COVID Stupid

I my have been wrong in saying vaccines will be approved in a few weeks. I just read that Pfizer - BioNTech may be as soon as Monday. It’s not being widely reported yet, though. But even if not, I don’t think it’ll be long.
I’m just waiting for the “wait and see” crowd to move the goalposts when this happens.
I my have been wrong in saying vaccines will be approved in a few weeks. I just read that Pfizer - BioNTech may be as soon as Monday. It’s not being widely reported yet, though. But even if not, I don’t think it’ll be long.
Once it‘s promoted from the emergency list to “full” approval, I’m sure the millions of people using that as an excuse for not getting it will be rushing out to get the vaccine! /s
Paul Krugman has a very good piece about the anger at people who won’t get vaccinated or wear masks. I posted it in the “freedom queens” thread, but here is a snippet:

To say what should be obvious, getting vaccinated and wearing a mask in public spaces aren’t “personal choices.” When you reject your shots or refuse to mask up, you’re increasing my risk of catching a potentially deadly or disabling disease, and also helping to perpetuate the social and economic costs of the pandemic. In a very real sense, the irresponsible minority is depriving the rest of us of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Furthermore, to say something that should also be obvious, those claiming that their opposition to public health measures is about protecting “freedom” aren’t being honest.
So get this. According to Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, it’s African-Americans and Democrats who are not pulling their vaccine load.

"The Covid is spreading, particularly most of the numbers are with the unvaccinated, and the Democrats like to blame Republicans on that," Patrick told Fox News host Laura Ingraham in an interview Thursday night. "Well, the biggest group in most states are African Americans who have not been vaccinated. Last time I checked, over 90 percent of them vote for Democrats in their major cities and major counties, so it's up to the Democrats to get ... as many people vaccinated."
Patrick told Ingraham that Democrats are "doing nothing for the African American community," while Republicans are "encouraging people" who want the vaccine to take it. But he added, "we respect the fact if they don't want the vaccination, we're not going to force it on them. That's their individual right."

Patrick is suffering from the same kind of mental sickness that Trump exhibits, namely that no matter how many people are sick and dying around him, it’s not about that, it’s about trashing the libs.
It’s about cherry-picking facts to try to paint your opponents as the villains and ignoring your own culpability in it.

It really is sick. :mad:
I saw this on Maddow just now, and thought there is NO FUCKING WAY...

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1428842090541223940/


Thanks to Faux News and the logic of "It's approved by the FDA, unlike vaccine"...

JACKSON, Miss. —

Mississippi health officials are warning people not to take animal drugs to protect them from getting COVID-19.

"The Mississippi Poison Control Center has received increased calls due to livestock or animal formulations of ivermectin taken to prevent or treat COVID-19 infection. Animal drugs are highly concentrated for large animals and can be highly toxic in humans. Do NOT take drugs made for animals in any form," the Mississippi State Department of Health said on social media Friday.

State Health Officer Dr. Thomas Dobbs was asked during a Wednesday briefing about reports of people becoming ill after ingesting the drugs, which are available at area feed stores.

"Ivermectin at high doses can be toxic and even deadly in really high concentrations in animal models," Dobbs said.

Ivermectin can be prescribed to combat intestinal parasites or scabies and are taken in one-dose, Dobbs said.

"I think some people are trying to use this a preventative, which I think is really kind of crazy, so please don’t do that," Dobbs said.
At least one person has been hospitalized because of ivermectin-related toxicity, Dobbs said.

"Please work with your doctor. This is medical treatment," Dobbs said. "You wouldn’t get your chemotherapy at a feed store. I mean, you wouldn’t get your pneumonia with your animal’s medication. It can be dangerous to get the wrong doses of medication, especially for something that’s meant for a horse or a cow."

State epidemiologist Dr. Paul Byers is appalled by the high numbers of consumptions.

"Why in the world would an individual would want to take a medication for livestock that number one has no oversite, no FDA approval, there are no FDA studies on almost. Those are animal medications, and they are very high concentrations that could lead to human toxicity. And ivermectin has not shown any benefit," Byers said.

According to the Mississippi health professionals, most cases have only been minor symptoms. There are currently no reported hospitalizations in the state.

For FUCK sakes! This is no longer Covid STUPID, it's Covid LUNACY!

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1428851746328166403/
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So get this. According to Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, it’s African-Americans and Democrats who are not pulling their vaccine load.

It really is sick. :mad:

Citywide, just 28% of Black New Yorkers between the ages of 18 and 44 are fully vaccinated.

Just because you don't like who said it, doesn't make it not true.
Citywide, just 28% of Black New Yorkers between the ages of 18 and 44 are fully vaccinated.

Just because you don't like who said it, doesn't make it not true.
WTF does that have to do with Texas? Patrick was blaming black people there for being the top spreaders of the disease… which was shown to be completely false by the data in Texas.

Let’s go back to your “Why does everybody think I’m a racist?” thread. This post you just made should answer your own question.
For FUCK sakes! This is no longer Covid STUPID, it's Covid LUNACY!

Yes, it's complete lunacy. They won't trust a vaccine that millions around the world have taken. But if some yahoo on Facebook says to take a cow dewormer, you go to the feed store. That's just covid sense (which is pretty much the opposite of common sense).
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I saw this on Maddow just now, and thought there is NO FUCKING WAY...
I’ve encountered a few locals on Facebook who are convinced Ivermectin is the answer. 🙄
Citywide, just 28% of Black New Yorkers between the ages of 18 and 44 are fully vaccinated.
Other than the fact that that statement has nothing to do with Texas…. Whether NY or TX, do Blacks make up the majority of the population that it would fall to them? No. That statement is ridiculous.
Citywide, just 28% of Black New Yorkers between the ages of 18 and 44 are fully vaccinated.

I'll admit I found that a surprising statistic. Hopefully something is being done to change it.

Beyond that, it's about as useful as what the dude from Texas said (Lieutenant Governor?). This is a virus attacking humanity. Trying to find somewhere to point the finger is a waste of time. It doesn't matter if you're democrat, republican or something else. It doesn't matter if you're white, black, or something else. Religion doesn't matter. Being here legally vs. illegally doesn't matter. Being Christian vs not being a Christian doesn't matter. None of the typical bullshit we use to abuse each other matters. It's an unthinking virus that affects all of us roughly equally. A solution exists, but some have been tricked into not trusting it by assholes with questionable intelligence and/or motives. Prior to that, ideas to help slow things down were attacked by those same assholes. Those statistics should be used to know where to concentrate efforts to get people vaccinated for the benefit of everyone, not for scoring political points.
I'll admit I found that a surprising statistic. Hopefully something is being done to change it.

Beyond that, it's about as useful as what the dude from Texas said (Lieutenant Governor?). This is a virus attacking humanity. Trying to find somewhere to point the finger is a waste of time. It doesn't matter if you're democrat, republican or something else. It doesn't matter if you're white, black, or something else. Religion doesn't matter. Being here legally vs. illegally doesn't matter. Being Christian vs not being a Christian doesn't matter. None of the typical bullshit we use to abuse each other matters. It's an unthinking virus that affects all of us roughly equally. A solution exists, but some have been tricked into not trusting it by assholes with questionable intelligence and/or motives. Prior to that, ideas to help slow things down were attacked by those same assholes. Those statistics should be used to know where to concentrate efforts to get people vaccinated for the benefit of everyone, not for scoring political points.
Dan Patrick and his supporters put their fingers in their ears: “Nope, it’s all the blacks’ fault!” Which is an interesting pivot from “It’s all the illegals’ fault!” they were spouting earlier.

Convincing people to do what’s good for them has always been a challenge (don’t smoke, don’t overeat, eat more veggies, etc.). Sadly, folks like Donald Trump, who are great at convincing their followers of things, are refusing to use that influence to encourage people to get vaccinated… and are instead working against it.

In reading the article about NYC, many people are concerned about missing work if the vaccine gives them a few days of symptoms. For many, missing a couple days of work means deciding which bill they won’t pay this month.
I my have been wrong in saying vaccines will be approved in a few weeks. I just read that Pfizer - BioNTech may be as soon as Monday. It’s not being widely reported yet, though. But even if not, I don’t think it’ll be long.

It will be interesting to see if this has a positive affect or if the vaccine hesitant will just move the goal posts or unceremoniously remove this from their list of excuses. Regardless, the news media will most likely give all the airtime to the latter. “Go out and find some remaining idiots and only interview them. Make sure to use ‘half the country’ a lot in your report. Yes, we’re allowed to do that. It’s totally fine.”
Dan Patrick and his supporters put their fingers in their ears: “Nope, it’s all the blacks’ fault!” Which is an interesting pivot from “It’s all the illegals’ fault!” they were spouting earlier.

Convincing people to do what’s good for them has always been a challenge (don’t smoke, don’t overeat, eat more veggies, etc.). Sadly, folks like Donald Trump, who are great at convincing their followers of things, are refusing to use that influence to encourage people to get vaccinated… and are instead working against it.

In reading the article about NYC, many people are concerned about missing work if the vaccine gives them a few days of symptoms. For many, missing a couple days of work means deciding which bill they won’t pay this month.

I’m fairly confident you’ll miss more days of work if you get covid or you’re dead.
People are wondering what will happen when the vaccine becomes mandatory for military members:

IMHO, the troops will fall in line and get the shot. It surprises me to this day that military members are hesitant to get this vaccine. I vividly remember vaccination day at basic training. Shot after shot in an assembly line. Nobody told you what shot you were getting. You just moved down the line. How anybody could submit themselves to that and suddenly be worried about THIS vaccine is beyond me.

I can understand waiting until they got full FDA approval to make it mandatory though, based on the military’s history with the Anthrax vaccine.

But the decision of getting the vaccine or keeping your job is a decision some people are going to have to make.
I think something should be done about that.

NYC, of all places, seems like it would have the political will to issue an order mandating 3 days of paid time off if and only if it’s used for the person to get the vaccine.

I don't know what's in that vaccine and don't want to put it in my body, and that's why we should just shoot ourselves up with cow deworming meds to fight Covid-19​

Mississippi officials warn against using livestock ivermectin to prevent COVID-19 after rise in poison control calls​

I agree with that, but deciding between the risk of maybe getting COVID vs knowing you’ll miss your rent payment and possibly lose your job... is not a decision people should have to make.

Rent payments are of zero concern until the end of September. I have yet to hear of somebody getting fired because they missed a couple days of work due to getting vaccinated. That might even be illegal.