It's being suggested that this relatively minor vote is a preview of what we are going to get from Republicans for the next 2 years on any and every vote. Given their slight majority, nobody really expects Democrats to be able to get anything done. With that low expectation set I guess we can just sit back and enjoy the Republicans eating their own as the only thing getting done in Congress.
Well yeah except there will be hellish times as the debt limit comes onto the table. The GOP eating their own on their own dime is one thing but putting the full faith and credit of the USA on the block internationally is a whole other gig. There will probably be a government shutdown. This even though it's been made clear that Americans do not LIKE government shutdowns.
A lengthy shutdown could solve some November 2024 problems for Democrats, but first the country has to get through that shutdown and the rest of 2023, even if the tail wagging the R dog wants to see if going over the cliff of actual default on our obligations is really a big deal.
McConnell, Schumer and Jeffries know that we cannot afford to default on our debt. McCarthy knows that too. Whether he can keep that sub-caucus in line or whether that will even be his job by then is a good question.
I'm assuming McCarthy gets the House gavel, eventually. If he doesn't... if it's someone like McHenry instead, well, there might not be so many challenges to the Speaker but there will still probably be a shutdown over the debt limit.
There shouldn't even BE a debt limit. Neither party gives a fig about it except when the other party is trying to pass a big ticket piece of legislation, and both parties ignore it while decorating the branches of the omnibus "Christmas tree" every year.
The debt limit is usually just a number carried around in the back of the mind, as if it were a running tab of how many lattes one has bought since Starbucks was born. What does that even mean? That one shouldn't have bought them? That one shouldn't buy any more? That one
cannot buy any more? Ah, well, no... not THAT, surely.
But here we are without a House speaker and the holdouts talking about the debt limit as if it's a bomb on the train tracks, which it probably is. But see that's all it is. A metaphorical bomb on the train tracks.
We're not going to default on our obligations and the adults in the room will find a way to ensure that.
McCarthy should tell all these remaining holdouts to get stuffed. There could come a moment, if not tonight, when the right number of accidentally not-voting Rs might put Jeffries into the speakership. If the holdouts want to play that kind of game, they do it at their peril no matter who ends up with the gavel.