What are you doing today?

Something remotely akin to statutory paid annual leave?

Mostly a catchall for vacation or sick days. Back in my previous career, the new President got tired of people using "sick days" as vacation days. So he gave everyone an extra 5 days of vacation and eliminated sick days. So basically everyone got an extra week of vacation. It was then all lumped into Paid Time Off.

Not to be confused with Comp Time, which is what managers got if they worked over 40's hours. Hourly worker's weren't allowed to have it and got time and a half or double time depending on the situation. But we also had them coming in and asking if they could swap their OT for comp time. Nope, that would be illegal.
PTO is kind of the catch all term for vacation, sick time, "personal day", whatever, any time not working, but still receiving comp.
There are still some places - less and less these days, but still a few that seperate those out - but it's getting harder and harder to find those places.

My wife's place changed just this year - up until last year she got 6 sick days, 10 vacation and 3 personal days. This year they bundled it all together and made it 20 PTO days even. Well, it would have been 20 but she then hit her 5 year anniversary so she's now got 25, but I digress...
I mean, every day is sort of like PTO for me :D
Not to be confused with Comp Time, which is what managers got if they worked over 40's hours.

Whoah! I remember my first year at B&N College Division and I foolishly tried to avail myself of comp time. I was told to forget about keeping track because I would more than likely never get that time off. I had to manage coverage for my vacation time and rarely did I not get emails and calls while I was away. Most of the time I actually stayed home catching up on sleep and rest with an occaional conference trip with the hubby (where I was essentially his valet. jk!)
Went for a walk today in a very neat park with pond after pond after pond of lillies. The place was gorgeous and we walked around for close to an hour despite the 90 degree heat.

There are still some places - less and less these days, but still a few that seperate those out - but it's getting harder and harder to find those places.

My wife's place changed just this year - up until last year she got 6 sick days, 10 vacation and 3 personal days. This year they bundled it all together and made it 20 PTO days even. Well, it would have been 20 but she then hit her 5 year anniversary so she's now got 25, but I digress...
We get 25 days holiday. There is also 5 days sick pay (I've never had that in my working life!) per year. Plus the bank holidays of course. If I work a weekend like a trade show or overseeing a stock take, I get the days back. But even when I book holiday I'm always on call. I have 18 days holiday to squeeze in to the rest of the year.
No idea. Its not an expression I've come across.

Here I'm enjoying some football banter with some friends and booked a couple of nights away in September.

No, nor I; in fact, I had never come across that expression until I read it in this thread.

And yes, I suspect that I am one of those with whom football banter has been exchanged.

Anyplace interesting booked?
Baking wood chips for Butters's* enclosure. Even though I buy commercial pet grade wood chips there's no way to insure there are no insects or insect eggs in the chips. The process involves dumping the wood chips into a common disposable oven roasting pan and baking them for 30 minutes at 350 degrees in the oven. I have 2 pans so I can rotate. Takes about 2 -3 hours to bake a large bag's worth. To my disappointment the resulting smell is less comforting log fire and more baked potatoes. I change the wood chips in the enclosure about once a month. Still substantially less effort needed than raising and keeping a kid alive.

*Butters is my blue tongue skink.
No, nor I; in fact, I had never come across that expression until I read it in this thread.

And yes, I suspect that I am one of those with whom football banter has been exchanged.

Anyplace interesting booked?
The New Forest. Its sort of close to somewhere between where we all live, although I have the longer drive. A place called Fordingbridge. No doubt we will enjoy a few leisurely walks, pub lunches and meals out.
It's been a mixed Friday 13th.

On the plus side, I finally beat my first song on Expert+ in Beat Saber! ⚔️

On the negative side, I've been working on a big project at work. Stuff I learned a few years ago, then forgot. So I struggled through it all day. I worked through my research time this afternoon. I want to go into the weekend knowing it's finally fixed. After struggling all day, I finally got it ready to test at the end of the day. So I got my buddy on a call since we'd worked on it together. Got all the data entered. Then asked, "you ready?". He was of course. Then I clicked the Submit button and nothing happened. So I clicked it again and nothing happened. I started clicking all around and it seemed like my desktop was frozen. Look on Slack and see half the company just got booted off. I can't believe we were seconds away from having an answer when the whole thing went to hell. My buddy didn't get booted off, but nothing is really working right now. So I guess I find out on Monday. Or log in later tonight.
1. Ordered two new lenses for cameras. My 70-200mm is disintegrating, and the zoom ring on my 17-35mm has fucked off to down yonder. So, a new f2.8 14-24mm and a f2.8 70-200mm are en route.
2. Got my order in for some bespoke cowboy boots from Sonora. Have to attend cousin's cowboy wedding, and my current boots don't fit me. Apparenlty, my feet are getting smaller? That's weird.
It's been a mixed Friday 13th.

On the plus side, I finally beat my first song on Expert+ in Beat Saber! ⚔️

On the negative side, I've been working on a big project at work. Stuff I learned a few years ago, then forgot. So I struggled through it all day. I worked through my research time this afternoon. I want to go into the weekend knowing it's finally fixed. After struggling all day, I finally got it ready to test at the end of the day. So I got my buddy on a call since we'd worked on it together. Got all the data entered. Then asked, "you ready?". He was of course. Then I clicked the Submit button and nothing happened. So I clicked it again and nothing happened. I started clicking all around and it seemed like my desktop was frozen. Look on Slack and see half the company just got booted off. I can't believe we were seconds away from having an answer when the whole thing went to hell. My buddy didn't get booted off, but nothing is really working right now. So I guess I find out on Monday. Or log in later tonight.
That’s disappointing.

I have nothing planned today or tomorrow. I leave the weekends to the masses.