COVID Stupid

I know some people object to the use of the word stupid, but...

God did give us the intelligence to make masks, if it's to help keep ourselves alive.


Or rob a bank, scare others, fight crime...
My god, so to speak, she thinks she is being profound, but the audience I project had a look in their eyes. 👀 To her point, we were not born with clothes, why is she not naked? :unsure:


We should rally against testing!! That’s the real danger to life and freedom!
I did not read the link, but I though breakthrough was not getting it after vaccinated, but ending up in the hospital with it after being vaccinated?
I know some people object to the use of the word stupid, but...

Who is objecting to the word "stupid"? That's really dumb.

I like how these two stand in front of an audience speaking into a microphone (if God wanted us to have LOUD voices...) reading off their cell phones (if God wanted us to be super smart...) with her glasses on (if God wanted us to have perfect vision...) all while standing in a building (if God wanted us to be protected from the elements...)

While there's no evidence to support this, I highly suspect afterwards they hopped in a car (if God wanted you to go that fast...) and drove to their air conditioned house (if God meant for you to be cool...) and hopped into a bed (if God wanted you to sleep on something soft...)

Their whole lives, from sunup to sundown, they're using things man invented to improve their lives without even thinking twice. But a piece of cloth across the mouth to protect against getting sick? Now you've gone too far. If God wanted them to have a piece of fabric across their face while they're having their nails painted green (because the default color God gave us sucks), then we'd come with built-in masks. That's just simple logic. Simple as in, it's totally true if you don't really think about it too hard.

These women are really fortunate that God invented the hair-brush so we wouldn't have messy hair, or they would have looked even crazier than they sounded.
Oh this gonna be good

"I will fight mask mandates to the death," says Sheriff who now relies on supplemental oxygen to live due to COVID

"Bottom line is: I beat it. And I did it without taking vaccinations, without getting my shot, without none of that nonsense," he said. "And that’s my decision. I make that decision. Not the government."
No matter how good your counterfeit vaccination cards are, if they're for your kids who are 4 and 5 years old, you're gonna get caught

Florida couple arrested in Hawaii for using fake vaccination cards​

Correct. But it does have full FDA approval. The vaccine does not. See the difference?

No. Some drugs are approved for certain uses but could be deadly if used for the wrong condition or disease.

Exactly. For instance, you really don’t want to take Digitalis for a headache, even though it’s FDA approved and one of its side-effects is relieving headaches.
Correct. But it does have full FDA approval. The vaccine does not. See the difference?
Lots of misunderstanding (or misinformation) about how this works, so let me try to clear things up:

Pharmaceutical companies and others who develop new drugs typically submit an IND (Investigational New Drug) to the FDA. These incorporate clinical protocols that test safety and efficacy, with strict requirements for Institutional Review Board review, informed consent, and other controls. The desired endpoint is FDA approval for a given medical indication or set of indications.

Under emergency situations such as the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the FDA may grant Emergency Use Authorization for a drug or other therapy. This requires safety and efficacy data as well, though possibly less than needed for full approval, depending on the nature of the emergency. EUAs expire when the emergency conditions are over. In the case of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines that have been granted EUA, the volume and rigor of supporting information was quite high. While it's possible that further study may produce different results, the volume of data gathered worldwide since EUA has been massive, and this hasn't happened.

Occasionally, the FDA may allow use of an investigational drug for expanded (also sometimes called compassionate) use. This can be done for an individual or group in life-threatening circumstances when there are no alternatives. I suspect this is what allowed Trump to receive monoclonal antibody therapy last year.

Finally, any approved drug may be used off-label — that is, to treat conditions for which it was not approved. This can be done at the discretion of the treating physician or other authorized healthcare provider.

I often hear claims that the vaccines are investigational or experimental and therefore not safe, while drugs like HCQ are because they're approved. But the quality and quantity of supporting data are what matter. Unfortunately, most people who take one position or another have no ability to assess the validity of scientific studies, so they parrot what they've heard or read in social and other media.
Under emergency situations such as the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the FDA may grant Emergency Use Authorization for a drug or other therapy. This requires safety and efficacy data as well, though possibly less than needed for full approval, depending on the nature of the emergency. EUAs expire when the emergency conditions are over. In the case of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines that have been granted EUA, the volume and rigor of supporting information was quite high. While it's possible that further study may produce different results, the volume of data gathered worldwide since EUA has been massive, and this hasn't happened.

Occasionally, the FDA may allow use of an investigational drug for expanded (also sometimes called compassionate) use. This can be done for an individual or group in life-threatening circumstances when there are no alternatives. I suspect this is what allowed Trump to receive monoclonal antibody therapy last year.

Finally, any approved drug may be used off-label — that is, to treat conditions for which it was not approved. This can be done at the discretion of the treating physician or other authorized healthcare provider.

I often hear claims that the vaccines are investigational or experimental and therefore not safe, while drugs like HCQ are because they're approved. But the quality and quantity of supporting data are what matter. Unfortunately, most people who take one position or another have no ability to assess the validity of scientific studies, so they parrot what they've heard or read in social and other media.

Thank you!
I beginning to realize that thanks to a considerable portion of Florida & Texas attending meetings, this is the new version of 'mask shaming' lunacy.

My question is if you are against vaccines so vehemently, how do you know a spoon will stick to one's vaccination spot? :unsure:

I'd go to some of these meetings if I could, but I realize it's to see a group of mouth breathers & no masks. No thanks.

Oh wait, I'm sorry.

It isn't just some folks attending school board meetings where the stupid happens.

With Cullman Regional experiencing overcrowding due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the city of Cullman will be providing more first responders to this weekend’s Alabama GOP rally.

The Cullman City Council passed a resolution during a special called meeting Thursday morning to declare a State of Emergency due to threat that COVID-19 continues to pose to the city’s residents.

The declaration of the State of Emergency allowed the city to provide the additional personnel and equipment for this weekend’s political rally after it was requested by Cullman Regional.

The Alabama Republican Party is hosting former President Donald Trump and other Republican speakers at the York Farms property on Saturday.


Cullman Regional Chief Operating Officer Nesha Donaldson sent a letter to the city Wednesday requesting additional support at the rally, and cited the hospital’s overcrowding, bed shortages, labor shortages and an increased strain on Cullman EMS.

In the letter, Donaldson said the hospital will be providing medical support at the rally, but needs help from the city to be able to maintain better response times for COVID-19 issues and allow for better staffing at the hospital.
Thank you!
I see you bolded a couple of phrases from my post. So to clarify further:

1. As I noted, the data submitted to the FDA for EUA for the vaccines was already quite high at the time. I and many of my colleagues reviewed those data in detail last year and had no hesitancy in getting vaccinated as soon as we were eligible. I understand why people unversed in assessing randomized clinical trials might have been and still remain reluctant. However, by now the amount of data gathered worldwide since EUA is far greater than any pharmaceutical company could ever produce for full approval in the normal course of affairs, and it shows that the vaccines are very safe. Therefore, any argument that the vaccines haven't been tested sufficiently doesn't hold water. All that's left is for the FDA to apply their stamp of approval, which they'll do in a few weeks.

2. Just because off-label use of a drug is permitted doesn't mean that it's as safe or effective as when the same drug is used for one of its approved indications. This doesn't mean that indications can't or shouldn't change over time. Take the use of minoxidil for hair loss, for example. It was originally approved by the FDA to treat hypertension, but it proved to be effective to stimulate hair growth. So physicians started using it off-label for that purpose. Eventually, this was added to the list of approved indications. (For the record, this isn't founded on personal experience!)

My point is that it can be very risky to widely use a drug off-label without good supporting studies. The downside (apart from the drug not working) is low if there aren't any significant side effects, but the risk goes up if there are such effects or if the off-label use causes people to avoid other effective therapies.
There are so many COVID patients needing oxygen in Orlando that they don’t have enough for the water treatment plant. So, people are being asked to curtail their water use.

And still De(ath)Santis refuses to issue mask mandates or require vaccines to take part in popular activities.

Once a vaccine became available, we all thought we saw the light at the end of the tunnel. 70-80% of people will get vaccinated, and we will reach herd immunity and we can return to life as normal. Instead, millions of morons saw places that got to 70% drop their mask mandates and they decided that although only 30-40% of their state got vaccines, they would also drop all mask mandates and act as if the pandemic is over. This country is chock-full of idiots and they are hurting us all. I wish Congress would pass a vaccine mandate immediately, but let’s face it… the members of Congress are not always the “best and brightest” of America.
I beginning to realize that thanks to a considerable portion of Florida & Texas attending meetings, this is the new version of 'mask shaming' lunacy.

My question is if you are against vaccines so vehemently, how do you know a spoon will stick to one's vaccination spot? :unsure:

I'd go to some of these meetings if I could, but I realize it's to see a group of mouth breathers & no masks. No thanks.

That was literally painful to watch. I don’t think I could listen to the full thing. These people are fucking insane.
I my have been wrong in saying vaccines will be approved in a few weeks. I just read that Pfizer - BioNTech may be as soon as Monday. It’s not being widely reported yet, though. But even if not, I don’t think it’ll be long.