What are you doing today?

Cooking things in the daytime this afternoon..... so I don't end up late at night again having to wait into the wee hours for my late-night kitchen creations to cool enough to refrigerate or wrap and freeze. I think the full moon (which just passed) invariably makes me buzzy without even the slightest bit of caffeine. So one cuppa coffee and one cuppa tea later around the time of a full moon, I'm good for a 24 hour blitz at life, or so my brain appears to decide.
So what’s the new job?

I can’t donate on an empty stomach. Not that I’ll get sick, but I’m iron deficient so I have to trick my body into a high enough level to be eligible to donate.
I'll be doing meteorology-adjacent web development, combining my passions for meteorology and programming!

Opposite issue for me — one time I got my finger pricked and the guy asked if I’d been sucking on nails, since I was just barely within the upper bound of acceptable levels. 😳🤣
I'll be doing meteorology-adjacent web development, combining my passions for meteorology and programming!

That sounds pretty interesting - assuming you can / want to, disclose more info - is that will a research company, a"station" or an app developer?
Neat. What's the tech stack?
For the current production website, your guess is as good as mine because they’re replacing it and understandably don’t want to teach me. The new website is basically being rebuilt from the ground up using Drupal and Docker amidst a broader shift to the cloud.

I know Drupal (and most PHP-based projects, really) have fallen somewhat out of favor lately, but it makes sense for this use case. Wouldn’t have been my choice, but it lets us serve highly complex needs without a highly complex content management flow.
For the current production website, your guess is as good as mine because they’re replacing it and understandably don’t want to teach me. The new website is basically being rebuilt from the ground up using Drupal and Docker amidst a broader shift to the cloud.

I know Drupal (and most PHP-based projects, really) have fallen somewhat out of favor lately, but it makes sense for this use case. Wouldn’t have been my choice, but it lets us serve highly complex needs without a highly complex content management flow.
Surprised they picked Drupal over Craft CMS for a PHP-based CMS... but I guess some people stick to the oldies.
Actually I did upgrade the RAM in my current model but the performance boost didn’t seem to last long.

Other factors:
  • I need to stay in within a budget, so ponying for the extra ram would mean I’d have to move down to the base, two USB port model
  • Right now the 16GB version is as hard to find as a mermaid. Costco Amazon Best Buy
  • I’d probably end up ordering direct from Apple, and their delivery time is twice as long
  • In the meantime my HD has started clicking, so I’m on borrowed time to transfer over all my apps and data

Edit: I’m also not planning on holding onto the same machine as long this time.

You do have a backup of your data, do you not? These things don't always start clicking before they die. I wouldn't let that go more than a day or two, and even that is a risk.
At 7:40 this morning , it was 77 degrees with a Dewpoint of 74. I am not going outside unless I absolutely have to.
Sunny and humid with temps near 90 in NH. To me, this is brutal. Gonna drive a boat and hopefully make it to the Isles of Shoals today, a few miles off the coast. Usually cooler there and good seal watching, with porpoise and whale sighting potential.
Came down to Virginia this past weekend. After cleaning and sorting the apartment out, we ordered from InstaCart as it was already about 80 degrees at 8 a.m. this morning. We usually walk to Kroger's and back, but not in hot ass weather. I haven't gone on a speed walk since we arrived due to the heat. Doesn't look like I'll be doing so until the college allows folk on campus later this week.

It's about the same temp back in NYC, but it feels much hotter down here. The apt. is in an older house, so ACs in three different rooms to keep cool while we work on our different things apart.

Trying to meet up with friends this weekend to catch up. A good friend retired at the end of the Spring semester. So hoping to meet up with her and her wife, and the dogs for a hike. Maybe finally go fishing with them. Haven't fished in about 40 years.
We went to the health department and got our Covid booster. No appointment, no waiting. Very pleasant experience.
Let us know if you get any side effects and congratulations.

I am training several Microsoft CSMs today, trying to find time to eat in between several timed labs.
I was forced into buying this on a supply run today :D All the fall/seasonal/pumpkin products have come out much earlier this year - these glorious beverages tend to disappear quickly usually mid-late September and we had a pact to wait until at least September before buying any, but I wasn't going to miss out. In the beer fridge with the __intent__ to not get touched until Oct 1 ...

I was forced into buying this on a supply run today :D All the fall/seasonal/pumpkin products have come out much earlier this year - these glorious beverages tend to disappear quickly usually mid-late September and we had a pact to wait until at least September before buying any, but I wasn't going to miss out. In the beer fridge with the __intent__ to not get touched until Oct 1 ...

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I spent two years working in IT for a brewery and they had "payday beer" where they gave you 2 free cases of beer every payday. We had over 30 brands so it was always a variety (even though we always wanted the Widmer Bros Hefe) and I had so much stockpiled that I had a hard time giving it away, even my friends had enough. So I would offer it to the cable guy or whoever else came out to the house for anything.