What are you doing today?

Took a taxi into the city to pick up some fresh French bread (which I had requested that the French bakery put aside for me when I phoned them yesterday), that is, baguette and rye bread, lemon cake and French strawberry tarts (yum).
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Enjoying a sanely heated and reasonably dry summer day, as well as an insanely cheap chilled and reasonably wet Trocazero. One of very few drinks I have a hard time distinguishing between the sugary and fake sugary versions of. Can’t think of any other at the moment.

In any case: Thanks for having a sale, local supermarket, nice timing!

Took a taxi into the city to pick up some fresh French bread (which I had requested that the French bakery put aside for me when I phoned them yesterday), that is, baguette and rye bread, lemon cake and French strawberry tarts (yum).
We think alike! Yesterday when I was at the grocery store, one which I don't often visit, I spotted Lemon Cake and picked up a container which had the equivalent of about three largish servings, just perfect for me. This is a nice change from Lemon tarts, which I usually buy at the other grocery store I normally frequent.

As I was driving home, music from my iTunes library was filling the car (I have the iPhone set to "shuffle" so I'm always hearing surprises), and ABBA came on with "Chiquitita." As I listened, smiling, I thought about your mother and how much she loved ABBA...... Her legacy lives on, even across the Big Pond, as a woman who never met her, doesn't even know her name, thinks of her when hearing that particular music. :)
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Attending the grand re-opening of a used book store in town that recently moved to a new location, picking up "Spring Snow" by Yukio Mishima at the library, maybe stopping for a sandwich, and if I get the motivation, getting some exercise by going for a bike ride this afternoon.
We think alike! Yesterday when I was at the grocery store, one which I don't often visit, I spotted Lemon Cake and picked up a container which had the equivalent of about three largish servings, just perfect for me. This is a nice change from Lemon tarts, which I usually buy at the other grocery store I normally frequent.

Yes, we do; I love, love, love lemons.

When I phoned the French bakery yesterday, I had asked them to put aside their campagne baguette, their rye bread and a lemon cake - which has a lovely tart taste - for collection today.

The strawberry tarts were a delightful and wholly unexpected bonus; I hadn't expected to see a few still on display when I headed in to collect my bread and lemon cake, but thought - why not? why not treat myself to a few? - when I spotted them, seductively laid out on display.

As I was driving home, music from my iTunes library was filling the car (I have the iPhone set to "shuffle" so I'm always hearing surprises), and ABBA came on with "Chiquitita." As I listened, smiling, I thought about your mother and how much she loved ABBA...... Her legacy lives on, even across the Big Pond, as a woman who never met her, doesn't even know her name, thinks of her when hearing that particular music. :)


That is so sweet, and I am smiling, reading this.

Mother adored ABBA, and their music put her in a terrific mood whenever she heard it; in fact, everytime she heard them - and with dementia, she would have forgotten that she had heard them minutes earlier - her face would light up with joy and pure pleasure, she simply lit up, beaming and smiling.

At her best, when in excellent form, she would try to conduct in time to the music, waving her hands and arms, occasionally moving Mr Monkey in time to it.

Earlier still, when she was still mobile, she would sometimes dance to their music, in the kitchen, a big grin on her face.
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Been a busy one in the garden. Mowed the too long grass. Thats was hard work. Then dug out some bushes Mrs AFB wanted removing. Weeding, laying some slabs, watering.

A trip to a builders yard to look at gravel (including about a 15 mile detour due to road closures) and the supermarket earlier.

Now just chilling a bit before MOTD later.
Started the day with my last non-black coffee (need to cut down on dairy and sweetener for health reasons). Then walked to Target & BJs for Rx and groceries. Nice moderate round-trip walk of ~6 miles. Love the feel of my legs burning.

Planning another 2/3 miles on a true speed walk by 5, before a nice long epsom salt bath and casual dress for my father in-law's birthday dinner tonight. His day is actually tomorrow, but the in-laws don't like celebrations on Sundays. That's why we didn't celebrate Chinese Father's Day (08/08 AKA BaBa Jie) this year.

Capping the day and weekend by finally reading "The Other Black Girl" by Zakiya Dalila Harris. Recommended by several friends in publishing universe. A couple suggested we collaborate on story collection based on our experiences similar to ZDH. I've been promising a roman a clef for nearly 20 years. Just need a couple more people to ... er disappear.
Revved up the TV and the surround sound system and had my twelve year old grandson over to watch "Jaws"--his first time seeing it. I loved watching him shout, "Oh my God!!" at every jump scare where the shark comes out of the water, including, yes, the "We're gonna need a bigger boat" scene. He enjoyed the hell out of it, and I enjoy watching movies with him, now that he's old enough to see some "big boy" stuff.

His parents aren't into scary movies or adventure movies, but I love 'em, so it's a prime opportunity for some male bonding stuff. 🙂
Revved up the TV and the surround sound system and had my twelve year old grandson over to watch

I tried to arrange to have my daughter and I watch old movies that came out when I was her age. For example, when she was 12, we watched watched Smokey and the Bandit. Some she liked, many she didn't. Oh well, it wasn't really about the movies anyway. :)
I tried to arrange to have my daughter and I watch old movies that came out when I was her age. For example, when she was 12, we watched watched Smokey and the Bandit. Some she liked, many she didn't. Oh well, it wasn't really about the movies anyway. :)

I remember as a kid watching "It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World" with my parents. It came out a few years before my dad was born, but he remembers seeing it with his parents as a child. Because I was exposed to it at such a young age, it's become one of my favorite old movies and I've seen a number of other movies starring many of the same actors.
Reading about - and following what is happening in - Afghanistan, unfortunately.

My brother - Decent Brother - phoned (he, too, has been following unfolding developments closely, mainly because he knew of my concern and interest, and yes, emotional involvement, I must admit to, if I am to be entirely honest) to chat.

While chatting, he remarked - with heartfelt feeling - on how glad he is that I am not in the country, attempting to catch one of the last available flights out from Kabul International Airport (an airport I know very well), although I gather that civilian flights have come to a halt.
Reading about - and following what is happening in - Afghanistan, unfortunately.

My brother - Decent Brother - phoned (he, too, has been following unfolding developments closely, mainly because he knew of my concern and interest, and yes, emotional involvement, I must admit to, if I am to be entirely honest) to chat.

While chatting, he remarked - with heartfelt feeling - on how glad he is that I am not in the country, attempting to catch one of the last available flights out from Kabul International Airport (an airport I know very well), although I gather that civilian flights have come to a halt.
Grim times. I too am glad you are not there right now. I'm fortunate to not know anyone over there. But if you have the misfortune to have family there at this time its a tense time I'm sure.

Here its been another day of gardening, walking and following the football. Now I'm supposed to be working, but have to say I'm not feeling it.
Reading about - and following what is happening in - Afghanistan, unfortunately.

My brother - Decent Brother - phoned (he, too, has been following unfolding developments closely, mainly because he knew of my concern and interest, and yes, emotional involvement, I must admit to, if I am to be entirely honest) to chat.

While chatting, he remarked - with heartfelt feeling - on how glad he is that I am not in the country, attempting to catch one of the last available flights out from Kabul International Airport (an airport I know very well), although I gather that civilian flights have come to a halt.

I'm glad to have not have any reporters in country. Air India shuttered flights, and so did Emirates. Air India said that Afghanistan's airspace was closed, and it looks like everyone's flying around the country tonight.

I'm up with the boy, who's got a good bout of insomnia. So, he's reading, and I'm reading emails, and listening to one of the dog's snore.
I'm glad to have not have any reporters in country. Air India shuttered flights, and so did Emirates. Air India said that Afghanistan's airspace was closed, and it looks like everyone's flying around the country tonight.

I'm up with the boy, who's got a good bout of insomnia. So, he's reading, and I'm reading emails, and listening to one of the dog's snore.

Turkish Airlines were what I usually flew with, although some colleagues also used Emirates; Turkish Airlines had a daily flight from Istanbul to Kabul and they were very reliable, but never lingered, - there was not quite two hours between the time the morning flight landed and the return journey took off - and their turnarounds were legendarily rapid.

In fact, they even managed to land their daily flight (though it was already on the runway, turning, to aproach for take-off at the exact time of departure which is unusual, I was informed) on the days of both the first round and the second round of the 2014 presidential election; anticipating trouble, many had left the country and the planes were packed.
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The little G's first day at school today, actual walk-into-a-building school. Ugh, not sure how I feel about it. I'm excited that she's got AP/Honors classes, some count towards high school credit, she wanted to go back vs. virtual again and the school has a pretty decent plan in place for Covid. She's also going to wear a mask, she's been vaccinated for a couple of months as well.

We did the meet-n-greet on Friday, her drama (and AP history) teacher was super stoked to see her, so was her art teacher, we missed the biology teacher, word is she's tough, which is outstanding :D

Just a rough count, I'd guess more than 1/2 of the people were wearing masks (all the staff), apparently the "opt out" applications are extremely low, so maybe it'll be over 75% or so.
Quiet day in the office. A colleague has caught Covid and his team are all set isolating. I've not seen him since Thursday and don't have much to do with him or sit near him, so feel pretty safe. But as his team are the ones who go in most days, there were 5 of us in an office that could sit 35-40. Then of course its holiday season for many as well.
At the chiropractors in the morning.
Got some satisfaction from Spirit Airlines! So a few weeks ago, we had a Wednesday even departure, had an issue, moved it to Friday, retained the Tuesday departure. Get to the airport 6 hours early, the flight goes 1-2-3 hours late, we assume it's a no-fly that night. This is when we stayed at that insanely huge suite at the airport Hyatt ...

So assuming it's a bust, the lines to talk to a rep being 4+ hours deep, we simply make our own new outbound flights for Saturday morning (since we'll be staying right inside the airport). We plan on calling them to inform them of the change, but it's a clusterfuck trying to contact them for the next 24 hours.

Well, we kind of forget about it, check in on our Tue departure, and nope, they've cancelled that, in fact, "a couple of hours after you didn't make the original flight" according to the rep on Monday night - that was the Friday night flight that got bumped 3 times but did eventually leave. So we're like, f*** this, make our own reservations for the next morning, same departing flight.

Well, a without too much fuss, probably since Spirit was basically imploding over that time period, we got 3 of the 4 flights refunded, like we only got charge for the Saturday morning out of Orlando, that's it.

Now we're leaning into Hyatt about that room :D
I’ve been off since last Thursday so headed down to Tenby to stay in my in-laws caravan. Heading back home tomorrow. We’ve done lots of beach things, visited a zoo, dinosaur park and been bowling. Did a bit of crabbing this morning too which the kids always seem to love. It’s a bit too busy for my liking though but can’t complain as it’s free to stay. Better than being at work at the moment anyway. Heading to my fathers cottage in west Wales in 2 weeks for a stay over the bank holiday, it’s been a month of holidays which is cool.