USA Election 2024

I don't usually have blood. but who knows? her skin is pretty clean though. but you have the purple from the stencil and I saw that.
Blood usually comes out of areas that have a lot capillaries. Usually tattoos don't bleed so much, unless there is something like a mole that they went over. I heard that head wounds bleed a lot, and that was my assumption.

Also she didn't wince enough for me, I would assume that the forehead would hurt like a mother f!
I recall a story on something like Outer Limits, or maybe TZ, about an "invisible person". The dystopian government put a thing on his forehead that made everyone else ignore him. He was not literally invisible, just effectively, from his perspective. Next year, anyone walking around with a CFSG stamp on their forehead will be invisible.
Great story. Commit a crime, get ignored. The end of the story was that after living the invisible criminal life, he couldn’t ignore someone else and committed the crime of “humanity.”
Not sure how it is over at Fox News (though I can imagine it's vicious) but CNN sure is gunning to make any sort of gaffe stick with Harris and Walz, so far without success but it's not for a lack of trying.

Seriously, if one wants to win the hearts and minds of the American people it will have to be without the help of cable news.

The news media, regardless of side, only wants 2 perceptions - a horse race or crushing despair. Glimpses of joy and hope for the future inspires people to take a minute to enjoy life instead of gluing themselves to the news. They can’t have that.
The Trump campaign has sketched out a strategy to hit back and is expected to try to cast the Harris campaign the most progressive US ticket of all time...

Yeah, one small problem; everything to Trump is "of all time". He's the greatest of all time. so and so is the worst of all time, we have "the worst border in the history of the world" (actual quote from yesterday's disaster), etc.

It's not going to work except for the people he could sell brimstone to in hell, and he already has their votes.

The Trump campaign has sketched out a strategy to hit back and is expected to try to cast the Harris campaign the most progressive US ticket of all time...

Instead of spending his time trying to convince people he's the better candidate, he's wasting time trying to figure out how to bring the other side down. More power to him. I love the way he's running things at the moment. I'm just not sure it's going to be a winning strategy this time around. A normal person would have learned that the last time it didn't work.
Did Walz ever say he was in a war, or did he simply refer to "weapons of war", meaning assault rifles, which is how the left often refers to them?

JD Vance is now having to defend his own military career, not because he didn't serve honorably, but because he's out there attacking Walz's career. They're also making it seem as if he got a deployment notice and went AWOL instead of retiring, and being granted a retirement. Unless I'm missing something, he wasn't called up and then bailed.

Both men served honorably in their fields. Is this the route we want to go down? I know they did it with John Kerry in 2004, but this is just plain stupid.

I don't believe the Harris/Walz campaign is criticizing JD's military service, just the pundits. I really hope this repeat of 2004 (which was actually worse) doesn't work. I hope Walz can praise Vance's military service - the only thing about him worth praising, it seems - and then defend his own record. It would be nice if neither attacked the other's service and there was no need for defense on this topic, but Vance threw the first stone. Nothing is sacred anymore, and that's not good for anyone.

*On a side note, I wonder what fans of Ashli Babbitt thought when Trump proclaimed nobody died during the J6 insurrection?
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The NYT … again …

Listened to the whole thing that went beyond what was included in that video.

He said he didn’t want to use bad faith attacks like Vance did, but if he was forced to…

Given both their ranks and positions in the military when deployed neither of them would have been kicking in doors. They’d mostly be sitting safely on a base. So I guess Vance thinks he heroically sat at a desk, unlike some cowards.

Vance’s group also redeployed after he left the military. So by his own logic he also abandoned them like a coward.
Did Walz ever say he was in a war, or did he simply refer to "weapons of war", meaning assault rifles, which is how the left often refers to them?

JD Vance is now having to defend his own military career, not because he didn't serve honorably, but because he's out there attacking Walz's career. They're also making it seem as if he got a deployment notice and went AWOL instead of retiring, and being granted a retirement. Unless I'm missing something, he wasn't called up and then bailed.

Both men served honorably in their fields. Is this the route we want to go down? I know they did it with John Kerry in 2004, but this is just plain stupid.

I don't believe the Harris/Walz campaign is criticizing JD's military service, just the pundits. I really hope this repeat of 2004 (which was actually worse) doesn't work. I hope Walz can praise Vance's military service - the only thing about him worth praising, it seems - and then defend his own record. It would be nice if neither attacked the other's service and there was no need for defense on this topic, but Vance threw the first stone. Nothing is sacred anymore, and that's not good for anyone.

*On a side note, I wonder what fans of Ashley Babbitt thought when Trump proclaimed nobody died during the J6 insurrection?
Yup, this is the same playbook that Republican hitman Chris LaCivita used successfully against John Kerry. They have nothing else, so they'll try this. When he first ran for Congress, Walz's website showed that he was deployed overseas without saying it was to Italy. Contrary to Vance's assertion that Walz abandoned his unit, he decided to run and retired before they were sent to Iraq. Here's what the Harris campaign said about this:

“In his 24 years of service, the Governor carried, fired and trained others to use weapons of war innumerable times. Governor Walz would never insult or undermine any American’s service to this country – in fact, he thanks Senator Vance for putting his life on the line for our country. It’s the American way.”

I also hope this doesn't turn into a back-and-forth criticism of each other's service. But if Vance keeps pushing it, he'll come to regret it if he and Walz debate when Trump's avoidance of military duty because of "bone spurs" is brought up.
Not sure how it is over at Fox News (though I can imagine it's vicious) but CNN sure is gunning to make any sort of gaffe stick with Harris and Walz, so far without success but it's not for a lack of trying.

Seriously, if one wants to win the hearts and minds of the American people it will have to be without the help of cable news.

This has been bugging me too, especially after the Biden debate. Every debate Trump has ever been in has been factually worse than Biden’s was, yet they are not covered the same, because Trump - as a political candidate - has never been sane, truthful, rational, honest or even a decent human.

The press has normalized this. You know how I always say I’m baffled at Trump and how he has any support at all? The media may be why.

If the press was as biased against him as Trump says, the coverage of him would be far, far worse.

Really good article by The Atlantic. I subscribe to Apple News+, which gives you some subscription content from multiple news sources. If you can’t reach the full article, the last few lines sum it up best…

Instead, The New York Times ran this headline: “Trump Tries to Wrestle Back Attention at Mar-a-Lago News Conference.” The Washington Post said: “Trump Holds Meandering News Conference, Where He Agrees to Debate Harris.” The British paper The Independent got closer with: “Trump Holds Seemingly Pointless Press Conference Filled With False Claims,” but CNN went with “Trump Attacks Harris and Walz During First News Conference Since Democratic Ticket Was Announced.”

All of these headlines are technically true, but they miss the point: The Republican nominee, the man who could return to office and regain the sole authority to use American nuclear weapons, is a serial liar and can’t tell the difference between reality and fantasy.

Donald Trump is not well. He is not stable. There’s something deeply wrong with him.

Any of those would have been important—and accurate—headlines.

“In his 24 years of service, the Governor carried, fired and trained others to use weapons of war innumerable times. Governor Walz would never insult or undermine any American’s service to this country – in fact, he thanks Senator Vance for putting his life on the line for our country. It’s the American way.”

I must have missed this. This is exactly the type of response I wanted to see, and I hope they stick with this message when military service is brought up. It clears up Vance’s out of context “weapons of war” attack and does not attack (but honors) the service of both. Which, as I mentioned, is the only thing Vance should be honored for from a public perspective.
This has been bugging me too, especially after the Biden debate. Every debate Trump has ever been in has been factually worse than Biden’s was, yet they are not covered the same, because Trump - as a political candidate - has never been sane, truthful, rational, honest or even a decent human.

The press has normalized this. You know how I always say I’m baffled at Trump and how he has any support at all? The media may be why.

If the press was as biased against him as Trump says, the coverage of him would be far, far worse.
they used to be but it was so much so often they pretty much gave up.
Speaking of plane crashes, one put down safely in Billings after some sort of technical problem. He was going for a blortfest in Bozeman. It is only some hundred forty miles away so they could get him there in less than an hour and a half driving.
Speaking of plane crashes, one put down safely in Billings after some sort of technical problem. He was going for a blortfest in Bozeman. It is only some hundred forty miles away so they could get him there in less than an hour and a half driving.

No doubt the story from his mouth will be his plane crashed in the Rockies and he walked away unscathed because of how damn tough he is.
If that’s real, they should include a free tube of superglue so she can walk around with one hand covering her forehead at all times in a few months time.

She will never be able to sarcastically ask if she has stupid written on her forehead either.

In less weird news, the energy for Harris and Walz in Arizona today was off the charts.


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