It sounds like it was in full shutdown. So agreed that the risk should be minimal.
If hypothetically the plant was operating and they lost their main source of cooling water, depending on the design, they could have a serious problem if their generators are water cooled and rely on the same water source. That was how Fukashima was setup. I think most people assume Fukushima’s generators failed because they washed away or flooded. IIRC 12 of the 13 generators failed and 11 of those failed because they were cooled by seawater and their inappropriately placed seawater pumps were destroyed by the tsunami. The lack of electricity lead to a loss of cooling, which lead to a meltdown.
Also worth noting that the reactors were all shutdown automatically as a result of the initial earthquake. But since it takes weeks to cool down, the meltdowns occurred anyways, one reactor the day after the tsunami, the other two in the following several days. They were lucky that their three other 3 reactors had been in long term shutdown for maintenance.
Anyways, although there has been no nuclear disaster as a result of this war (other than the Russians strolling into the Chernobyl exclusion zone, rolling around in the dirt, and as a result reportedly catching acute radiation poisoning), I still think an extremely important point has been highlighted- just how dangerous it is to have nuclear plants in a war zone, which has never been an actual problem until now.
While reactor’s containment buildings are (at least in US/Europe) designed to withstand small bombs and small plane crashes at a minimum, there’s plenty of other potential ways to induce a nuclear disaster, intentionally or unintentionally.
Under the Geneva Convention, attacking a nuclear power plant is not technically illegal- it depends if the military action risks widespread civilian harm. Frankly, there needs to be much more stringent laws.
I think it should be illegal to attack nuclear plants, period. There should be like a 25-30+ mile military exclusion zone around nuclear plants. The UN should come in to defend that space from any military who tries to come in. Unfortunately that would have to include the defending nation. Nuclear plants cannot be used as shields in a war, period.
Has anyone seen Tucker Carlson’s first Twitter video. He is promoting the belief that Ukraine is responsible for blowing up the dam. I’m not sure if it’s just ignorance and not following what’s going on in the war or if he is intentionally leaving out context (I would hope the former). If Russia wants to claim Ukraine is responsible, they should provide the evidence. Power plants are secure facilities. They should have plenty of cctv footage of what happened.