Musk offers to buy Twitter

Precisely why it's now impossible to talk about Musk or his associated ventures without being political.
He himself is outwardly making very political statements

With growing EV competition I can't see this helping Telsa sales. They are no longer shiny and exciting and his politics is just another potential reason to look elsewhere. In fact it might be the only reason some look into alternatives they wouldn't have considered before.
With growing EV competition I can't see this helping Telsa sales. They are no longer shiny and exciting and his politics is just another potential reason to look elsewhere. In fact it might be the only reason some look into alternatives they wouldn't have considered before.
I wonder if those same folk that don't want a Tesla because of Musk would be willing to forgo using the Supercharger network that is opening to non-Tesla's as well.
I wonder if those same folk that don't want a Tesla because of Musk would be willing to forgo using the Supercharger network that is opening to non-Tesla's as well.
I’m pretty sure that if you bought a different car specifically because you don’t want to line Musk’s pocket, the minor inconvenience of using another charger instead of a supercharger would not be a big deal. There are lots of other chargers out there. And from what I’ve seen, the experience and price of using a supercharger as a non-Tesla owner aren’t all that compelling.
I wonder if those same folk that don't want a Tesla because of Musk would be willing to forgo using the Supercharger network that is opening to non-Tesla's as well.

I doubt most would go that far. Needing to charge your car is a necessity unlike choosing to buy a Tesla and currently I wouldn’t say it's exactly a wide-open free market of convenient charging options. It’s not like he’s running a gas station franchise where you can just go another block to gas up if you don’t agree with his politics.
I’m pretty sure that if you bought a different car specifically because you don’t want to line Musk’s pocket, the minor inconvenience of using another charger instead of a supercharger would not be a big deal. There are lots of other chargers out there. And from what I’ve seen, the experience and price of using a supercharger as a non-Tesla owner aren’t all that compelling.

I might be confused here (probably am), but I thought we were talking about charging your car at public ports. If this is a matter of something you would install at your house or something, then yeah, I could see people not doing that over political differences.
I might be confused here (probably am), but I thought we were talking about charging your car at public ports. If this is a matter of something you would install at your house or something, then yeah, I could see people not doing that over political differences.

Yes, these are public ports operated by Tesla. So why would you charge your non-Tesla at a Tesla supercharger when you purposely avoided buying a Tesla to avoid helping Musk? If I bought a Ford or Kia instead of a Tesla because I didn’t want to give Elon my $$, I’d certainly also use non-Tesla public chargers, since there are so many around and it’s not even a hassle to avoid Tesla chargers. I mean, it wasn’t until yesterday that you COULD charge a non-Tesla at a Tesla supercharger (in the USA), and even now it’s only at a handful of charging stations.
I doubt most would go that far. Needing to charge your car is a necessity unlike choosing to buy a Tesla and currently I wouldn’t say it's exactly a wide-open free market of convenient charging options. It’s not like he’s running a gas station franchise where you can just go another block to gas up if you don’t agree with his politics.
Sure it is. Everyone who currently owns a non-Tesla electric car has gone another block to charge up this whole time. Because it wasn’t until yesterday that they even had the option to use Tesla’s charging stations.
Yes, these are public ports operated by Tesla. So why would you charge your non-Tesla at a Tesla supercharger when you purposely avoided buying a Tesla to avoid helping Musk? If I bought a Ford or Kia instead of a Tesla because I didn’t want to give Elon my $$, I’d certainly also use non-Tesla public chargers, since there are so many around and it’s not even a hassle to avoid Tesla chargers. I mean, it wasn’t until yesterday that you COULD charge a non-Tesla at a Tesla supercharger (in the USA), and even now it’s only at a handful of charging stations.
To be fair, CA is like the golden Mecca of charging options on every corner. The rest of the country isn't so lucky...
To be fair, CA is like the golden Mecca of charging options on every corner. The rest of the country isn't so lucky...
Sure, but people who own non-Teslas up until today have been getting along without using Tesla chargers - it’s still not an option almost anywhere. Why would they suddenly start (particularly if they already made a conscious decision to avoid Musk)?
Sure, but people who own non-Teslas up until today have been getting along without using Tesla chargers - it’s still not an option almost anywhere. Why would they suddenly start (particularly if they already made a conscious decision to avoid Musk)?
I think the argument is, (once the network is 100% available) folks will have more options to go places where CCS hasn't quite shown up yet (say like the outer banks). Heck my wife would like a EV truck but our trip from Va Beach to Wilmington is waaaaay easier with the Supercharger options available than with the CCS ones (last I checked).
Yes, these are public ports operated by Tesla. So why would you charge your non-Tesla at a Tesla supercharger when you purposely avoided buying a Tesla to avoid helping Musk? If I bought a Ford or Kia instead of a Tesla because I didn’t want to give Elon my $$, I’d certainly also use non-Tesla public chargers, since there are so many around and it’s not even a hassle to avoid Tesla chargers. I mean, it wasn’t until yesterday that you COULD charge a non-Tesla at a Tesla supercharger (in the USA), and even now it’s only at a handful of charging stations.

I think it depends on the level of the person’s outrage and some just don’t want the association. It would be like buying a Trump brand car where everywhere you go you are advertising you support Trump on some level but you just don’t want to get into it. Good luck.
I’m pretty sure that if you bought a different car specifically because you don’t want to line Musk’s pocket, the minor inconvenience of using another charger instead of a supercharger would not be a big deal. There are lots of other chargers out there. And from what I’ve seen, the experience and price of using a supercharger as a non-Tesla owner aren’t all that compelling.

Will I use the complementary charging that came with my ID.4 first? Yes. Will I swallow my pride an use a Tesla station if I might otherwise be stuck somewhere? Also yes. Having more stations available to CCS cars is a net gain, at least from the standpoint that folks who might be Musk-agnostic will help spread the load around a little.
An appropriate move. Musk himself appears to have taken his tech enterprises into politics. Where he leads, we follow :geek:
He was for it before he was against it. From 2018, if he made that tweet today Fox News and Republicans would disown him.

He was for it before he was against it. From 2018, if he made that tweet today Fox News and Republicans would disown him.


So many examples of position flips like this (not just Musk)

What happens do we think?

Just about money?
Some other type of brain worms that get in and take over?