COVID Stupid

The anti-vaxxers can rant all they want. They can quote scientific studies they have no ability to evaluate or understand. They can parrot lies from despicable politicians like Rand Paul or clergy who tell them God will take care of them. But what will they say or do when they or a family member can't get an ICU bed for COVID or an unrelated condition or can't even be seen in the ER because their preferred hospital is on diversion? That's already happening in many southern states, and it will only get worse. You can say it's their choice, but they're harming the rest of us, including their own children in many cases.
Here is a doctor’s response to that behavior… This doctor notes that these people reject medical science… until they become ill and then want doctors to use it to save their lives.

BERLIN (Reuters) - Authorities in northern Germany appealed to thousands of people on Tuesday to get another shot of COVID-19 vaccine after a police investigation found that a Red Cross nurse may have injected them with a saline solution.

The nurse is suspected of injecting salt solution into people's arms instead of genuine doses at a vaccination centre in Friesland - a rural district near the North Sea coast - in the early spring.

"I am totally shocked by this episode," Sven Ambrosy, a local councillor, said on Facebook as local authorities issued the call to around 8,600 residents who may have been affected.
Many have already made the comparison about all the sacrifices that citizens had to make during WWII and these pussies can’t even put on a mask or get a shot, but on Trae Crowder’s recent YouTube rant he said imagine going up to an earlier settler with their wagons full of disease dead and telling them a couple hundred years in the future we figured out how to prevent something like that by wearing a mask and getting a shot but half the country refused to do it.
There’s no way to say this nicely.

Abbott and DeSantis are killing people.

If Mel Brooks made the Abbott and DeSantis movie, during their press conferences there’d be an endless parade of sheet-covered bodies swarming with flies being wheeled across on gurneys in the background.
I’ve had it with Republican politicians running cover with their personal responsibility over government mandates bullshit. Point me to any right-wing protest where they’re all masked up while chanting “choosing to wear a mask!”. These people are mentally deranged. You don’t further fuel their delusions creating a public safety hazard and then tell everybody else not to worry about it.

To put it in terms they can understand, this isn’t everybody having a gun pointed to their own head with the personal responsibility to not pull the trigger. This is everybody wildly waving their gun in all directions with no control of when the trigger goes off. If this was an active school shooting these people would be blocking the police from entering the scene while saying it’s the students’ personal responsibility to stay out of the line of fire.
Yes, that’s funny, but it’s also so pathetic. These geniuses can’t even spell. Their kids are probably smarter than they are.
Yes, that’s funny, but it’s also so pathetic. These geniuses can’t even spell. Their kids are probably smarter than they are.
Yes, they kids are way smarter. That’s probably why the geniuses are trying to kill them.
Here is good reason why this thread was created, when El Stupido can’t even keep the plot line of a movie straight as an excuse not to get vaccinated: 🤮

Fact check: A vaccine did not turn characters in the movie ‘I Am Legend’ into zombies​

This data is visualized in a way that shows how linked Trump voters are to vaccine refusal.

It’s pretty astonishing. People care about politics more than their own health? WTF?

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