Jan 6 Committee Public Hearings

This committee really needs someone who's embedded in the Trump cult to turn. I don't see these relative unknowns swaying any cult members.

Bill Barr has already been written off as a RINO. That's the problem, it doesn't matter for how long, how hard or how sincerely you kiss Trump's ass, the moment you don't, you're excommunicated from the church of Trump. So everyone is telling the truth and a patriot, until it doesn't square with what Trump the Father wants, then they're just a RINO. It's a low-IQ but effective method that keeps getting stronger.

That said, I hope the justice department is watching, and I hope that they have no qualms with arresting and charging people. Charge Trump, bring him in handcuffs. He may be a former president, but he's also a private citizen just like the rest of us.
Anybody who goes against Trump is instantly labeled a traitor, and everything they say will be ignored. It could be the literal 2nd coming of Jesus, and the Son of God telling these folks that Trump is a liar, and people would probably nail him to a cross again in defense of Trump. They are no better than zombies at this point.
There is a massive amount of evidence to bring before a grand jury and then indict Trump, and probably some of his associates, on several Federal counts. But grand juries operate in secret, so the members would remain anonymous, while most juries are public. There is a provision to convene an anonymous jury by court order if there is concern that the jurors may be subjected to harassment or intimidation. If there ever were a case calling for anonymity, this would be one. Still, I think most prospective jurors would be understandably apprehensive.

Of course, much of this could have been avoided had 10 more Republican senators voted to convict in Trump's second impeachment trial. Even though much more has come to light since then, there was plenty of evidence back then. There would have been some civil unrest, but far less than will ensue if Trump is tried and convicted now. However, not proceeding would be even worse.
not sure if the head guy has the balls to do it. of course if they had the balls but trump owns their balls.
listened to the whole hearings man everyone and their dog told trump he lost and and a ton of republicans investigated and told him what he did not want to hear. but he listened to the drunk melting turd.
listened to the whole hearings man everyone and their dog told trump he lost and and a ton of republicans investigated and told him what he did not want to hear. but he listened to the drunk melting turd.

I keep hearing a popular refrain about the Biden admin - “who’s running the show?” You know, because Biden is old. I don’t know about you, but if you gave me an hour of Biden talking on his worst day and an hour of Trump on his best - without any previous knowledge of the two, who do you think would be more likely to be determined an inept idiot?

But to my larger point, the right acts as if people are pulling Biden’s strings. Meanwhile, we have sworn testimony - that means under oath, something elected republicans are afraid to do - that Trump was NOT listening to his qualified advisers. But he WAS listening to people like Rudy Tootie Drunk Colludy and whatever gaggle of moron freak shows he had surrounding him.

And republicans are so scared of Trump and his cult that they knew he was off the rails and just did nothing, and quickly got to work after January 6 making sure Trump (and themselves) would have a counter-narrative.

Lots of talk of financial crimes tonight too, something I often wondered about myself when I would look at the crap his campaign would send out.


Should we upset our lord by telling him that you can no longer contribute, or are you a patriot we can count on to help fight the corrupt democrats’ election scam? Donate now so we can have President Trump place you on his super-patriot VIP list! /s

I’m thinking Merrick Garland’s legacy will be to do something unprecedented and bring federal charges against Trump, and literally every scheming lawyer and Republican elected official who aided him, be it city, county or state officials.

The committee was very clear: we have a system. The system was followed. The place to challenge the system is court. He lost. A lot. There is no “legal” method outside of that to overturn an election, and trying to find one - and acting upon it - should be called what it is: seditious conspiracy.
listened to the whole hearings man everyone and their dog told trump he lost and and a ton of republicans investigated and told him what he did not want to hear. but he listened to the drunk melting turd.
One of the most prominent people who supported Trump’s effort to overturn the election was Ginni Thomas. John Yoo has argued that her extreme opinion had no bearing on her husband’s ruling on Trump’s claim of executive privilege and that Justice Thomas need not recuse himself from election-related cases. That this comes from the same attorney who thought torture was acceptable renders him less credible, IMO. The appearance of a conflict of interest is often as consequential as an actual conflict, particularly at this level.
I can’t bring myself to watch the hearings because I might get my hopes up that something sane, legal, and jail-like might happen to the Head POS and his oozing band of Little Turds. Our democracy is on life support because of STUPID, Racist, and Selfish. Yes, I believe they are a minority, but they are enough to destroy our democracy and make our Constitution an illusion. :oops:

Based on news reports regarding these hearings, Trump is either a monumental crook, seriously mentally ill, or both, plus he’s a sick ignoramus. The fact that this pathetic excuse for a human being is a major political figure who could be elected as POTUS just reveals the extent of the moral and social cancer that is devouring the nation’s lower intestines, and likely could become terminal.
I can’t bring myself to watch the hearings because I might get my hopes up that something sane, legal, and jail-like might happen to the Head POS and his oozing band of Little Turds. Our democracy is on life support because of STUPID, Racist, and Selfish. Yes, I believe they are a minority, but they are enough to destroy our democracy and make our Constitution an illusion. :oops:

Based on news reports regarding these hearings, Trump is either a monumental crook, seriously mentally ill, or both, plus he’s a sick ignoramus. The fact that this pathetic excuse for a human being is a major political figure who could be elected as POTUS just reveals the extent of the moral and social cancer that is devouring the nation’s lower intestines, and likely could become terminal.
yep this one says anyone that still believes he won have to deny all of the republicans including trumps staff and only believe trumps word. there is no way to say trump won now and all of trumps claims about fraud were investigated by republicans.
Dumbest question I read today

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1536415470299058177/

No. Of course they are not pissed. They will give him MORE money when he threatens to run AGAIN, despite what everyone now knows.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1536718355981279233/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1536378639888961537/
Here’s how Trump, his conspirators, and those who stormed the capitol aren’t too bright. Let’s say a couple thousand of his supporters managed to hold Congress hostage (or whatever they hoped to achieve). Do they honestly believe the rest of the country would just get on board? Would they if a similar action took place in defense of a President Bernie Sanders?

Let’s also say the 74 million people who voted for Trump were diehard Trump fanatics (most weren’t). That’s only about 23% of the country they could count on to blindly go along with it. Not a winning number.

On some level it’s unfortunate they were unsuccessful as they were because one more degree of success would mean a lot more people in a lot more serious trouble and the country being a lot more awake. Imagine if they managed to seriously injure or kill a member of Congress. You’d think anybody getting killed would remove all doubt, but apparently, that isn’t enough. There’s a level of life value above race and that’s people with power. Mess with those people and there’s no avoiding the legal sledgehammer. But because it fell short of that we all get to waste our time listening to people with power argue about it being some nuanced misunderstanding.
Here’s how Trump, his conspirators, and those who stormed the capitol aren’t too bright. Let’s say a couple thousand of his supporters managed to hold Congress hostage (or whatever they hoped to achieve). Do they honestly believe the rest of the country would just get on board? Would they if a similar action took place in defense of a President Bernie Sanders?

Let’s also say the 74 million people who voted for Trump were diehard Trump fanatics (most weren’t). That’s only about 23% of the country they could count on to blindly go along with it. Not a winning number.

On some level it’s unfortunate they were unsuccessful as they were because one more degree of success would mean a lot more people in a lot more serious trouble and the country being a lot more awake. Imagine if they managed to seriously injure or kill a member of Congress. You’d think anybody getting killed would remove all doubt, but apparently, that isn’t enough. There’s a level of life value above race and that’s people with power. Mess with those people and there’s no avoiding the legal sledgehammer. But because it fell short of that we all get to waste our time listening to people with power argue about it being some nuanced misunderstanding.

he packed the court with folks he assumed would go along. If they had, then the military, police, etc. would go along with who the Supreme Court said is president. If they intimidated congress into saying “hey, something fishy is going on these states. Legislatures of these states, please confirm who the electors are for us,” then they hoped that those legislatures would be intimidated into going along. 60% of the country might be appalled, disgusted, and outraged, but what are they going to do?

Next time they can skip some steps, because they are going to elect wacko secretaries of state who will make sure the only slate is a slate that was not elected.
he packed the court with folks he assumed would go along. If they had, then the military, police, etc. would go along with who the Supreme Court said is president. If they intimidated congress into saying “hey, something fishy is going on these states. Legislatures of these states, please confirm who the electors are for us,” then they hoped that those legislatures would be intimidated into going along. 60% of the country might be appalled, disgusted, and outraged, but what are they going to do?

Next time they can skip some steps, because they are going to elect wacko secretaries of state who will make sure the only slate is a slate that was not elected.
It was quite a good proof-of-concept for a COMPETENT authoritarian to take over the country. Trump is an idiot, and his most loyal advisors were buffoons. But some things they tried actually could work if you have enough dishonest actors within the system.

So, it definitely can happen here, and if a tyrant wants to do it, they’ve got a roadmap.
he packed the court with folks he assumed would go along. If they had, then the military, police, etc. would go along with who the Supreme Court said is president. If they intimidated congress into saying “hey, something fishy is going on these states. Legislatures of these states, please confirm who the electors are for us,” then they hoped that those legislatures would be intimidated into going along. 60% of the country might be appalled, disgusted, and outraged, but what are they going to do?

Next time they can skip some steps, because they are going to elect wacko secretaries of state who will make sure the only slate is a slate that was not elected.

But a lot of legal and investigation attempts were made before 1/6. I highly doubt a violent hostage taking mob is going to change the opinion of the supreme court and those failed outcomes.
But a lot of legal and investigation attempts were made before 1/6. I highly doubt a violent hostage taking mob is going to change the opinion of the supreme court and those failed outcomes.

The point wasn’t to change the mind of the Supreme Court - the supreme court never had an opportunity to rule on the issue of whether a state legislature can override the certification of an elector slate. The point was to throw it to the Supreme Court, figuring that they had at least a 50/50 shot there.
The point wasn’t to change the mind of the Supreme Court - the supreme court never had an opportunity to rule on the issue of whether a state legislature can override the certification of an elector slate. The point was to throw it to the Supreme Court, figuring that they had at least a 50/50 shot there.

By the way, let’s not forget that Justice Thomas’ wife was involved, which probably gave everyone some confidence about what SCOTUS would say. In fact, she may have already known what the vote count would be…
The point wasn’t to change the mind of the Supreme Court - the supreme court never had an opportunity to rule on the issue of whether a state legislature can override the certification of an elector slate. The point was to throw it to the Supreme Court, figuring that they had at least a 50/50 shot there.

But again, via a violent hostage-taking mob? They thought that would be the trigger? And like I said, would they agree that's a good tactic if the left did the same over President Bernie Sanders? Would they just throw their hands in the air and go "Well, I guess the supreme court decided and that's that. Time to pack it in."

And for what it's worth, the quickly approaching Roe v Wade decision, or even the leaked draft has made a lot of people question the supreme court being the be all end all decision maker that should always be respected and never challenged. The consequences go well beyond this one decision. It's just the latest most blatent example of minority rule.
But again, via a violent hostage-taking mob? They thought that would be the trigger? And like I said, would they agree that's a good tactic if the left did the same over President Bernie Sanders? Would they just throw their hands in the air and go "Well, I guess the supreme court decided and that's that. Time to pack it in."

And for what it's worth, the quickly approaching Roe v Wade decision, or even the leaked draft has made a lot of people question the supreme court being the be all end all decision maker that should always be respected and never challenged. The consequences go well beyond this one decision. It's just the latest most blatent example of minority rule.

They thought the mob would trigger congress (or pence) to “do the right” thing. And, to be honest, if they did it again TODAY, it WOULD work.

People can question, or fail to respect, the SCOTUS, but, again, as long as all the organs of the state - the military, the police, the lower courts - all do obey what the super court says, what is it you think will happen? If Trump is sitting in the White House for a second term, protest all you want, it isn’t changing.
They thought the mob would trigger congress (or pence) to “do the right” thing. And, to be honest, if they did it again TODAY, it WOULD work.

People can question, or fail to respect, the SCOTUS, but, again, as long as all the organs of the state - the military, the police, the lower courts - all do obey what the super court says, what is it you think will happen? If Trump is sitting in the White House for a second term, protest all you want, it isn’t changing.

What makes you think storming the capitol today would be successful? I'm not disagreeing with things being done behind the scenes to help rig the elections in favor of Republicans, but storming the capitol?

I was going to say civil war will be the result, but that would go against the general laziness and short attention span of the left. I don't see them having it in them. Also I see rural Americans more interested in protecting their turf than storming the cities and urban Americans perfectly happy to let them have their turf. There just wouldn't be a lot of recreational travel going on. The tourist economy going way down on both sides.