
He is challenging Vlad to issue a retaliation upon Ukraine and thereby look like a fool. Trying to paint him into a corner, where the only way out is that there window.
Then why blame extremists unconnected to the Ukrainian government? Why not, along with everyone else calling for retribution and retaliation simply blame the Ukrainians? Hmmm … I was at 90% that the Ukrainians did this but I have to admit that percentage is dropping … it’s still the most likely explanation but now there are real possibilities that either a) it really was some unconnected group or b) more likely that it was the Russians themselves and he knows it (or suspects). Both Prigozhin and Tatarsky were critics of the Kremlin and MOD. This may have been a message.
Then why blame extremists unconnected to the Ukrainian government? Why not, along with everyone else calling for retribution and retaliation simply blame the Ukrainians? Hmmm … I was at 90% that the Ukrainians did this but I have to admit that percentage is dropping … it’s still the most likely explanation but now there are real possibilities that either a) it really was some unconnected group or b) more likely that it was the Russians themselves and he knows it (or suspects). Both Prigozhin and Tatarsky were critics of the Kremlin and MOD. This may have been a message.
Yeah, it’s a little weird. What’s he up to?
Now Russians are claiming that the young Russian woman who handed over the explosive figurine was an “active supporter of Nalvany” which is probably BS but I wonder if the narrative is indeed shifting on who did this.


https://mobile.Twitter or X not allowed/michaeldweiss/status/1642919592409407490
And here’s an update on the current pipeline investigation:


https://mobile.Twitter or X not allowed/michaeldweiss/status/1642921679008460801

There’s also questions surrounding the activities of various other ships - some owned by Russian companies - at the site some seemingly coincident with the yacht.

Edit: in fact here we go:


https://mobile.Twitter or X not allowed/smekhennet/status/1642955740015935490
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And here’s an update on the current pipeline investigation:

View attachment 22776

https://mobile.Twitter or X not allowed/michaeldweiss/status/1642921679008460801

There’s also questions surrounding the activities of various other ships - some owned by Russian companies - at the site some seemingly coincident with the yacht.

Edit: in fact here we go:

View attachment 22778
https://mobile.Twitter or X not allowed/smekhennet/status/1642955740015935490


That looks like a Bavaria 50 to me. It would actually be an ideal boat for getting people in/out the water quickly and easily as they have a drop down transom (see picture). Without a drop down transom or sugar scoop (basically the back of the boat is steps going into the water), it can be pretty challenging to get someone out of the water on a sailboat, even without scuba equipment. It wouldn’t be the best boat to make a quick getaway, but in terms of monohull sailboats it’s reasonably quick.

What’s puzzling about this is that one article I read said that the yacht did not have AIS (automatic identification system- broadcasts GPS location, speed, heading, boat details). This boat looks pretty new and as a 50ft sailing vessel it’s obviously not cheap. AIS is not terribly expensive to install, provides tremendous safety benefits, and is usually part of the gps chart plotter system which you’d expect on $400,000+ (new cost) boat like this. Alternatively, some VHF radios have AIS transponders built in. In pictures it’s clear the boat did however have radar installed- rather surprising to have radar but not AIS. Radar is a lot more expensive and harder to use. Given this was a charter boat, meaning people rented it, it’s very hard to believe AIS was not installed, if not additional tracking such as GPS. Charter owners typically want to know where their boats are.

This same article mentioned radio location was used. I assume this boat had a new enough VHF radio to have an MMSI (basically a unique identification number registered by the owner that transmits with the signal when communicating). I don’t know the authorities full capabilities here, but I am inferring this boat made some radio communications which were recorded and identified by their MMSI, and thus their location triangulated. The coast guard has the ability to triangulate radio calls.

If this boat was involved, it seems silly they would do any communication over VHF. And if an intelligence agency was closely involved, which may or may not be the case, you’d think they’d know not to.

I suppose the most compelling evidence is the explosive residue in the cabin. But it’s worth asking is there anyway this could have been accidentally contaminated in the past somehow or confused with another source (ie emergency flares- they contain and are considered explosives).

The WAPO article doesn’t seem to take into consideration that it’s possible that one boat could have dropped off the divers, continued on its way, and another boat picked them up.

If this was a frame job and the explosive residue was planted, wouldn’t that mean whoever placed the bombs would have also had to figure out a boat to frame. And if this yacht did not have AIS, the perpetrators presumably would have either had to have state resources to figure it out (ie radiolocation) or would have had to visually track it around the time they were also planting explosives or identify it and later find it in port. None of this seems that easy unless state actors/resources were involved.

All of this is very strange.
Well if you want really strange, this shit takes the cake (and no at the moment it doesn’t appear this is an operation mincemeat*):


For reference War Thunder is a highly realistic video game military vehicle simulation where players in the forums often argue about the exact characteristics of the modeled systems and have on more than one occasion posted classified information about those systems to win such arguments. Such information has been posted about British, French, and Chinese weapon systems (mostly the tanks and associated armaments). Weirdly the Russian government has promoted War Thunder tournaments and events and while the developer is now listed as Hungarian they were originally Russian. Make of that what you will.

In this case it is obviously possible that the poster to Minecraft server may not be the originator but it was from there that it spread more rapidly.

*of course before the fact operation mincemeat didn't look like a deliberate misinformation operation to the Germans either and some of the assessments appear to tamp down expectations on Ukraine's expected upcoming offensive which if we recall is what the US also did right before the Kharkiv offensive. So it would fit with a pattern of disinformation - but it could also be real too as we should remember the US also had rather poor assessments of what Ukraine could achieve in Feb 2022 ...
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Well if you want really strange, this shit takes the cake (and no at the moment it doesn’t appear this is an operation mincemeat*):

View attachment 22927

For reference War Thunder is a highly realistic video game military vehicle simulation where players in the forums often argue about the exact characteristics of the modeled systems and have on more than one occasion posted classified information about those systems to win such arguments. Such information has been posted about British, French, and Chinese weapon systems (mostly the tanks and associated armaments). Weirdly the Russian government has promoted War Thunder tournaments and events and while the developer is now listed as Hungarian they were originally Russian. Make of that what you will.

In this case it is obviously possible that the poster to Minecraft server may not be the originator but it was from there that it spread more rapidly.

*of course before the fact operation mincemeat didn't look like a deliberate misinformation operation to the Germans either and some of the assessments appear to tamp down expectations on Ukraine's expected upcoming offensive which if we recall is what the US also did right before the Kharkiv offensive. So it would fit with a pattern of disinformation - but it could also be real too as we should remember the US also had rather poor assessments of what Ukraine could achieve in Feb 2022 ...


https://mobile.Twitter or X not allowed/michaeldweiss/status/1646276042213007360

Edit: as the parent of young children, that WaPo article makes for grim reading about the power of online groups. This is far from the first example of it, but god damn young people, especially teenagers/young men/boys, can be so easily manipulated. I’m mean if your teenager has to say “I’m totally not in a fascist recruiting group” but is willing to go to jail for someone like this and is every respect completely under their thrall believing them to be more a parent than you then you’ve got a big fucking problem. Of course maybe the parents (or one the parents) don’t see it as a problem.
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View attachment 22978
https://mobile.Twitter or X not allowed/michaeldweiss/status/1646276042213007360
View attachment 22980

Edit: as the parent of young children, that WaPo article makes for grim reading about the power of online groups. This is far from the first example of it, but god damn young people, especially teenagers/young men/boys, can be so easily manipulated. I’m mean if your teenager has to say “I’m totally not in a fascist recruiting group” but is willing to go to jail for someone like this and is every respect completely under their thrall believing them to be more a parent than you then you’ve got a big fucking problem. Of course maybe the parents (or one the parents) don’t see it as a problem.
An arrest has been made.


https://mobile.Twitter or X not allowed/laraseligman/status/1646617908859097089

An example of one of his acolytes (views shared by the kid himself reportedly)

Oh and as to how a 21 year old with these kinds of views got such a valuable position with such access:


https://mobile.Twitter or X not allowed/ErinBanco/status/1646620725535465473

Well maybe not the whole reason but would explain some of this shit.

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A few more details... Sounds to me as if he posted this classified information to impress his gaming buddies.
According to the article the Discord server consisted of members of Thug Shaker Central, a community “united” by a love of “guns, military gear, and God.” So all the good US values...

1. How do guns go with a god who said “though shalt not kill?"

2. Why is MTG defending this POS?

She has achieved ultimate purity of dumb, so what other position would she take?
1. How do guns go with a god who said “though shalt not kill?"

2. Why is MTG defending this POS?
She fully supports right wing terrorism in all its forms.
A couple of twitter videos depict Russian/Wagner communications of the "advance or die" nature. In the second, a person is told to shoot the commander and take control of his group.

This "no retreat" policy really worked well for the armies of the Third Reich. /s
1. How do guns go with a god who said “though shalt not kill?"

2. Why is MTG defending this POS?

Here's Heather Cox Richardson's view, from a portion of her daily email Letter that I received yesterday:

Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) immediately took to Twitter to defend Teixeira. He is “white, male, christian [sic], and antiwar. That makes him an enemy to the Biden regime,” she wrote. She went on to attack U.S. support for Ukraine.

But there is likely more here than her usual attacks on the Biden administration and support for Russia. Removing, retaining, and transmitting classified national defense information sounds an awful lot like what it appears former president Trump did (recent reports suggest that federal investigators seem to be building a case that he showed at least one document to people, although removing and retaining documents are crimes by themselves). Now a young man has been arrested for that behavior, unceremoniously arrested by armed FBI agents with an armored vehicle as a news helicopter caught the arrest on film.

It makes sense that Trump supporters who are concerned about the former president’s similar behavior will do their best to downplay Teixeira’s case. As the media begins to talk about just how serious espionage is and makes people aware of its legal perils, they will want to disparage the charges against Teixeira in case the former president ends up with the same problem.
They’re also trying to make him out to be a Snowden/Manning type even though it’s clear he isn’t. He leaked not to warn “the people” but to impress a bunch of impressionable teenagers.
They’re also trying to make him out to be a Snowden/Manning type even though it’s clear he isn’t. He leaked not to warn “the people” but to impress a bunch of impressionable teenagers.



Just wtf … I know he was connected to the unit with his stepfather and brother(s) but that is an impressively shoddy clearance investigation. I mean wtf the guy was a mass shooter in making and not only did the military take him, they gave him access to all this stuff.

Indeed, if someone like him could get through, the mind boggles.
And now things are swinging back to the Russians blowing up Nordstream …


https://Twitter or X not allowed/OAlexanderDK/status/1651649477936029708
Gotta hand it to McCarthy here.

Russian reporter: We know that you don't support aid to Ukraine, can you comment if U.S Policy will change? Kevin McCarthy: No, I vote for aid for Ukraine. I support aid for Ukraine. I do not support what your country has done to Ukraine