Will Kevin McCarthy become Speaker?

According to CNN:
This is what is complicating matters: At least four Republican members are leaving town Friday because of various family issues.

So the hope is that they can have some sort of agreement tonight and then can have a deal to adjourn at some point over the next 24 hours and come back Monday, a separate source says.

So who knows how this will turn out today & it looks like they are going another round. 🤡

Hah. If they mess this up then it's either a bunch of divorces or else here comes Speaker Jeffries.
Gaetz is nominating Trump as speaker of the house.

There truly is no end to this insanity.

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Lol. Gaetz again accusing McCarthy of squatting in the Speaker's office.

"What rule allows a guy who came in second place ten times in a row to occupy the Speaker's office?"

Well, tradition. But the man has a point. :ROFLMAO:

Maybe I should rename the thread "Will Hakeem Jeffries become Speaker?"
Gaetz is nominating Trump as speaker of the house.

There truly is no end to this insanity.

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Gaetz is the composite pol that Dante designed the Eighth Circle of Hell for. He would fit right into almost any one of the ten ditches in that eighth circle.

The Eighth Circle of Hell is resided by the fraudulent. Dante and Virgil reach it on the back of Geryon, a flying monster with different natures, just like the fraudulent. This circle of Hell is divided into 10 Bolgias or stony ditches with bridges between them. In Bolgia 1, Dante sees panderers and seducer. In Bolgia 2 he finds flatterers. After crossing the bridge to Bolgia 3, he and Virgil see those who are guilty of simony. After crossing another bridge between the ditches to Bolgia 4, they find sorcerers and false prophets. In Bolgia 5 are housed corrupt politicians, in Bolgia 6 are hypocrites and in the remaining 4 ditches, Dante finds hypocrites (Bolgia 7), thieves (Bolgia 7), evil counselors and advisers (Bolgia 8), divisive individuals (Bolgia 9), and various falsifiers such as alchemists, perjurers, and counterfeits (Bolgia 10).
TFG's vote vs "Others" is most amusing.
Even Hern currently has 7 votes.

Can you imagine Trump leading the House of Representatives? Oy.

Honestly it's a travesty that insurrection supporters were even allowed to have stood for office again... what can it mean for them to swear an oath to uphold the constitution anyway?
TFG's vote vs "Others" is most amusing.
Even Hern currently has 7 votes.

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"Many people are saying, since I gave my much sought after and coveted Endorsement, that a vote for Kevin McCarthy is very much a Vote for me! That being the case, I had many more votes than many of my friends also being named. The democrat Media is pretending that I asked to be put into the hat for Speaker. Fake News! If I had asked to be made Speaker, I would have won, and by a lot! MAGA!

Oh yeah, almost forgot...please vote for McCarthy as Speaker...he has my Complete and Total Endorsement!"
I was a bit presumptuous to move his stuff in there, don't you think? Especially since he knew he was short of the votes.
No more presumptuous than those just elected moving into "their" offices without officially being sworn in. If he doesn't eventually get the gavel, it'll be taken care of by the actual Speaker. He gets it for now as the majority party leader voted in by the GQP.
At what point do some of the senior Republicans supporting McCarthy take him into a room and tell him it's over?
Good question. I think McCarthy is done. Even if he can eke out a win, which is unlikely, he’ll be completely ineffectual. But who would they propose as Speaker? The hardliners in the GOP caucus probably won’t support anyone reasonable, since their goal is disruption, rather than governance.

So enough people on the Democratic side would have to go along. Would they agree to vote for a moderate Republican Speaker, or would they press for Hakeem Jeffries, and how many Republicans would agree to that?
"Many people are saying, since I gave my much sought after and coveted Endorsement, that a vote for Kevin McCarthy is very much a Vote for me! That being the case, I had many more votes than many of my friends also being named. The democrat Media is pretending that I asked to be put into the hat for Speaker. Fake News! If I had asked to be made Speaker, I would have won, and by a lot! MAGA!
Yeah Donald, just like you won the last presidential election by a landslide.