What are you doing today?

Speaking pumpkin things ...

Word from Universal is that Halloween store is already open and selling "the best pumpkin coffee ever", we're not there till mid-late Oct (if that even happens), so I tracked down the company, found their site, ordered some online, they're local-ish to us, so hopefully it will come quickly - started with an 8oz, figured a 2lb later if it's good - since it's a flat rate shipping added a second bag of blueberry (hahaha, it's called Violet Blueberry Explosion).

It's hard to find flavored whole bean like this (though I did find a new company on Amazon, I figured since the wife saw this one specifically I'd surprise her with a couple of bags).


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Our Ad Hoc retired special operations group have been working overtime to help our translators relocate. We now have some of them in England, Germany and France. Two of the countries in Africa I worked in have agreed to take in Aghanistan refugees/translators; Uganda and Rwanda if they want too. Now to get Kenya on board.
Mrs. Veil and I decided to go to the beach Tuesday morning, when the weather was beautiful.

Unfortunately my mom needed my help to transfer her license plates, so I spent the morning at the license bureau instead of the beach.

So we tried again today. The weather said we had a three hour window when it would not be raining. It's a bit of a drive to get there from where we live, so we timed it for that window.

And of course it started raining the moment we arrived. We waited a bit and then I checked the updated forecast and it said rain until 5 this afternoon. So we turned around and came home.

Anybody who tries to sing "In the Good Old Summertime" is going to get a punch in the mouth.
Yep, they even had kegs in the meeting rooms. After 1:00 literally nobody got anything productive done. Also, I could walk across the street to the line and pull one off before it even got the label put on it, you've never tasted a better and more fresh beer.

If there's employment in the afterlife, that might be it :D
If there's employment in the afterlife, that might be it :D
Seriously, one of the best jobs I've ever had. They got bought out by Anheuser-Busch and a bunch of us got laid off but it was awesome up until then.
I was forced into buying this on a supply run today :D All the fall/seasonal/pumpkin products have come out much earlier this year - these glorious beverages tend to disappear quickly usually mid-late September and we had a pact to wait until at least September before buying any, but I wasn't going to miss out. In the beer fridge with the __intent__ to not get touched until Oct 1 ...

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Enjoy! I detest everything pumpkin. When I ran a coffee based cafe I was relieved that we would not be using the flavor in anything.
Came down to Virginia this past weekend. After cleaning and sorting the apartment out, we ordered from InstaCart as it was already about 80 degrees at 8 a.m. this morning. We usually walk to Kroger's and back, but not in hot ass weather. I haven't gone on a speed walk since we arrived due to the heat. Doesn't look like I'll be doing so until the college allows folk on campus later this week.

It's about the same temp back in NYC, but it feels much hotter down here. The apt. is in an older house, so ACs in three different rooms to keep cool while we work on our different things apart.

Trying to meet up with friends this weekend to catch up. A good friend retired at the end of the Spring semester. So hoping to meet up with her and her wife, and the dogs for a hike. Maybe finally go fishing with them. Haven't fished in about 40 years.

Yep, it's hot here in Northern Virginia -- 92° as I type!! So where are you in our beautiful Commonwealth?
At least so far this week we haven't had those 15 minutes thunderstorms that do nothing but up the humidity to 99%.
I was forced into buying this on a supply run today :D All the fall/seasonal/pumpkin products have come out much earlier this year - these glorious beverages tend to disappear quickly usually mid-late September and we had a pact to wait until at least September before buying any, but I wasn't going to miss out. In the beer fridge with the __intent__ to not get touched until Oct 1 ...

Word from Universal is that Halloween store is already open and selling "the best pumpkin coffee ever", we're not there till mid-late Oct (if that even happens), so I tracked down the company, found their site, ordered some online, they're local-ish to us, so hopefully it will come quickly - started with an 8oz, figured a 2lb later if it's good - since it's a flat rate shipping added a second bag of blueberry (hahaha, it's called Violet Blueberry Explosion).

🤮🤮🤮 To all things pumpkin. I’m so disappointed in you.

So we tried again today. The weather said we had a three hour window when it would not be raining. It's a bit of a drive to get there from where we live, so we timed it for that window.
We haven’t even tried since it rains every day this time of year. And it’s not so much the rain even. I can deal with a pleasant stroll on the sand in the rain. But until the traffic dries up after this weekend, it’s not worth the gamble.