Musk offers to buy Twitter

Well, this is just odd. I can’t seem to find any of the headline news articles about Truth Social’s right-wing political bias. This kind of information is the most important news of the day, a company flagrantly operating within its legal rights.

Could always check into whatever the TruthSocial parody account on Twitter has to say about that, assuming Elon's been too busy to notice there is (or was) such an animal. Last thing I saw they had posted was a pitch to give $8 to Warnock's campaign for the Senate in Georgia instead of buying a blue check at Twitter.
That's the key. Anyone legitimately out there planning to "shoot down his jet", or w/e other paranoid delusion he has, continues to have ample ways to find and track him ... and will continue to have those ways.

I think it's more about him not wanting to get dunked on so easily, right on Twitter, for his carbon footprint and gallivanting around the world.

I'm sure he doesn't enjoy the "did you buy todays flight attendant a Horse for her services" jokes... LOL
Guy is such a POS

Do you feel the same way about John Kerry, Climate Czar, gallivanting around the world in his private jet? Or all the celebs attending climate summits in their private jets?
Do you feel the same way about John Kerry, Climate Czar, gallivanting around the world in his private jet? Or all the celebs attending climate summits in their private jets?

Yeah, actually... why can't they just have a remote teleconference, or submit papers to a website or something and then schedule a vote-by-phone on any actionable items. Too under-radar? Too bad!



Do you feel the same way about John Kerry, Climate Czar, gallivanting around the world in his private jet? Or all the celebs attending climate summits in their private jets?

To an extent, yes, but especially if they spent $44 billion dollars to, in part, try to suppress information about that.
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To an extent, yes, but especially if they spent $44 billion dollars to, in part, try to suppress information about that.
He basically wrote a brand new policy just for this one user to justify it. It's still open information that can be freely shared on any other platform, not like anyone should give a shit about Elon's jet travels but it's public information nonetheless. This guy's skin is thinner than rice paper.
Yeah, actually... why can't they just have a remote teleconference, or submit papers to a website or something and then schedule a vote-by-phone on any actionable items. Too under-radar? Too bad!

The occasional in person is fine and for some types of things, invaluable - even for climate change. That doesn’t excuse everyone who does this, far from it, but there are strong “and yet you live in society” vibes from @Herdfan’s post since lots of people travel for lots of different reasons. And of course the main issue is again that none of them spent $44 billion trying to suppress that information.


Edit: I should stress the conspicuous (and inconspicuous) consumption of the wealthy and powerful (… and everyone else … looks nervously at the pile of plastic bags in his home) is a conversation we should have, but it’s systemic changes that are needed when it comes to climate change.
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Do you feel the same way about John Kerry, Climate Czar, gallivanting around the world in his private jet? Or all the celebs attending climate summits in their private jets?

To me, it probably depends what they are doing it for and how often, etc

I don't expect them to all "never use a jet", no

I was really commenting on what I've seen people say to him on Twitter about his jet usage and why he'd probably enjoy shutting that down
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but there are strong “and yet you live in society” vibes from @Herdfan’s post since lots of people travel for lots of different reasons

Well rumor has it that @Herdfan has been walking from W Va to his new digs in AZ with all his worldly possessions except for the odd item that's just too weirdly shaped to fit in a backpack. 🥳
Seeing reports of Elon dumping 3.5B of TSLA stock

And with it so depressed ... ouch

He's gonna end up sued by Tesla shareholders to quit mucking around w/ the halfdead bluebird and get on with keeping Tesla stock off the penny market.
He's gonna end up sued by Tesla shareholders to quit mucking around w/ the halfdead bluebird and get on with keeping Tesla stock off the penny market.

Yeah I’ve read that some aren’t terribly happy with him effectively being an absent CEO.

Though I got to think given everything, things at Tesla have probably never run smoother.
He basically wrote a brand new policy just for this one user to justify it. It's still open information that can be freely shared on any other platform, not like anyone should give a shit about Elon's jet travels but it's public information nonetheless. This guy's skin is thinner than rice paper.

Yeah that guy runs a bunch of different handles for tracking different kinds of jets: from Elon Musk to celebrity jets to Russian oligarch jets to NATO jets all on publicly available information. They were all suspended, but you’ll be shocked to learn which handle was suspended first and by quite a bit …

Edit2: so some of the accounts are back up like Elonjet but the main account is still suspended.

Edit: oh boy it gets worse …


He’s admitting full out that his new rules are just based on his own personal grievances. I have no idea if this story is true (and to be clear that’s scary as a parent), but it is immaterial to the actions at hand. No wonder the new rules are so full of holes and poorly thought out. And what legal action? What “organizations”? If legal action could be taken, then his former head of safety would have a far stronger case against him than he has against Sweeney.

Hell if the story is true then the stalker isn’t very good since they should’ve followed Sweeney’s account about Elon’s jet (note not his car) and known Elon isn’t in LA!
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He’s admitting full out that his new rules are just based on his own personal grievances. I have no idea if this story is true (and to be clear that’s scary as a parent), but it is immaterial to the actions at hand. No wonder the new rules are so full of holes and poorly thought out. And what legal action? What “organizations”? If legal action could be taken, then his former head of safety would have a far stronger case against him than he has against Sweeney.
Well, forgive me if I don’t take his word for it when he has been caught lying about his kid’s death for Twitter points before…

Musk posting a video of a person and the license plate of the car they are sitting in, implying they are criminal scum and asking for information about them is obviously not a problem on Twitter.

Tweet link
Well, forgive me if I don’t take his word for it when he has been caught lying about his kid’s death for Twitter points before…

Musk posting a video of a person and the license plate of the car they are sitting in, implying they are criminal scum and asking for information about them is obviously not a problem on Twitter.

View attachment 20047
Tweet link
Oh I’m not taking his word either. My earlier post though is meant to say that even if one did, the incident is irrelevant to him going after Sweeney (and shadowy “organizations”) and even irrelevant in trying to (too quickly again) create new rules around OSint (and making a mess, again). Basically he’s using it as an excuse to do what he always wanted to do anyway which fits with his earlier pattern of behavior on Twitter.
Oh I’m not taking his word either. My earlier post though is meant to say that even if one did, the incident is irrelevant to him going after Sweeney (and shadowy “organizations”) and even irrelevant in trying to (too quickly again) create new rules around OSint (and making a mess, again). Basically he’s using it as an excuse to do what he always wanted to do anyway which fits with his earlier pattern of behavior on Twitter.
Sorry, didn’t mean to imply that you did, was just ranting about the predictable hypocrite Musk. 😁