What are you doing today?

Most were small helpings, but the cheeseboard is amply supplied (especially when served with French bread).

Besides, some days, I will have cheese for breakfast, with fruit and coffee.

Actually, cheese and eggs (and yes, well, butter, too) are the main reasons why I will never become vegan; I have some sympathy for the vegetarian position (though I'm not one), but could never conceive of wanting to become vegan.
I'm strictly a tea and cereal person. Usually porridge. I'll have a cooked breakfast if I'm away somewhere, although the last one I had wasn't great.

Just found out one of my friends and his family have Covid. Hopefully they are all okay as he is quite overweight and has asthma. He's had two jabs, so that should help.
I'm strictly a tea and cereal person. Usually porridge. I'll have a cooked breakfast if I'm away somewhere, although the last one I had wasn't great.

Just found out one of my friends and his family have Covid. Hopefully they are all okay as he is quite overweight and has asthma. He's had two jabs, so that should help.
A cooked breakfast, when away; blissful dreams of a glorious past. In my dreams, in my dreams...

However, at home, it is usually fruit (freshly squeezed orange or grapefruit juice - or just some sliced fruit, an apple, or some plums, or peaches, or nectarines), plus coffee, plus toasted French bread with butter, and either good quality jam (preserve? conserve? often home made, though not by me), honey or simply with cheese.

Occasionally, I will treat myself to muesli.
just got home from the Portland bridge ride. it was fun overall. but sections were so slow when people got benched together. they staggered the starting but there were 4 separate rides that joined in the middle of the main rides. the ride was about 25 miles but it was 18 or so miles round trip for us to get there and back. banana stations all over and at the end 2 tables of bananas and ice cream and such. I cant eat carbs so none for me. Its tough going so slow on the tandem one part it was easier to just walk. They covered the steel grate of one bridge with cardboard. Nothing like riding on the free way going the wrong way on a bike finally was able to get some speed going. We averaged 9.4 mph with a max of 28mph. Took 2 hours. they had everyone sign their names when we were finished. You see the tallest bridge we went over.
just got home from the Portland bridge ride. it was fun overall. but sections were so slow when people got benched together. they staggered the starting but there were 4 separate rides that joined in the middle of the main rides. the ride was about 25 miles but it was 18 or so miles round trip for us to get there and back. banana stations all over and at the end 2 tables of bananas and ice cream and such. I cant eat carbs so none for me. Its tough going so slow on the tandem one part it was easier to just walk. They covered the steel grate of one bridge with cardboard. Nothing like riding on the free way going the wrong way on a bike finally was able to get some speed going. We averaged 9.4 mph with a max of 28mph. Took 2 hours. they had everyone sign their names when we were finished. You see the tallest bridge we went over.
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They completely rebuilt Portland so fast after it got completely burned to the ground by Antifa and BLM! Incredible!!! Congrats!

Looks like a cool ride.
A combination of pre-packing and cleaning out the garage.

So far we have filled 8 42G contractor bags and that is only one side. Got quite a bit packed up in anticipation of a move within a year. It is boxed/toted, labeled and put in the clean corner ready to go. Probably going to need to build some shelves.
A combination of pre-packing and cleaning out the garage.

So far we have filled 8 42G contractor bags and that is only one side. Got quite a bit packed up in anticipation of a move within a year. It is boxed/toted, labeled and put in the clean corner ready to go. Probably going to need to build some shelves.

Extra points for slogging through stuff like that in AUGUST !!
Extra points for slogging through stuff like that in AUGUST !!

My garage has A/C. :D

Stayed in a rental house in Hawaii in 2012 that had mini-splits in each bedroom. When we got home I had one put in the garage. Works great for air, and the heat is fine in the shoulder months, but I need the Reznor for main winter ( it came with the house).
Oh wow, little G got bumped up to even more advanced classes (vs. our previous discussions with the staff), AP/Honors Biology, AP/Honors Geometry, no Honors options for ELA/History, but in the highest option (just AP). Two of the classes are high school credit (she's in 8th grade).
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Oh wow, little G got bumped up to even more advanced classes (vs. our previous discussions with the staff), AP/Honors Biology, AP/Honors Geometry, no Honors options for ELA/History, but in the highest option (just AP). Two of the classes are high school credit (she's in 8th grade).
So you have one of "those kids". ;)

My daughter got hosed out of Valdictorian (we still do that here) because a kid somehow managed to get permission to take an AP course early. That gave him one more AP class than my daughter. So there was no way she could catch him.

But those AP classes are great if she can get the scores on the AP tests. Between the AP's and dual credit courses, she started college as a 3rd Quarter Freshman, so after Christmas break she was a Sophomore and got the upper class parking pass so she could park at her dorm and not all the way over in the parking garage. :)

Hope she does well.
You have a bucket? Well hell, look at Mr. La-de-dah over here!

Right. I have go out and pee off the deck.
My garage has A/C. :D

My barn has A/C but that's because there was a window pane missing when I bought the place... and the brother of the previous owner said later on that he always figured that was an emergency exit for when some creature that didn't belong up in the rafters (like a weasel) somehow got up there and started in on the baby barn swallows.

So... [shrug] I left it that way. No big deal, since the sliding door to the front of the barn had been off its trolley at that half-way mark anyway for about 50 years far as I could tell. Lotta great stuff out there by time I acquired the place, thanks to many generations of local carpenters saying to the owner of the house at a given time (in their most professional tone of voice): "Better hang onto this, might need it sometime."

I had half of all that junk cleared away to make room for stuff like gardening tools and related hardware or inventions (chickenwire cages to put over young plantings, etc.) plus an annual re-up of four or five bales of straw to use as mulch, with the leftovers up for grabs by any passing wildlife seeking shelter in the worst of winter.

On the calendar today: enjoying a bit of our finally-arrived heat wave, figuring there won't be that many left this summer at the rate they had been escaping this neighborhood before now. So I've been doing nothing... past sipping iced tea and skimming a couple of beach reads. I imagine that by tomorrow the novelty of the heat wave will have faded and I'll be living in the bathtub for the following couple of days.
Trying to take some vacation but my job isn't having any of it, it's only my first day and spent the entire afternoon working on a contract. Flex time (unlimited vacation) is a joke, I've had 3 weeks in 3 years and none of it where they weren't pestering me the entire time. I would much rather take mandatory PTO any day.
A cooked breakfast, when away; blissful dreams of a glorious past. In my dreams, in my dreams...

However, at home, it is usually fruit (freshly squeezed orange or grapefruit juice - or just some sliced fruit, an apple, or some plums, or peaches, or nectarines), plus coffee, plus toasted French bread with butter, and either good quality jam (preserve? conserve? often home made, though not by me), honey or simply with cheese.

Occasionally, I will treat myself to muesli.
My greatest triumph in life was spending a little over half a year training the grill chef at Safeway Vons HQ in Pasadena, CA how to source & cook the perfect English breakfast.

I was just an IT contractor there - no one special - but the grill chef and I hit it off from the get go when he found out I was a Brit and he spent ages slowly perfecting his art for the one or two times I'd be down there a week (I lived and worked normally in San Francisco at the time) and even started to source the correct cuts if Bacon and finally ended up making his own English Breakfast sausage.

Nothing quite like having a full English with Heinz Baked Beans* in an American company restaurant.

*At the time it was significantly harder to get Heinz Baked Beans over here...