Musk offers to buy Twitter

Without a clue as to fine print in the lending deals, it's impossible to understand what the hell Musk is trying to do by wrecking the thing he bought. Although it IS possible that he's still just doing a pram-tantrum over having been forced into completing the purchase agreement.

So weird, the whole thing. With every passing day though, the chances of the private Twitter being able to do a Ch. 11 reorganization of a going concern seems to fade. And in the alternative, what is there to just sell off at this point? (Tesla shareholders grow more restive, knowing Musk has collateral tied up in Twitter...
Without a clue as to fine print in the lending deals, it's impossible to understand what the hell Musk is trying to do by wrecking the thing he bought. Although it IS possible that he's still just doing a pram-tantrum over having been forced into completing the purchase agreement.

So weird, the whole thing. With every passing day though, the chances of the private Twitter being able to do a Ch. 11 reorganization of a going concern seems to fade. And in the alternative, what is there to just sell off at this point? (Tesla shareholders grow more restive, knowing Musk has collateral tied up in Twitter...

If Musk completely obliterated Twitter he'd still be a billionaire. This is what happens when people have too much money. I guess we're just lucky more of them aren't the insecure headline attention whores that he and Trump are. Look how much damage just 2 have done or could do. Imagine if the other roughly 2,500 billionaires decided to join in.
If Musk completely obliterated Twitter he'd still be a billionaire
I have this impression, and it is probably at least semi-accurate, that those rich guys do not really have heaps-o-dough and stuff, they just have really, really good credit. Ellno does not have billions of money, just billions of cachet. It is a wealth system largely based on what rich people are capable of getting more than what they literally have.
Checked in yesterday from my browser and it was definitely slow.

‘Sometimes Things Break’: Twitter Outages Are on the Rise​

Elon Musk’s repeated job cuts are stoking new fears that there aren’t enough people to triage Twitter’s problems.
I have this impression, and it is probably at least semi-accurate, that those rich guys do not really have heaps-o-dough and stuff, they just have really, really good credit. Ellno does not have billions of money, just billions of cachet. It is a wealth system largely based on what rich people are capable of getting more than what they literally have.

But it's all relative. If he tanked Twitter he could still quietly go get pampered on a private island for the rest of his life instead of continuing to grow his wealth and power while attempting to destabilize society on the clock.
But it's all relative. If he tanked Twitter he could still quietly go get pampered on a private island for the rest of his life instead of continuing to grow his wealth and power while attempting to destabilize society on the clock.
ya but his rep will take a very big hit.
Checked in yesterday from my browser and it was definitely slow.

‘Sometimes Things Break’: Twitter Outages Are on the Rise​

Elon Musk’s repeated job cuts are stoking new fears that there aren’t enough people to triage Twitter’s problems.

Even if the place had been run like certain countries using government jobs to disguise lack of an actual economy, one can't throw almost 75% of a ship's crew overboard and not later end up short of a few people who know how to fix the boiler or rig the sails properly.

So to switch metaphors, when Musk has ditched 5 out of 7 employees with all the finesse of a 19th century plantation overseer pruning a plantation of its excess cane cutters, what would one expect. And that's before taking any morale factors into account. Even the people who saved him earlier on haven't been spared his further impulsive whacks at whatever is still standing but looks broken. Who the heck knows what potentially fundamental collapse lies behind the scenes these days. At some point the built-in redundancies begin to fail and the authors of patches on patches, the holders of institutional "yeah but we changed that in 2014" knowledge are gone already.
But it's all relative. If he tanked Twitter he could still quietly go get pampered on a private island for the rest of his life instead of continuing to grow his wealth and power while attempting to destabilize society on the clock.
See, that there is the keyword. No one needs a billion dollars. There is literally no reason to acquire even more than a few million, unless your primary goal is power.

To compound that, there is some philosophical debate about what exactly "evil" is, and even whether it actually exists as a definitive concept, but the one common factor in various portrayals of evilness is power. There can be no "evil", what ever it might be, without power, the greater the power, the worse the outcome.
See, that there is the keyword. No one needs a billion dollars. There is literally no reason to acquire even more than a few million, unless your primary goal is power.

To compound that, there is some philosophical debate about what exactly "evil" is, and even whether it actually exists as a definitive concept, but the one common factor in various portrayals of evilness is power. There can be no "evil", what ever it might be, without power, the greater the power, the worse the outcome.

The thing that cracks me up about 2nd supporters who default to saying they need guns to defend themselves against a tyrannical government is the ultimate goal of the ruling class isn’t to slaughter or imprison everybody (not good for consumerism). It’s to have all the wealth and power. Guess what? They already have it. Not one gun needed. So while these patriots are pacing their porch with their rifles drawn waiting for a government shootout the banks and corporations are looting their house through the backdoor with the government’s full permission.

And while these people are all hopped up on the belief that a government showdown is going to happen any minute now we have people like Musk telling them it might be more productive to point those guns at their neighbor or pretty much anybody who isn’t part of the ruling class. Maybe their government puppet, but never the actual rulers.
I drop in here every few days, not because I much care about Mr. Musk and his Twitter shenanigans, but because I've been tasked with keeping this thread outside of the political realm. We're now straying into that, once again. If you'd like to debate the second amendment, gun ownership, wealth distribution, Donald Trump supporters, or whatever Idaho has to do with it, then please take it over to the politics section of the forum.

For anyone who doesn't have access to the politics area, you can request access from a moderator, except for me, because I do not have access to that area by my own request.

Concerning this thread, I would ask that you please keep this discussion focused on the Twitter acquisition and developments in that realm. Thank you for your understanding.
No worries folks. I have a tendency to wander off topic like a drunken frat bro, myself, so it's all good. Our host @Eric states it better than I ever could, regarding the politics focus:

We have gone back and forth on keeping this section open, if it were entirely up to me it would be closed permanently but in the end we're leaving it open for a select few. It will no longer be a focal point of this site, which has evolved over time. If your only reason for remaining is political discussion then this site is no longer for you

Talked About is headed in a different direction, set a new course, and I'm a side effect of that. That being said, I fully understand that adjustment takes time.
I drop in here every few days, not because I much care about Mr. Musk and his Twitter shenanigans, but because I've been tasked with keeping this thread outside of the political realm. We're now straying into that, once again. If you'd like to debate the second amendment, gun ownership, wealth distribution, Donald Trump supporters, or whatever Idaho has to do with it, then please take it over to the politics section of the forum.

For anyone who doesn't have access to the politics area, you can request access from a moderator, except for me, because I do not have access to that area by my own request.

Concerning this thread, I would ask that you please keep this discussion focused on the Twitter acquisition and developments in that realm. Thank you for your understanding.

Understood. I didn't even realize where this thread was posted. I think it's reasonable to suggest the thread get moved to the News and Current events section. This clearly is a political thread that was started in the technology section under different rules. If you removed all the political responses in it the 93 current pages would probably go down to 4.