Musk offers to buy Twitter

Okay this time I admit I voted:


Not that I expect things to changeā€¦ but just in case

Edit: link to poll

Again heā€™ll probably still own it and just give the day-to-day running of Twitter to someone else just as big of asshole, but still ā€¦
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As I edited in my post above, this is a real poll by him ā€¦ but how meaningful it is ā€¦ well that is a different story

Heh, you mean "accept correct answer from console?"

Wow! This is one worth voting for.

I bothered to log in and vote YES. Of course he should step back. Legal counsel probably tried to tell him that weeks ago, part of why that group has been a revolving door.

Also possible he'll suspend the "YES" voters.. but that can't help him monetize the platform, so it's just silly. He probably just sees the handwriting on the wall and anyway the novelty of being a bad boy while burning through millions of dollars a week is likely wearing off fast now... with prospect of hefty fines and lawsuits down the road. What's the fun in that? Time for some other poor sod to step in and try to sew the wings back on the bluebird.
Heh, you mean "accept correct answer from console?"

I bothered to log in and vote YES. Of course he should step back. Legal counsel probably tried to tell him that weeks ago, part of why that group has been a revolving door.

Also possible he'll suspend the "YES" voters.. but that can't help him monetize the platform, so it's just silly. He probably just sees the handwriting on the wall and anyway the novelty of being a bad boy while burning through millions of dollars a week is likely wearing off fast now... with prospect of hefty fines and lawsuits down the road. What's the fun in that? Time for some other poor sod to step in and try to sew the wings back on the bluebird.
More like he ā€œsteps downā€ but he still owns it, chooses a successor CEO who is just like him, and heā€™s still effectively in control just not as CEO.
More like he ā€œsteps downā€ but he still owns it, chooses a successor CEO who is just like him, and heā€™s still effectively in control just not as CEO.
Yep, he'll find a way to squirm out of it or run it by proxy. At the same time if he even peers his head out from that bubble he's in for a second he will have likely seen how much he's hated across the board by the general population, this would give him an exit but nothing will ever make up for the financial hit he's taken.
Yep, he'll find a way to squirm out of it or run it by proxy. At the same time if he even peers his head out from that bubble he's in for a second he will have likely seen how much he's hated across the board by the general population, this would give him an exit but nothing will ever make up for the financial hit he's taken.

Still the company must get into compliance with existing court orders and related laws on security and privacy of user data. So a new CEO can't be quite as cavalier about such matters as Musk has seemed.
Looking good

Heā€™ll probably hand over the reins to some qanon person.

ran across a patriot group that is praising musk. Saying he is exposing all the lies democrats have been spreading and he is revealing secrets and promoting fee speech. I guess I missed those parts.
ran across a patriot group that is praising musk. Saying he is exposing all the lies democrats have been spreading and he is revealing secrets and promoting fee speech. I guess I missed those parts.
If you really want to have fun ask how many of them own a Tesla and watch them shit all over the idea. The only thing Musk gains from this is getting his ego stroked by like minded MAGA conspiracy theorists, hope is was worth $44 billion.