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- Aug 11, 2020
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You sound reasonable to me and I don’t mean to pull a fast one, but I remember a time when I heard from your corner about how Trump was not so bad, or they are all the same, something along those lines.I totally agree with you.
On the boosters: I’d love for those in charge to actually say what’s the long term policy with the knowledge that we’ll have Covid variants forever. It seems that no leader wants to actually tackle this item, instead they go for short term half assed solutions.
Personally in the US I’d give a huge (indirect) tax break to those vaccinated. It’s something that the presidency can do without congress. Considering the cost of Covid, it would be worth it.
Now I have no desire to start any back and forth about the merits of Mr. Dispicable or what was said on another site but I will make a general statement about conservatism in the US. Don’t consider this a personal attack, because it is not.
- Conservatism in the USA is no longer what it was 60 years ago, it has broken bad.
- The End Justifies The Means and Win At All Costs is the controlling standards, the only standard that matters to those in charge of the Right:
- Deceit rules.
- Lies are smart, not deceitful.
- Keep the base sated and content on our sweet little lies.
- Truth is no longer valued by the conservatives movement, those in charge.
- Truth is dangerous and must be hidden when it does not serve the desired end.
- This includes making up BS ideas like CRT so they can not only hide the truth, but ban books and can expand this to any lie that needs telling for the desired end.
- It also excludes restoring the rightful hierarchy of races, and protection of white privaledge.
- Democracy the very corner stone of this country, must be squelched if it does not serve the desired end.
- And last but not least, the rules are being changed as I type so those Patriotic Republicans in charge of certain States can toss the results of any election they don’t like the outcome of for any bull shit lie they want to manufacture.
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