USA Election 2024

Hilarious that Kamala wants him to be unmuted, he's his own worse enemy and they just want to give him the platform to bury himself.

Seriously, didn't you all spend like 3 pages hammering Trump because he was wanting to change the rules of the debate that he had already agreed to?
Seriously, didn't you all spend like 3 pages hammering Trump because he was wanting to change the rules of the debate that he had already agreed to?

His team is saying the rules were agreed to, I haven’t made sure that’s true yet. Not saying it isn’t, but I’m not taking his campaign’s word for it. It’s possible the venue/date was agreed to but not the rules.
His team is saying the rules were agreed to, I haven’t made sure that’s true yet. Not saying it isn’t, but I’m not taking his campaign’s word for it. It’s possible the venue/date was agreed to but not the rules.
TBH, as long as Trump shows up, I don't care whether the mikes are on or off. But if they're kept on for both candidates, I hope the moderators and Harris call him out when he speaks at times he should keep quiet. This should apply to all debates and candidates.
Seriously, didn't you all spend like 3 pages hammering Trump because he was wanting to change the rules of the debate that he had already agreed to?
Well, mostly because he wanted to back out or change the venue. I don't disagree though, I don't think either party should be changing anything at this point.

In one sense I think it goads Trump, Democrats have found that pointing and laughing at him goes way further than trying to paint him as a doom and gloom threat to democracy. It also helps them when Trump is unhinged and they want it to show by giving him the floor during the debate.

This pits Trump against his own campaign, you know he wants to but they're probably freaking out saying no way. It's a savvy move on Kamala's part.
Well, mostly because he wanted to back out or change the venue. I don't disagree though, I don't think either party should be changing anything at this point.

True. But it’s unclear if any rules were agreed to in the first place. The CNN rules were an exception, and it’s possible the campaigns hadn’t yet ironed out rules.

It looks like tradition is the mics are usually left on, so perhaps they agreed to the same rules as under the CNN debate, but I wouldn’t take the Trump campaign’s word for it.
True. But it’s unclear if any rules were agreed to in the first place. The CNN rules were an exception, and it’s possible the campaigns hadn’t yet ironed out rules.

It looks like tradition is the mics are usually left on, so perhaps they agreed to the same rules as under the CNN debate, but I wouldn’t take the Trump campaign’s word for it.
Yeah, if they both agree I don't see the harm in it. If not though I don't think it's fair to push Trump on it, we didn't like it when they he tried it.

I honestly think Trump prefers it though, could be a win win.
taking to my son-in-law and I get the feeling trumpets don't actually pay attention to what trump does or situ dismiss everything Biden does. he literally never head of the infrastructure bill. it seems they tend to keep really ignorant I guess for peace of mind?
Jason Miller, a senior (ShitGibbon) campaign advisor …credited Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s recent endorsement of (ShitGibbon) for the latest surge in the stock market.

It was on a legitimate news source. Really, it was, I swear.
In the era of WTF this is one of the worst:

Republican group cites notorious Dred Scott ruling as reason Kamala Harris can’t be president​

Group also challenged right of Vivek Ramaswamy and Nikki Haley to appear on Republican primary ballots

One might be tempted to simply dismiss these people racist attention seekers, but apparently this is a 90-year old organization that once boasted Ronald Reagan as a member. It just shows how far racist attention seekers have wormed into the Republican Party.
"Republican group cites notorious Dred Scott ruling"

Truly genius move, Repubs. Do remind everyone how the SCOTUS has the potential to derail, nay, wreck civil society. Time to get that Senate supermajority and fix this out of control institution. Mitch is leaving us quite the legacy to clean up.
Seriously, didn't you all spend like 3 pages hammering Trump because he was wanting to change the rules of the debate that he had already agreed to?
Seriously what are we suppose to hammer him on? His constant lying, done that! :)

Not like we aren't doing what Trump and the right has done on the Hunter Biden saga.
Yeah, if they both agree I don't see the harm in it.

Maybe we need to chose the debate parameters schoolyard style. Pick some parameters for 2 debates.

These can be things such as:

Audience or not
Seated or standing
Notes or no notes
hot mics or muted mics
Format -traditional or town hall
opening statements or not
closing statements or not

Flip a coin to see who picks first. Who ever picks first in this debate, picks second in the second debate. So whoever wins the coin toss gets to pick one of the parameters. The second person then picks TWO parameters, back to the first who then also picks two and so on until there are none left.

This will ensure that neither candidate gets everything they want, yet still get some of what they want. Might teach them that this is how things are supposed to work.
The RWers spotted a terrible, terrible deceit by Tim Walz. He was seen embracing his dog Scout, but then in another picture, he was seen petting a completely different dog. What kind of person would cheat on his own dog?
