Jan 6 Committee Public Hearings

On a side note (because TFG is in the midst of so many suits), I wonder if he’ll actually present DNA.
Well this is not a surprise, but will doubtless be appealed. Bannon gets 4 months in the slam for defying a subpoena to appear before the 1/6 committee. A little reminder for The Don about what choices lie ahead for him, after he is finally served his own subpoena to appear.

U.S. District Judge Carl Nichols allowed Bannon to stay free pending appeal and also imposed a fine of $6,500 as part of the sentence. Bannon was convicted in July of two counts of contempt of Congress: one for refusing to sit for a deposition and the other for refusing to provide documents.

Nichols handed down the sentence after saying the law was clear that contempt of Congress is subject to a mandatory minimum sentence of at least one month behind bars. Bannon’s lawyers had argued the judge could’ve sentenced him to probation instead. Prosecutors had asked for Bannon to be sent to jail for six months.
Well this is not a surprise, but will doubtless be appealed. Bannon gets 4 months in the slam for defying a subpoena to appear before the 1/6 committee. A little reminder for The Don about what choices lie ahead for him, after he is finally served his own subpoena to appear.
I will never understand why it took three damn months with him walking around free to get to sentencing. Anyone else gets sentenced and they are taken directly to jail. But now Bannon gets more free time because he’ll probably appeal? This is a mockery of swift justice. If the justice system worked this way for everyone charged with a crime, the prisons would be empty.
I will never understand why it took three damn months with him walking around free to get to sentencing. Anyone else gets sentenced and they are taken directly to jail. But now Bannon gets more free time because he’ll probably appeal? This is a mockery of swift justice. If the justice system worked this way for everyone charged with a crime, the prisons would be empty.
This is actually very common. His attorneys, as officers of the court, say they plan to appeal. The judge believes (probably correctly) that there are unsettled questions of law (as opposed to factual issues) that might result in the verdict being overturned. The sentence is short, and if he goes to jail now it would render an appeal moot because he would be out of jail by the time the appeal is heard. In these circumstances it is almost always the case that the judge delays the sentence, and, as the judge noted, if the appeal does not get filed quickly then he will go to jail.
This is actually very common. His attorneys, as officers of the court, say they plan to appeal. The judge believes (probably correctly) that there are unsettled questions of law (as opposed to factual issues) that might result in the verdict being overturned. The sentence is short, and if he goes to jail now it would render an appeal moot because he would be out of jail by the time the appeal is heard. In these circumstances it is almost always the case that the judge delays the sentence, and, as the judge noted, if the appeal does not get filed quickly then he will go to jail.

I do try to look at these situations with a modicum of objectivity, e.g. "what if it were my kinfolk?" etc. Still I will freely admit that it's hard for me not to paste memories of all of Bannon's faux populist "burn it all down" exhortations over my willingness to let due process play out.

Between him and guys like Stephen Miller I do really sometimes fear for the republic under our Constitution as currently amended. And yet that Constitution guarantees them the same rights as the rest of us. We see that as a strength under rule of law, but they see it as something to exploit...
I am just the messenger here, but according to the latest Harvard/Harris poll, there is a huge disconnect between that the country sees as the most important issues vs what the Dem Leaders see as important issues.

At the top of the list of issues the Dem Leaders are focused on, Jan 6th is the top issue (Page 18), however for the voters, it ranks all the way down in 19th place (Page 16).

Like I have said, most people don't care.
I am just the messenger here, but according to the latest Harvard/Harris poll, there is a huge disconnect between that the country sees as the most important issues vs what the Dem Leaders see as important issues.

At the top of the list of issues the Dem Leaders are focused on, Jan 6th is the top issue (Page 18), however for the voters, it ranks all the way down in 19th place (Page 16).

Like I have said, most people don't care.

The Democrats can't do anything about the Republicans' fixation on "crime , inflation and immigration" in the GOP's 2022 messaging. Voters who buy into that stuff will buy into it.

Democrats do know that if DEMOCRATS don't turn out in 2022 on the issue of saving democracy from those who would prefer to see a right wing authoritarian government from 2024 onward, the fundamental issues raised by insurrectionists to overturn the free and fair election of 2020 may well become moot.

Doesn't mean Dem-leaning voters don't care about inflation. Of course we do. And we care about crime and immigration issues as well.

Economic issues including inflation (and, recession) do come and go regardless of the party of administration in Washington DC. Immigration problems are amenable to a practical bipartisan solution, any of the several that have been floated around since the godblasted 80s. Crime can be reduced not by building more privatized prisons but by reducing the flow of firearms and by addressing root problems of economic inequality and longstanding underinvestment in public health, education and domestic job-creation incentives.​
Some of those have already been addressed by passage of key legislation during the Biden admnistration. Not everything responds with the alacrity of a player in a first person shooter video game... it takes time for programs to kick in, even when things like infrastructure projects are shovel-ready.​

However: a loss of ability to consent to governance can be permanent. This is what the Democrats realize, and it's why they make it a focus of voter concern in 2022.

Anyway: what solutions to "crime, inflation and immigration" do the GOP ads propose?

Yeah: crickets. The Republicans are still and forever the party of NO.
Democrats do know that if DEMOCRATS don't turn out in 2022 on the issue of saving democracy from those who would prefer to see a right wing authoritarian government from 2024 onward, the fundamental issues raised by insurrectionists to overturn the free and fair election of 2020 may well become moot.

Spot on. We got lucky and dodged a bullet on Jan6th. We may not be so lucky next time. I view Jan6th as a training run for future attempts where insurrectionists and supporters will be much better prepared.

Stay vigilant everyone - democracy and the Constitution are still at great risk.
I was not sure if he thinks he would make a spectacle of himself or teach them the truth or what. but he was taking at a QAnon convention.

Eric Trump Tells Crowd To 'Pop' A Beer, Watch Dad 'Talk About Election Fraud' To Jan. 6 Panel​

“I told him... you have to go testify.... it will be the greatest entertainment," Donald Trump's second son said.
I will never understand why it took three damn months with him walking around free to get to sentencing. Anyone else gets sentenced and they are taken directly to jail. But now Bannon gets more free time because he’ll probably appeal? This is a mockery of swift justice. If the justice system worked this way for everyone charged with a crime, the prisons would be empty.

Check this out. Judge Nichols has formally stayed Bannon's contempt of Congress sentence. 🤬

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1589735005278072832/

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1589652830360850432/
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Well this is not a surprise, but will doubtless be appealed. Bannon gets 4 months in the slam for defying a subpoena to appear before the 1/6 committee. A little reminder for The Don about what choices lie ahead for him, after he is finally served his own subpoena to appear.

His lawyers probably have to ask stuff like that, but leniency here would be more appropriate if his prior actions weren't so obviously made in bad faith. These dickheads ask for it in spite of being fully aware of what they're doing.