USA Election 2024

They could at least be consistent and retitle this article Trump Sidesteps Disgraceful Arlington Visit.

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Trump only likes the smart [insert expletive here]

Off topic a bit, I’m concerned about polls for the governor’s race here in NH. Chris Sununu isn’t running again, clearing the way for Kelly Ayotte, who’s too far right for me and people here don’t seem to be paying attention; I figure they equate her and Sununu. I don’t. It doesn't feel like $ is being spent to properly push back on her. Hopefully that’s coming soon.
Careful study has determined conclusively (well beyond the margin of error) that CouchBoy's profound misogyny arises from frustrated homosexuality. After all, he is in the Republican Party, the haven for repressed gays.

In the past, he tried diligently to establish homosexual relationships, using the name "Jadey", but his obvious complete lack of social skills resulted in dismal failure. To soothe his broken and damaged spirit, he turned to heterosexuality as a last resort.

He hates the woman whom he loves almost as much as he hates himself, and the paradox of his existence has him wound up so tightly that he is ready to sproing into a flying cloud of nihilistical fury.
I pay little attention to Tom Cotton but, holy shit, is this motherfucker in the tank for Trump. I watched his Meet the Press interview this morning. Believe not a word this guy says.

They all are, it was entertaining watching Lindsey Graham blame the Arlington incident on Biden. Yes, really. These fuckers are a bunch of shameless hypocrites.
I pay little attention to Tom Cotton but, holy shit, is this motherfucker in the tank for Trump. I watched his Meet the Press interview this morning. Believe not a word this guy says.

These guys deserve to lose in November, and folks like these guys who did the media rounds for Trump should never be allowed to pretend they didn’t do everything they could to defend him every step of the way. It may be an asset now, but it will be a liability in due time.