Musk going full Nazi

Extremists on both sides, neither of which likely own teslas or actually work there (or even have jobs).
Agreed, can never support this whether they're storming the Capital or the Tesla dealership. The irony for Republicans is they find themselves supporting a car maker for a car they would never themselves purchase. There is no upside for Musk here and his supporters are just so fucking stupid.
What do you guys (living in the states) think? Hypothetically, if there were elections tomorrow - would Trump still win?
What do you guys (living in the states) think? Hypothetically, if there were elections tomorrow - would Trump still win?
*puts on tinfoil hat* The odds that he took all 7 swing states were greatly against him, so either some shenanigans happened or the Rs suppressed enough votes to make it look like shenanigans. Probably the latter, but I wouldn't discount the former entirely.
What do you guys (living in the states) think? Hypothetically, if there were elections tomorrow - would Trump still win?

Unclear, maybe not. But the concern is what the midterm elections (non-Presidential) will be like in 2 years, what the presidential elections will be like in 4 years, and whether the immense damage that has already been done never mind further damage 2-4 years from now to functioning of the government can be repaired. The democratic backsliding is happening very, very quickly and by people who are openly antagonistic to the pluralistic nature of a Republic.

*puts on tinfoil hat* The odds that he took all 7 swing states were greatly against him, so either some shenanigans happened or the Rs suppressed enough votes to make it look like shenanigans. Probably the latter, but I wouldn't discount the former entirely.

Unfortunately neither from what I can tell. Voter suppression is definitely real, but he won in areas with Democratic control of government and there was no more credible evidence of fraud in 2024 than there was in 202. No the reality is, the American people voted for this shit or stayed home. That doesn't mean he won a mandate, he didn't, nor even if he had that would excuse what he's doing, it wouldn't, but while there's a lot of blame to go around for why he won, ultimately we the people have to own up to that.
Unclear, maybe not. But the concern is what the midterm elections (non-Presidential) will be like in 2 years, what the presidential elections will be like in 4 years, and whether the immense damage that has already been done never mind further damage 2-4 years from now to functioning of the government can be repaired. The democratic backsliding is happening very, very quickly and by people who are openly antagonistic to the pluralistic nature of a Republic.

Unfortunately neither from what I can tell. Voter suppression is definitely real, but he won in areas with Democratic control of government and there was no more credible evidence of fraud in 2024 than there was in 202. No the reality is, the American people voted for this shit or stayed home. That doesn't mean he won a mandate, he didn't, nor even if he had that would excuse what he's doing, it wouldn't, but while there's a lot of blame to go around for why he won, ultimately we the people have to own up to that.

One more explanation is the voter suppression that was actively going on. No way people should have to stand in line more than 15 minutes to vote. Also how many "bomb" threats were sent to polling stations in PA, that caused more delay and I would gather turned away voters.

I wouldn't blame anyone who stood in line for 2 hours+ and gave up.
The democratic backsliding is happening very, very quickly and by people who are openly antagonistic to the pluralistic nature of a Republic.

The biggest problem here is that the Democratic Party has nothing to offer. They are little more than Republicans without the crazy. Why would one vote for a faux-Republican when there is a real one on the ballot? The country needs real alternatives, and those do not appear to be developing. It looks like the USSR really did win the Cold War after all.
The biggest problem here is that the Democratic Party has nothing to offer. They are little more than Republicans without the crazy. Why would one vote for a faux-Republican when there is a real one on the ballot?
I disagree completely. I have my issues with the Democratic party (and find most its members be they on the left or center wanting), but I fundamentally reject that. I know that this is a popular talking point (and one that the Democrats sadly, at times reinforce by being too timid or trying to be "savvy") but the two parties are incredibly different. We hear this "that they're the same" every time a Democrat has just left office and then the Republicans get back into power and the people who stayed home or protest voted go "whoops, guess not! Sorry!" Every time. Again feel free to criticize the Dems, I do and will but Rick Wilson (anti-Trump former Republican strategist) has talked at length about how "the two parties are the same, here's a protest vote that looks leftist but is funded by us or stay home" was one of his favorite electoral tactics to getting Republicans elected in races they should've lost.

EDIT: and to be honest even if that were the case, the two were the same except the Democrats aren't crazy, then fuck those people for staying home or protest voting anyway. As you said, the Republicans have gone off the deep end of crazy. If preserving American democracy isn't worth casting a vote they have to hold their nose for, then they deserve everything that's going to happen to all of us, including those of us who tried.

The country needs real alternatives, and those do not appear to be developing.
The country's politics have ossified, breaking that ossification is indeed important.
It looks like the USSR really did win the Cold War after all.
Given what happened to the USSR, at worst we both lost. We just took longer to lose and we haven't lost yet. Though it isn't looking good I'll admit.
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so trump is trying to kill electric vehicle progress so how does that go over with musk??
My personal feelings and with no evidence, I don't think Musk cares. He didn't get into the electric cars business for societal reasons, it was all about the 💲!

Whatever he would lose from the demise of Tesla, he will make up for in spades, by grifting and selling off our country piece by piece.

"A new analysis by independent automotive blog FuelArc suggests that fire fatalities are 17 times more likely in a Cybertruck than in the infamous Ford Pinto — the posterchild of deadly cars if ever there was one."

So if it's Trump sycophants behind the wheel this just might fix our problem for us.
Apparently the NHTSA has given it a 5-star safety rating:

Make of that what you will.
Ell'no Xcreted this:

Just learned that the social security database is not de-duplicated, meaning you can have the same SSN many times over, which further enables MASSIVE FRAUD!...
(not linking to it or posting the image)

So, what is the "massive fraud" that can happen if a SSN is duplicated? They are only going to send out one check, as far as I can tell. If multiple people have the same number, that just means one account is collecting all their FICA taxes, but only one retirement check can go out.
there is no massive fraud that can happen with that most likely, just sensationalist post for people who have no idea about computers.
As DOGE goons stand behind the sweating bureaucrat who checks the appropriate box on the form…

Surely not!

What do you guys (living in the states) think? Hypothetically, if there were elections tomorrow - would Trump still win?

Probably, yeah. I'm seeing some doubt begin to set in, but it has yet to reach the point of true regret.
i think people who sat home would actually vote this time.

Possibly. I think we're still at the point where the "...yeah, but I really like his tax plan" mindset, and general apathy are still factors that need to be considered.

I think America's biggest problem right now is complacency, and a lack of imagination. Until the consequences come and personally kick each and every one of us in the dick, we're not gonna move.