Hamas has launched a major attack on Israel

I don't think Trump is an anti-Semite. He's just anti everyone who isn't for him, no matter who or what they are.

Agreed. Anyone that crosses him is an enemy. Anyone that is loyal to him he loves (but by no means is ever going to be loyal back). I found it amusing how Vivek was an enemy and “not maga” per Trump the day before he dropped out and the next day when he made his endorsement Trump couldn’t have had kinder words for the guy. I’m not sure there is a solid definition for one who is “maga” but Vivek is as close to you can get as a non-genetically related clone of Trump.

Another annoyance is the perpetuated Trump-Putin submissive relationship. MSNBC is still promoting this nonsense. In terms of policy Trump was immeasurably more harsh on Russia than the Obama/Biden/Clinton era and probably GW Bush- certainly early the Bush era. Putin invaded Crimea and the most aid would muster were blankets.

I actually think Trump has a smart strategy with Putin- I’m not sure it’s a strategy or just a convenient situation, but either way it has some benefits. Trump cozying up to Putin feeds Putin’s narcissism which will make him more agreeable despite what policies actually occur. Trump being a narcissistic himself should be aware of this. Putin probably tries the same strategy. Thankfully for us the US has power Russia does not. You can debate the merit of entertaining diplomacy with Kim Jong Un, but I don’t necessarily think it’s a bad thing having an open line of communication. There’s plenty of dictators in the world Trump did not appear to bromance, typically ones who don’t really affect US interests.

And as nice as it would be for everyone to act principled all the time and exhibiting a hostile view of all bad actors, that is likely to get you too far diplomatically. Take for instance MBS and Biden. Biden repeatedly made disparaging comments about MBS (despite being completely legitimate comments). To be clear MBS is an evil human being But then when Biden is looking for Saudi influence in the ME and increased oil output to quell skyrocketing gas prices, MBS humiliates Biden by inviting him to SA, not meeting him at the airport, and basically telling him to F off. Plus SA joining the Abraham accords, which is undeniably a significant achievement, got put off… and is unlikely to be completed anytime soon given Israel-Gaza.

But I have to say I am very leery of Trumps stance on Ukraine. I’m not even clear on what his policy is other than waving a magic wand. I believe republicans will ultimately provide funding but not until they are done playing politics with Biden post election. The cost-benefit of supporting Ukraine is undeniable- Pennie’s on the dollar to destroy one of our latest rivals. In the meantime what they are doing is reprehensible.

Remember when Biden was criticized (rightfully imo) by the right for abandoning Afghanistan and our coalition partners? You’d think the democrats would be screaming about republicans abandoning Ukraine- the majority of republicans voting for billions in aid and then suddenly pulling the rug. Luckily Ukraine is holding their own despite aid drying up.

Another Trump thing- I’m not sure if Trump wants to dissolve NATO. My impression this was always a threat due to most of Europe not remotely meeting commitments, which he often cited. He wasn’t wrong about that. Much of Europe barely had many empty shelves at the start of the war and barely any operational infrastructure to build new gear. But apparently they expect the US to handle all their weapons need- building and paying for them. And amazingly no one including the US but especially Europe foresaw a potential artillery war with Russia in Eastern Europe.
As a Jew I think it’s vitally important not to diminish the term “antisemitism” by erroneously throwing out accusations at every disagreement or for political purposes.

As a Jew, maybe you’re in a better position to assess what is or isn’t antisemetic. To me, I think I’m able to discern what is or isn’t anti-semitism pretty easily, I can discern when Soros’ name is brought up as a “money in politics” discussion vs “rich Jew secretly running the world” implications.

The idea that just because they say the name Soros doesn’t mean they’re anti-semetic, the same is true of crime in Chicago. I think I can accurately decipher when someone wants to really discuss the issues there, vs. when it’s used as a camouflage way of deriding blacks and Hispanics.

I agree with you in considering the source - I do. And there are lots of them in the GOP, and I’m extremely sad to see a small but significant number of them in the Democrat party, and in the black community. It’s a blind and ignorant form of racism.

I guess I would ask what you think the ratio is of Soros being name-dropped by people engaging in honest discussion vs those who just throw it out in some form a defamatory “rich Jew” sort of way.

BTW, I do think Trump is anti-semetic. And racist. No pass from me because he’s an equal opportunity asshole.
The idea that just because they say the name Soros doesn’t mean they’re anti-semetic,

I guess I would ask what you think the ratio is of Soros being name-dropped by people engaging in honest discussion vs those who just throw it out in some form a defamatory “rich Jew” sort of way.

I have stated that I had no idea Soros was Jewish until it was brought up here.

And in this very thread I am pretty clear on my support of Israel and Jews.

Soros does a lot of things that can cause people to have a very negative opinion of him and none of it has to do with him being Jewish. You have to see that.

If your only thought about criticism of Soros is that it is because he is Jewish, you will never understand why people are against him and what he does.

BTW, I do think Trump is anti-semetic. And racist. No pass from me because he’s an equal opportunity asshole.

You do realize his son-in-law is Jewish. His daughter converted to Judaism and since Judaism is passed from the mother, his 3 grand kids are Jewish.

A true anti-Semite would have disowned and disinherited her.


On a more serious note, We have launched some attacks on militias in Iraq & Syria in response to their attacks on our troops.

I am fine with the Administration's decision to do this, but also worry about how things may escalate.

Are we on the brink of a large middle east war or even worse, WWIII.
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Soros does a lot of things that can cause people to have a very negative opinion of him and none of it has to do with him being Jewish. You have to see that.
Soros is a dog whistle for right wing extremists over 50, this trope was tired 20 years ago.
Soros is a dog whistle for right wing extremists over 50, this trope was tired 20 years ago.

Yes and those same right-wing extremists recalled the SF District Attorney who's campaign was funded in part by Soros backed PAC's.

Don't think you can blame that one on RW extremists.
Yes and those same right-wing extremists recalled the SF District Attorney who's campaign was funded in part by Soros backed PAC's.

Don't think you can blame that one on RW extremists.

In the beginning I was on board with Chesa Boudin, the very liberal DA who ran for that office on a reform-based platform with respect to bail and sentencing, and was elected

My personal view was an experiment was in order because that was the only way to determine if a change in policies would be fruitful for San Francisco. Turns out it wasn't, for a variety of reasons. And was happy to see him go a couple years later, whether supported by Soros or not. I do believe Boudin's heart was in the right place.
In the beginning I was on board with Chesa Boudin, the very liberal DA who ran for that office on a reform-based platform with respect to bail and sentencing, and was elected

My personal view was an experiment was in order because that was the only way to determine if a change in policies would be fruitful for San Francisco. Turns out it wasn't, for a variety of reasons. And was happy to see him go a couple years later, whether supported by Soros or not. I do believe Boudin's heart was in the right place.

That's the issue. He, through his PAC's, have funded the races of DA's that are of a similar nature.
That's the issue. He, through his PAC's, have funded the races of DA's that are of a similar nature.

Why is that necessarily bad?

SF gave bail/sentencing reform a try, it didn't pan out (IMO because SFPD staffing is down around 500 officers, but that's a whole different issue, and plentiful/cheap Fentanyl), and Chesa Boudin is gone.
Why is that necessarily bad?

SF gave bail/sentencing reform a try, it didn't pan out (IMO because SFPD staffing is down around 500 officers, but that's a whole different issue, and plentiful/cheap Fentanyl), and Chesa Boudin is gone.

Because of the outcome.

Criminals know they won't be. punished, so they continue to commit crimes. SFPD staffing has little to do with the fact the courts (all with no bail laws, not just SF) keep letting them go. And once free they commit more crimes.

How would you feel if you were a victim of a crime and found out that the person who assaulted/robbed/etc you was arrested the day before for the same thing and the courts let them go?

Criminals, at least violent ones, need to be in jail.

I will grant you that the entire justice system doesn't always play fair. We locked up a lot of people for weed possession that never should have been even arrested. But when it comes to violent crimes, lock them up. I don't care what color you are. What religion you are or who your daddy is.

Can I ask you a question? Why were you glad to see Boudin go?
Can I ask you a question? Why were you glad to see Boudin go?

Yes, as I wrote up above:
"And was happy to see him go a couple years later, whether supported by Soros or not. I do believe Boudin's heart was in the right place."

He was in office for two years, enough time IMO to see if bail and sentencing reform would have a positive impact.

I still believe SFPD being down 500 officers, homelessness, and the proliferation of Fentanyl has a lot to do with *certain areas* of San Francisco having a difficult time with crime.
As a Jew, maybe you’re in a better position to assess what is or isn’t antisemetic. To me, I think I’m able to discern what is or isn’t anti-semitism pretty easily, I can discern when Soros’ name is brought up as a “money in politics” discussion vs “rich Jew secretly running the world” implications.

The idea that just because they say the name Soros doesn’t mean they’re anti-semetic, the same is true of crime in Chicago. I think I can accurately decipher when someone wants to really discuss the issues there, vs. when it’s used as a camouflage way of deriding blacks and Hispanics.

I agree with you in considering the source - I do. And there are lots of them in the GOP, and I’m extremely sad to see a small but significant number of them in the Democrat party, and in the black community. It’s a blind and ignorant form of racism.

I guess I would ask what you think the ratio is of Soros being name-dropped by people engaging in honest discussion vs those who just throw it out in some form a defamatory “rich Jew” sort of way.

BTW, I do think Trump is anti-semetic. And racist. No pass from me because he’s an equal opportunity asshole.

I’ve mentioned this before, but when people talk about the Koch Brother’s influencing politics (Charles Koch reportedly has donated $5B as of 2023) to promote a conservative agenda, no one is calling the people complaining bigots.

It should also be said there are people on the left who complain about Soros. He tends to back far more radically progressive candidates than what we see with mainstream democrats. More common is the criticism from the left of billionaires existence generally, saying they have too much power- like Musk and Bezos, yet Soros is never ever mentioned despite being the individual who spends the most on political by a long shot.

I think the inverse of the Soros-Right Wing antisemitism issue is the Left-Criticism of Israel. There is legitimate criticism of Israel that is not antisemitic and then there is criticism which masks antisemitism. It can be difficult to discern but I think the keys is holding Israel to a standard no other country/govt is held to, often obsessing over Israel while ignoring every other geopolitical conflict similar or worse. They often conflate Judaism with Israel. These people often hold conspiratorial ideas like AIPAC is the only reason the US backs Israel- which is literally a subtle way of saying rich Jews pay off politicians to support Israel (as if no other special interest groups exists). They could not fathom any alternative reason why the US would support Israel.

(Surely it has nothing to do with common values, cultural bonds, regional military strategy, long established and interconnected business relationships, the importance of Israel to Christians- particularly evangelicals.)

I just think there’s too much presumptive accusations by opposing political groups perpetuated by the powers at be. For example, any inquiry into the current status of transgender healthcare for children gets people labeled as “transphobic”. The concern may have nothing to do with transphobia or denying trans existence but rather how to best help those with gender dysmorphia in light of many unresolved and arising concerns, which doesn’t necessarily include banning medical interventions.

Border control perhaps is an even clearer example. For years anyone promoting it was labeled a xenophobe by the left. Certainly such xenophobes do exist. Now that migrant influx has reached crisis levels and are affecting D-run cities, the left’s tune is quickly changing.

I will say I find the rhetoric of some right wing pundits I’ve seen lately is deeply concerning- now explicitly calling all migrants violent criminals and drug traffickers- no attempt at nuance except maybe to say it is all the men. If Trump is re-elected, I fear what crazy policies may be devised to forcibly expel immigrants in an inhumane manner.
You do realize his son-in-law is Jewish. His daughter converted to Judaism and since Judaism is passed from the mother, his 3 grand kids are Jewish.

Oh, I stand corrected. :ROFLMAO:

Yes, I realize this. What I don't realize is, why despite all of that, he's still a racist and anti-semetic bigot.

To my knowledge, not every racist disowns their kids or grandkids. Sometimes, they make exceptions for them. I don't know why the same wouldn't be true for Trump. He'd probably **** a Jewish person, doesn't make him not anti-semetic. Case in point, he'd probably still **** his daughter.
I don't think Trump is an anti-Semite. He's just anti everyone who isn't for him, no matter who or what they are.
I don't know where Trump is on the anti-Semite scale, but if I had to guess he is very careful to keep up a facade. I think if you were to somehow get him to be completely honest, that he probably would admit that he doesn't have anything really against the jews, but I think he whole heartedly believes the stereotypes of jewish people. Which when you boil it down isn't anti-semitic, but is definitely down that road.

Also other evidence is being judge by the company you keep. His defense of the Charlottesville "Jews will not replace us." crowd, should not sit well with the Jewish Community.
You do realize his son-in-law is Jewish. His daughter converted to Judaism and since Judaism is passed from the mother, his 3 grand kids are Jewish.

A true anti-Semite would have disowned and disinherited her.

Trump is antisemitic in that he believes in all the stereotypes that usually have negative connotations but he sees as admirable qualities – money driven, selfish, and lie and manipulate in service of both. That’s Trump to a T. To be fair Trump believes in the stereotypes of all groups of people including the poor rubes who he convinced to pay the legal fees of a billionaire. He wouldn’t be caught dead hanging out with them but he’ll take their money. When it comes to Trump the “I’ve got black friends” arguments only applies to the members of the group he’s managed to con or make blathering submissives.
I've been with Israel throughout but they're losing me now, the indiscriminate slaughter of citizens just trying to get aid and food smacks of Russia and we're about to give them another $18 billion. It'll be disappointing if Biden continues this without some sort of tangible pushback.
I've been with Israel throughout but they're losing me now, the indiscriminate slaughter of citizens just trying to get aid and food smacks of Russia and we're about to give them another $18 billion. It'll be disappointing if Biden continues this without some sort of tangible pushback.

Same here. I'm having a hard time believing the attack on the World Central Kitchen aid convoy was simply an unfortunate mistake. The aid workers coordinated with the IDF ahead of time regarding when and where they were going to be delivering food/aid. Their vehicles' roofs had large logos identifying who they were. The IDF and Israeli intelligence organizations (Shin Bet and Mossad) are sophisticated and well-trained.

The massive loss of innocent life and the destruction of many hospitals/schools/mosques over the last 6 months in their mission to destroy Hamas leads me to believe the recent killing of the aid workers was just another acceptable adverse consequence.

It's time for Biden to step up and quickly transition from mere words to actions.
I've been with Israel throughout but they're losing me now, the indiscriminate slaughter of citizens just trying to get aid and food smacks of Russia and we're about to give them another $18 billion. It'll be disappointing if Biden continues this without some sort of tangible pushback.
Much as I love Israel, including my many family and friends there, I can't support their ongoing war because of all the killing, injury, destruction, famine, and disease. I know a unilateral cease-fire can't work long-term, but if Israel were to stop their attacks and let massive aid enter Gaza, it'd soon be obvious to the world, as if it shouldn't be already, that something, maybe an international force, needs to replace Hamas urgently. It's not as if Hamas could easily repeat the horrible attacks of October 7, and Israel has fairly effective defenses against missiles fired from Gaza.

At this point, Netanyahu is continuing the war mostly to stay out of prison, and many Israelis, not just the hostage families, want him out. I think Israel has severely damaged its standing in the world community, perhaps irrevocably, and they've helped foster another generation of terrorists. The longer this goes on, the worse it will be.
At this point, Netanyahu is continuing the war mostly to stay out of prison, and many Israelis, not just the hostage families, want him out. I think Israel has severely damaged its standing in the world community, perhaps irrevocably, and they've helped foster another generation of terrorists. The longer this goes on, the worse it will be.
Thank you for saying it so much better than I’ve been able to.

Bibi is like Trump.

I don’t believe there are any hostages left alive.
I wonder if this and future arms sales will be detrimental to Biden in the election. Not that there's an alternate sane choice.

"The Biden administration approved the transfer of thousands more bombs to Israel on the same day Israeli airstrikes in Gaza killed seven aid workers for the charity group World Central Kitchen, three U.S. officials told The Washington Post this week after the incident elicited global condemnation."

I wonder if this and future arms sales will be detrimental to Biden in the election. Not that there's an alternate sane choice.

I honestly don't know that enough people are paying attention or care. We hear a lot from the loud ones, but not really sure how many of them there are.