USA Election 2024

Chris Hayes interviewed a Palestinian Georgia state legislator on MSNBC last night. She and others had requested to speak but were turned down. Hayes read some of her proposed remarks, which I thought were reasonable and not inflammatory. IMO, this was a missed opportunity that would have reinforced what Jon Polin and Kamala Harris said about Gaza when they spoke, if only from a humanitarian perspective.
I applaud Kamala for ignoring his call, it's nice to finally see someone who puts principles before anything else. In the unlikely event that it comes down to a razor thin loss she can at least know she didn't sell her soul to this creeper.
Is this just Trump and Kennedy embracing the other side of the shark? So corny and gimmicky. It’s a parody of anything bad they could say about the DNC, but you know they’re serious.

More on Kennedy. To paraphrase one of the comments after the article, if his whole family speaks out publicly against him, probably a guy we should be skeptical about if you somehow weren't already. I continue to be mystified by Cheryl Hines, she cannot be a happy camper right now.

I’m trying to be objective when I say Vance was really not a good choice.

And he was the right choice, ShitGibbon is (he tells us) a really smart pony ('stable genius'), so we need to accept his choice as being the smart choice.

And quite frankly, if SofaMan makes Agent Orange's popularity drop through the floor, who arewe to complain that he was the 'wrong' choice. I see it the other way around.
On A16z and funding Trump/Vance:

The moral bankruptcy of Marc Andreessen and Ben Horowitz​

So this VC cabal is trading against the basic principles of America — not merely against personal freedom, but democracy itself — in the hopes of profit. It’s not the first time tech has made the trade against freedom; IBM made it during the Holocaust.
I’ve never put political or candidate signs in my front yard, not sure what the point is and at this point in history you’re just asking for trouble.
Especially living in a red state, today. Don’t feel like having my house or car vandalized. However, the psychology of a sign, is to show support for other like mined people.
As a person who had never been through it, this makes perfect sense.

But come on, if you had been through the process, I think you would have a much better handle on what was what.
The essence is that he and his wife, underwent fertility treatments and he said this. So would you hold this against Walz as in he’s dishonest? Now let’s compare this to the long disgusting track record of The Head Liar.🤔

Trump is being accused of trying to scuttle an Israel-Hamas cease fire and hostage deal. Raw story is incorrect in saying both the New Republic and PBS are saying Trump urged Netanyahu to block further peace negotiations as a cease fire would help Harris. The New Republic is quoting PBS. Judy Woodruff on PBS meanwhile said it during her broadcast but no one from PBS has written it up.

So the reporting on the exact content of their conversations appears shaky to me.

But what is less shaky is that Netanyahu and Trump have talked (though both deny the calls) and that Trump absolutely would do this. Never mind all the 2016 shit with Russia, just recently he was openly gloating about being able to get Evan Gershkovich back - of course we know that Biden got him back.

This kind of interference has been done by Republican candidates for President before: Reagan has been accused of it with Iran during the 1980 hostage crises, but much more concretely and seriously Nixon absolutely did it with the South Vietnamese and successfully scuttled peace in negotiations in 1968 leading to 4 more years of American involvement and all the death and destruction that entailed (not everyone agrees that the peace process would’ve succeeded then, but it might’ve).

If true, Trump has committed a major violation of the Logan Act whose cost can be measured in lost lives. The reason Nixon was not charged was that it was deemed difficult to prosecute a presidential candidate during election year without seemingly making the Justice department “political” and because at the time they only suspected but did not know Nixon had ordered it requiring an investigation that again could “politicize” the Justice department while potentially revealing the extent of our own spying that caught up allies and American citizens. Obviously since Trump is already being prosecuted for his actions and hopefully we’ve learned the cost of non-action, this time will be different if he has indeed done this. Again, this is not known at this point but should be thoroughly investigated.
Nixon too.

Trump should be prosecuted for this, along with jeopardizing top secret documents. He had zero rights to haul off multiple boxes of them to his residence, and who knows how much of that has been compromised.
Chris Hayes interviewed a Palestinian Georgia state legislator on MSNBC last night. She and others had requested to speak but were turned down. Hayes read some of her proposed remarks, which I thought were reasonable and not inflammatory. IMO, this was a missed opportunity that would have reinforced what Jon Polin and Kamala Harris said about Gaza when they spoke, if only from a humanitarian perspective.
I’m speculating that because of the political nature of this conflict, that a calculation was made that more support would be lost than gained. I believe this is the reality but also agree it was a lost opportunity, but that was mitigated somewhat by Harris’s Gaza statement. This does not mean I support Netanyahu orchestrating war crimes, and I do support the Palestinian’s right to live and be free of domination by Israel.But as always, a Trump win will be terrible for Palestinians.
Not sure how effective the rage golfing strategy will play out but you never know.
