'wasps'. Now she takes cover."

about all that,
Looking forward to Trump contemplating if Harris is actually Chinese (because China is bad!) during one of his stream of consciousness rally speeches. How far is he from demanding a DNA test?

After ingesting a ton of news this week and trying to keep a level head, I’m feeling wildly optimistic about the election. I just can’t see a path to victory for Trump that does not involve actual election fraud in a couple of swing states. Feels nice, but I need to keep myself grounded.
Looking forward to Trump contemplating if Harris is actually Chinese (because China is bad!) during one of his stream of consciousness rally speeches. How far is he from demanding a DNA test?

After ingesting a ton of news this week and trying to keep a level head, I’m feeling wildly optimistic about the election. I just can’t see a path to victory for Trump that does not involve actual election fraud in a couple of swing states. Feels nice, but I need to keep myself grounded.
Starting to share this optimism but agreed that it's easy to get ahead of yourself, I think even in the best case scenario it's still a really close election either way so we have to stay on it.

One thing that I'm pleasantly surprised about is that the media is no longer driving the narrative, the people are and that's why you see them showing up in droves and so electrified. No matter how much they to fuel Trump's fodder against them it's not working this time.

The only reason there appears to be less people at Trump rallies is because due to security concerns supporters are asked to wait in line by standing in front of their house. They will receive a call when they are good to drive over and go in. Unfortunately these areas tend to have shit cell service but they can take comfort in knowing their representative saved them some tax dollars by successively blocking any infrastructure upgrades in their area. This is one of the many accomplishments included in Trump’s promise that they will get tired of winning.
BREAKING NEWS: The question and answer that made Trump decide Vance has the perfect character and values to be his VP pick just leaked.

Q: What’s the best life decision you ever made?

A: Threw my own people under the bus to enrich myself.
The consensus seems to be if he were to stay on message they have a chance to keep this close, but he's just not capable of doing that and never has been. He'll make it personal and spend the remainder of his campaign seething with anger.

Trump giving a press conference - the greatest hits - “our country is crap, crime is out of control, they want open borders, we’re close to world war, Russia would not have attacked Ukraine, inflation wouldn’t exist, we’re not respected, nobody has ever seen anything like it, we’re leading substantially in the polls”

On and on, no structure, freestyling the same garbage off the top of his head with lots of useless adjectives. The same stuff he said in 2020, our country should be over by now if he was correct last time.

*Trump is weak and scared. He said “They said Biden couldn’t win and I’m not sure if that’s true, I don’t know.” Then said “but I’m not complaining.”

He’s scared as hell and it shows.