The only way to enact a policy like that is to treat everyone with said license the same.
If you let a white person go - or anyone really - and only pester Hispanic-looking people - that’s going to be pretty easy to tell.
It’s a stupid policy. It’s political theatre.
The war on undocumented immigrants is stupid anyways, because I can promise you there are a ton of conservative farmers and hotel owners who probably have entire staffs of undocumented immigrants, and the only thing going through their head is “But this is different! I know these people and am paying them and I have a business to run. I don’t want undocumented immigrants in this country - except the ones providing turndown service or picking oranges”.
FFS, Trump had several undocumented immigrants working on his properties while president (and probably still does) - after vilifying them and promising to build a stupid wall. Wasn’t even using e-verify at the time if memory serves correctly, and only promised to start doing it after the news broke.