COVID Stupid

Dr. Jason Valentine, a physician at Mobile’s Diagnostic and Medical Clinic Infirmary Health, posted a photo on his Facebook page showing him posed next to a sign that says “effective Oct. 1, 2021, Dr. Valentine will no longer see patients that are not vaccinated against COVID-19.”
Good for him. Although I’m sure it goes against the Hyppocratic oath somehow. Then again, that’s where I go for 50% of my medical needs. I’m tempted to change primary care doctors.

Back to Governor Douchebag Abbot, a few points.
1. How can he be given monoclonal treatment before showing any symptoms?
2. Who gave him the 3rd jab?
3. Do the people who are now opting to avoid the vaccinations because they can get the monoclonal antibody infusions realize that it is not FDA approved?
Good for him. Although I’m sure it goes against the Hyppocratic oath somehow. Then again, that’s where I go for 50% of my medical needs. I’m tempted to change primary care doctors.

Back to Governor Douchebag Abbot, a few points.
1. How can he be given monoclonal treatment before showing any symptoms?
2. Who gave him the 3rd jab?
3. Do the people who are now opting to avoid the vaccinations because they can get the monoclonal antibody infusions realize that it is not FDA approved?

I think another concern is when the right sees their political heroes getting covid but appearing like it’s no big deal, they’ll just see this as another reason they don’t need to take things seriously. They won’t care if these high profile leaders are possibly getting special treatment. Their thought process really isn't that deep.
3. Do the people who are now opting to avoid the vaccinations because they can get the monoclonal antibody infusions realize that it is not FDA approved?
Not arguing about anything related to douchebag Abbott, but the FDA did approve emergency monoclonal infusions. I myself was given one earlier this year through UCLA.
Not arguing about anything related to douchebag Abbott, but the FDA did approve emergency monoclonal infusions. I myself was given one earlier this year through UCLA.
Monoclonal antibodies are still under emergency use authorization… right? So the same status as the vaccines?
If this is true, this is some truly sick shit, that should be beyond any bits about Florida

MIAMI (CBSMiami/AP) — As Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis criss-crosses the state opening monoclonal antibody treatment centers using Regeneron as a post-exposure prevention for COVID-19, he is also being criticized because one of his top donors is a major Regeneron investor.

According to the Associated Press, filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission show Citadel, a Chicago-based hedge fund, has $15.9 million in shares of Regeneron Pharmaceuticals as well as options to buy its stock.

Citadel CEO Ken Griffin has donated $10.75 million to a political committee that supports DeSantis. He also donated $5.75 million in 2018 and $5 million last April.

Citadel’s investment in Regeneron is a tiny fraction of its overall $39 billion in investments, but if the stock price were to go up, Citadel would benefit. DeSantis spokeswoman Christina Pushaw points out that Citadel has far greater investments in Moderna and Pfizer, which manufacture COVID-19 vaccines.

But the relationship has generated a buzz on social media, as Democrats question the relationship.

“Claiming that there is somehow ‘corruption’ by promoting the baseless political narrative that Governor DeSantis supports Regeneron over COVID vaccines (completely false, but that is another topic) is not even logically consistent when you examine the SEC filing,” Pushaw said in an email. “Citadel holds far more shares of Pfizer and Moderna than Regeneron.”

DeSantis announced on Wednesday the opening of the state’s newest monoclonal antibody treatment center at C.B. Smith Park in Pembroke Pines. Others are already open in Jacksonville, Orlando, and Merritt Island. Sites will open soon in Miami-Dade and Palm Beach Counties.

Experts say the drug is an effective treatment for COVID-19 if people receive treatment soon after testing positive.

Gov. Ron DeSantis has zeroed in on monoclonal antibody therapy as a lifeline for COVID-19 patients, holding press conferences around the state where he name-checks a specific drugmaker — Regeneron — which is a major investment for one of his largest campaign contributors.

“The Regeneron, just so everybody knows, is free,” DeSantis said during an appearance at a monoclonal antibody therapy center the state opened at Camping World Stadium in Orlando.

As DeSantis ramps up his reelection bid, the largest donation to his political committee this cycle is a $5 million contribution from Kenneth Griffin, the CEO of hedge fund Citadel, which owns $15.9 million shares in Regeneron, according to a regulatory report filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission this week.

The billionaire Griffin also gave DeSantis $5.75 million in 2018, during his run for governor.

The connection has emerged as the latest battleground in the nation's politicized war against COVID-19, with Democrats accusing DeSantis of doing more to promote Regeneron and his biggest donor's financial interests and less to advance vaccines in Florida, where just under half the population lacks immunization.

The accusations revolve around the reasons that desantis wouldn't want to advocate covid prevention with masks & vaccines, is that would cut into the demand for Regeneron.

What the bloody F-?!!
Yes, that's why I stated above that the FDA approved emergency infusions.

So the anti-vaxers claiming they don’t want vaccines because they are under emergency authorization are full of it. They have no problem taking monoclonal antibodies if they get sick, which are also under emergency authorization.
Some of these parents have got way too carried away. A Washington Post piece:

After Texas parent rips mask off teacher’s face, school official warns: ‘Do not fight mask wars in our schools’

Some parents physically and verbally assaulted teachers because of masks. One parent ripped a teacher’s mask off her face, Leonard said. Others yelled at another teacher to remove her mask because they claimed it made it difficult to understand what she was saying.

“This type of behavior will not be tolerated in Eanes ISD,” Leonard wrote Tuesday. “Our staff are on the front lines of this pandemic; let’s give them some space and grace. Please, I am asking everyone to be kind … do not fight mask wars in our schools.”

And it's not just in Texas, of course. There are other states where schools have been forbidden to issue mask mandates. However, some schools in areas experiencing a surge of the covid delta variant have defiantly gone ahead and made masks mandatory anyway. The federal Department of Education appears to be on their side, per another WaPo article. Their approach is pulling out all the stops available including legislation regarding special needs students and court rulings on discrimination and equal access to education.

Biden orders Education Department to take action against governors who ban school mask mandates

[Education Department Secretary Miguel] Cardona, in a Wednesday post on the department’s Homeroom Blog, said the department can investigate any state educational agency whose policies or actions “may infringe on the rights of every student to access public education equally.”

“The department will also receive and respond as appropriate to complaints from the public, including parents, guardians, and others about students who may experience discrimination as a result of states not allowing local school districts to reduce virus transmission risk through masking requirements and other mitigation measures,” he wrote. “As always, the Department’s Office for Civil Rights evaluates allegations of discrimination on a case-by-case basis, looking at the specific facts of each case.

“In addition, the Department’s Office of Special Education Programs monitors states’ implementation of the federal special education law that requires that students with disabilities receive a free, appropriate public education,” Cardona said.
Not arguing about anything related to douchebag Abbott, but the FDA did approve emergency monoclonal infusions. I myself was given one earlier this year through UCLA.

So the anti-vaxers claiming they don’t want vaccines because they are under emergency authorization are full of it. They have no problem taking monoclonal antibodies if they get sick, which are also under emergency authorization.
My point exactly.
Monoclonal antibodies are still under emergency use authorization… right? So the same status as the vaccines?
Not arguing about anything related to douchebag Abbott, but the FDA did approve emergency monoclonal infusions. I myself was given one earlier this year through UCLA.

Stop me if I am incorrect here, but the FDA's EUA simply approved an off-label use of something that has been FDA approved for 35 years.
Stop me if I am incorrect here, but the FDA's EUA simply approved an off-label use of something that has been FDA approved for 35 years.
But it has not been approved for this use. Same argument when hydroxychloriquine was all the rage. Yes it was approved, but not for Covid.
But it has not been approved for this use. Same argument when hydroxychloriquine was all the rage. Yes it was approved, but not for Covid.

Correct. But it does have full FDA approval. The vaccine does not. See the difference?
All I know is when I tested positive for covid early January, my Cardiologist gave my name / case to an independent panel of doctors and nurses at UCLA who decide who get the monoclonal antibodies infusion. They were afraid I would go full blown covid due to my heart condition. I had the transfusion, my covid remained very mild and I've been forever grateful.