Musk offers to buy Twitter

Someone wrote a rather damning update on the launch:

I’m not in a position to judge the quality of the content, so I thought I’d post for those who know more than I.

I have some commments- #1 SLS did not exactly fly perfectly. It had to be delayed multiple times due to faults. But considering it is to a large extent recycled and re-engineered shuttle parts, it not being successful would be surprising.

As for Starship being a viable candidate for the Artemis lander, I have expressed my concerns on this before, though not in detail. Indeed, the number of launches required to verify it and fuel it in space is absurd. I suppose the idea is just that there will be so many regular flights due to alleged rapid reusability? The problem with reusable rockets is that you need a significant amount of fuel and hardware (aka extra weight, meaning less payload) to land the rocket. But ultimately it’s NASA that chose Starship— and I think only because they have no budget and SpaceX bid at their price, which was laughably insufficient to fund any human rated spacecraft.

SpaceX has a very different philosophy when it comes to development compared to other companies. The rapid prototyping model has apparently been successful for SpaceX, to the point where other companies are trying to replicate this citing SpaceX. They already have newer prototypes built that have significant design changes- ie the next model to launch does not use hydraulics to gimble the engines (the same that failed on this last flight), rather electronic actuators. And apparently they were already partway through building a new water cooled launchpad setup to hopefully (verrrrry hopefully- I’m suspicious this will work) prevent the launchpad from getting destroyed again.

While Musk says there’s no evidence that the launchpad damaged the engines, that doesn’t really mean anything. I think it’s pretty likely the pad caused damage resulting in cascading problems. The pad might be repaired in 6-8 weeks working 24/7 as they do, but the FAA and EPA will probably be holding them back. As for Starship not holding up Artemis… maybe, but only because Artemis between all their issues I think it almost entirely unlikely to launch on schedule.

SpaceX has blown up a lot of stuff in their time and never before has there been such widespread mockery. It just seems petty to me for people, especially in the media, who have never paid attention to the space industry to swoop in and provide commentary just because they don’t like Elon Musk anymore. There’s plenty to criticize Musk for personally, I have never been fond of his personality, and plenty to criticize technically… but criticism over the rocket simply failing to reach orbit on its first attempt is childish. Also often forgotten is that this is basically going to be the first rocket to use methane powered engines. It’s not easy to work with and that’s why it’s been avoided.

I hate to sound like I’m defending Musk, but rather I am defending the people who actually do the work engineering and building this technology.
Elon Musk going full in on just-asking-questions white supremacy part 2




This time getting in on the “but was the Texas shooter far right Neo-Nazi really just a false flag” just asking questions. Which makes sense given his best buddies Ian Miles Cheong and CatTurd2.
With Tucker Carlson coming to Twitter now, it's only going to get worse...

heard an interview with a right winger who has zero sympathy for Trump supporters and said it’s the result of relatively well off people who are bored and dead inside. He cited a study that showed most of the people who stormed the capitol were middle class, not out of work steel workers. Musk and Tucker are doing what the attention whore wealthy do when they are equally dead inside. Money becomes meaningless in the face of attention and impact, no matter how negative.
heard an interview with a right winger who has zero sympathy for Trump supporters and said it’s the result of relatively well off people who are bored and dead inside. He cited a study that showed most of the people who stormed the capitol were middle class, not out of work steel workers. Musk and Tucker are doing what the attention whore wealthy do when they are equally dead inside. Money becomes meaningless in the face of attention and impact, no matter how negative.
Tom Nichols? Sounds like him.

heard an interview with a right winger who has zero sympathy for Trump supporters and said it’s the result of relatively well off people who are bored and dead inside
I will have to find a video of the insurrection that has decent-res audio, to see if the chanting, "Must … Have … BRAINS" is discernable.
I doubt this will result in any meaningful changes in direction:


The CEO will only be a sock puppet, and as long as Elon Musk is still the CTO nothing will really change, since he apparently has no grasp how Twitter actually works.

CTO, I am laughing. He understands technology about as well as I understand the North Sentinelese language.

There’s more but she’s about as bad as you would expect if the WSJ is right that this is who he has appointed. Very very right wing.


$20B is probably being generous
CTO, I am laughing. He understands technology about as well as I understand the North Sentinelese language.

I like how Tesla shareholders responded positively to this announcement despite the fact that all he is doing is dropping CEO from his title while still remaining highly involved VP of FUBAR.