What are you doing today?

She's home, hahaha, she's exploring all the corners, nooks, crannies. She's only about 3-3.5 months old, and has likely been in small rooms, cages for most of her life, so I'm sure this open, expansive space is blowing her mind.
She's home, hahaha, she's exploring all the corners, nooks, crannies. She's only about 3-3.5 months old, and has likely been in small rooms, cages for most of her life, so I'm sure this open, expansive space is blowing her mind.

Let the 3am drape-climbing begin! 🥳
Another fun day on our second, and last day of our "long weekend" getaway. Drove to Athens, Ohio and visited Shade Winery, picked up a case of various sweet wines and had a rather excellent lunch (the wife had Grilled swordfish and I had 3 Lamb chops).

Then came back and put on our hiking boots to do a 2 mile, 2 hour hike to the Gorge and back, just in time to hear resident bagpipe Scott play his pipes as diners were called for evening meal.

Shit ton of pictures taken - mostly Raw images that'll need post-processing on Affinity either tonight or tomorrow before I can post them. Besides, signal's still crap so probably have little chance to send much up thro the intertubes until we get back home tomorrow to my 1GB connection!
Sounds as though you've been having a lovely and relaxing weekend, MissNomer! Looking forward to the photos!
Another wet Sunday. Rain has stopped now so will see how the garden dries out during the day to determine if I do any afternoon gardening. Will take Mrs AFB for a walk in a bit when she is finally ready. Other than that there is the F1 highlights later and some work. After all Sunday night is the new (well not to me) Monday morning don't you know.

Such an exciting life I lead!
Let the 3am drape-climbing begin! 🥳

She played and played and got tuckered out, and then sat on the stairs waiting for T to call her up, it was the cutest thing ever. Haven't heard a peep from them yet! We moved the litter into her room, the kitty already knows what it is / how to use, so that's awesome - ordered a second one with a top, two mats, misc other kitty-gear :D
Totally tuckered from yesterday’s adventure in the heat so doing nothing today. But look at my favorite tasting from yesterday! Squid with squid ink sauce (because the restaurant is named Squid Ink), and a fried paella ball that seemed very Indian. Yummy.

We apparently had rain during the night and it is overcast and cloudy now, so a good day to stay in and do my end-of-old-month-beginning-of-new-month tasks.....

On my plate today too. Ditto the rain, which we don't need. I see jungle plants trying to advance from the mini rain forest behind the stone wall, gee.

Among the to-do items, something nice. I finally bought an upgrade for EazyDraw that runs under Big Sur, so I'll install that onto my 2020 MBA. Was using an older version that didn't even run on Catalina so I was having to haul out my mid-2012 MBP, work up the design or drawing or whatever the project was, than bring the image to the mba. Will be nice to let the mid-2012 go back to waiting for moments when I feel like watching a DVD or an archived movie purchase.
My wife’s car had very low pressure in one tire, so I pumped it up yesterday. This morning it was below 10 lb. PSI.

So I pumped it up again and immediately drove it to the only tire place open nearby, a little indie shop.

Turns out the place was a real dive that looks like something you’d see in the bad parts of Guatemala. But the guy says pull right in, so I do, and he goes to work on it, and 10 minutes and $15 later he’s got it fixed.

So. Expectations: 😒 Outcome: 🙂
the biggest problem with an outside stray is they want to go outside, then it's all about tracking them down, worrying if they're coming home, etc.

For sure. We have 2 that a former neighbor (who is an asshole) turned out when they were about 2. He said he did it to keep the snakes down. I realize we live in the woods, but in the almost 30 years we have lived here, I have seen no more than a handful of copperheads. So not a good enough reason if you ask me.

So the first winter they were outside, one kept coming over wanting in the garage. Wife started letting her in at night. Within a couple of weeks, her sister would join her. So for the past 10 years we have had 2 garage cats in addition to between 3-5 indoor cats. They go out every morning and like clockwork are waiting to come in at night. But there have been times when one of them wouldn't come home. What's bad it we live a mile back from the main road, but we have seen them probably 1/2 the way there. So given how far we have seen them wander, they could easily make it to the main road. Plus we have coyotes (the furry ones, not the human smugglers) so that is always a concern at night.

So yes, we worry when they don't come home.
Plus we have coyotes (the furry ones, not the human smugglers) so that is always a concern at night.

So yes, we worry when they don't come home.

I was really glad my kitties were indoor-only once it became apparent that a fisher cat (not a cat but a very big weasel) had adopted the ridge that runs along back of here as his home turf for awhile... long enough to scarf up all the red squirrels, grey squirrels, voles, rabbits, likely a few feral cats... and started eyeballing an uproad-neighbor's miniature Yorkie one day from a spot along a stone wall. So it's not just coyotes that indoor-outdoor cat keepers have to worry about, at least around here. The fishers' fur is valuable and they were reintroduced to the Catskills in the 70s, having earlier been trapped out to point they were rarely seen. Now of course there are so many in some spots that the DEC has had to come up with a management plan because not that many people are trappers any more. "Best laid plans"...
Since I'm easily impressed, I got a huge kick out of this video, knowing that it was shot just 5 minutes up the road from me.

So what am I going to do today? I'm going to throw something awesome in that creek!
What a day.

On Friday night one of my fillings fell out. So it's been a whole weekend of pain/sensitivity and inability to eat anything other than soup and yogurt. Friday night of course being the furthest possible time from being able to contact my dentist. I finally get ahold of the office this morning and find out my dentist is on vacation until next week. So now I'm trying to find another dentist in the area that can fix this as soon as possible 😩
What a day.

On Friday night one of my fillings fell out. So it's been a whole weekend of pain/sensitivity and inability to eat anything other than soup and yogurt. Friday night of course being the furthest possible time from being able to contact my dentist. I finally get ahold of the office this morning and find out my dentist is on vacation until next week. So now I'm trying to find another dentist in the area that can fix this as soon as possible 😩

Don't teeth always pick just the most fantastic time to flip out?

I had a temp tooth in during a trip to NYC, I mean, by definition it's not expected to be perfect, but I lost it at a fab little Italian joint, sitting outside, eating some muscles, drinking some awesome wine. Hahaha, I thought it was a piece of shell :D

Fortunately, since it was a [temp] crown, sitting on a root canal, it was pretty painless, I was just careful vs. trying to get it glued back in at some rando dentist :D

It was somewhere around here:


As we were seeing Play Dead after dinner, which was a show by Teller (of Penn and ...), pretty amazing.
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I've had shingles and it sucks but I would take that again over puking all day, it would be one thing if it were a life threatening disease but it's not. This is one vaccine I'll go ahead and skip.

Not me. I had shingles once and never want it again, so I'm getting the newer vaccine this fall. I ended up with some attributed eye muscle damage from that bout of shingles (a wall eye that needs correction w/ prismatic lenses). It's annoying because I quickly get vertigo without the glasses, and before that was used to not really needing glasses just to cross a room safely, even though I had some correction of an astigmatism.

I do get you about not looking forward to possibility of throwing up all day after the 2nd shot of the newer vaccine. I can't remember the last time I threw up, I think it was when I ate bad egg foo yung at some takeout joint in the city, maybe 40 years ago? Haven't eaten that stuff again! So yeah. But I don't want another go-around with shingles, for sure.
I've had shingles - the doctor whom I consulted at the time described it as a "severe" dose.

In around twenty years working as a teacher at university, I never had to take more than a day or two off - at most - a year, and was out sick once for perhaps a week, with a really bad chest cold or flu.

However, when I got shingles, nearly twenty years ago, I was out on sick leave for the best part of six weeks, and was still absolutely wrecked when I finally returned (reluctantly) to work.
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Spent the weekend installing a new Nest learning thermostat after our old thermostat decided to quit working, and then the SSD card in my laptop decided to blow up, so I spent most of the week fixing stuff. I've also managed to end up with a feral cat friend, who we've dubbed Beowulf. (I wanted to name the little dumbass Gulliver, but my son insisted on an epic, heroic name.) He seems smart enough to avoid the mating pair of coyotes, and seems intent on making our porch his home against the other neighborhood cats.

I spent most of last week following constables around, getting a feel for the evictions crisis, and also time in migrant shelters in Mexico, so I'm a little burned out this week.

I also learned my cousin is getting married, so I'm going to grab a new pair of cowboy boots for her wedding because mine are a shambles.