
Now we are specifically targeting with some truly petty spiteful shit, demonstrating who the elites & who isn't now.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1421366619050233866/
These people have no business being in elected office and sadly they are reflective of the chunk of the electorate that put them into power. The courts already have the power to hold without bail and make those judgements.
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These people have no business being in elected office and sadly they are reflective of the chunk of the electorate the put them into power. The courts already have the power to hold without bail and make those judgements.
At this point for SOME republicans like in Texas, it's about punching down, and being proud being seen punching down.
Didn't seem right that the Florida thread was being kept active due to gov deathantics, so here's Texas vying for your attention.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1423577598790193155/


https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1423578356948348931/

Uh, wha?

How is it the group that would foster a lack of trust in gov't, continually demonstrate why there should be a lack of trust? 🤨
I was walking into the store with my mask on, I assume a father and child were walking out maskless. The child asked the father about masks, and was told ”that’s such a scam.” 🤬
I was walking into the store with my mask on, I assume a father and child were walking out maskless. The child asked the father about masks, and was told ”that’s such a scam.” 🤬
Just in case stupidity didn’t pass to the child through his genes, he’s making sure the next generation of his family will be dumb.
TX governor Abbott, wow.... so far won't reverse his bans on mandated masks or vaccination, but meanwhile now in the face of a surge in covid infections, urges hospitals to delay elective surgical procedures and also tries to import workers from out of state to help staff covid treatment centers... [ meanwhile neighboring Arkansas for instance is nearly out of ICU beds due to a covid spike and is strained for medical resources ]

TX governor Abbott, wow.... so far won't reverse his bans on mandated masks or vaccination, but meanwhile now in the face of a surge in covid infections, urges hospitals to delay elective surgical procedures and also tries to import workers from out of state to help staff covid treatment centers... [ meanwhile neighboring Arkansas for instance is nearly out of ICU beds due to a covid spike and is strained for medical resources ]

The other part that kills me is how they’re asking for help from medical people. I think nurses, doctors, respiratory therapists, etc. should ban together and agree to come help if Abbott will agree to enforcing masking in schools.
The other part that kills me is how they’re asking for help from medical people. I think nurses, doctors, respiratory therapists, etc. should ban together and agree to come help if Abbott will agree to enforcing masking in schools.
I think Desantis & Abbot have demonstrated that they believe the responsibility for anything Covid falls on anyone else.

So Abbot is consistent on the calls for others to help those he's responsible for, since he doesn't want to have any part of that.
TX governor Abbott, wow.... so far won't reverse his bans on mandated masks or vaccination, but meanwhile now in the face of a surge in covid infections, urges hospitals to delay elective surgical procedures and also tries to import workers from out of state to help staff covid treatment centers... [ meanwhile neighboring Arkansas for instance is nearly out of ICU beds due to a covid spike and is strained for medical resources ]

I heard this morning that the Dallas School District among others are defying his politically motivated stupidity. 👀
In some better news

Officials in San Antonio and Bexar County can temporarily issue mask mandates, despite Texas Gov. Greg Abbott's (R) order prohibiting local governments and school districts in the state from imposing mask requirements, Judge Antonia Arteaga ruled on Tuesday.

San Antonio and Bexar County filed a lawsuit on Tuesday morning requesting a temporary restraining order blocking Abbott's action, with officials wanting to make masks mandatory inside public schools and municipal buildings. Arteaga said she did not take her decision lightly, The Texas Tribune reports, citing the school year starting and public guidance from Dr. Junda Woo, health director of San Antonio's Metropolitan Health District, who said masks are necessary in schools as the highly contagious Delta variant spreads in the state.

Another hearing on the matter is set for Monday, but Bexar County District Attorney Joe Gonzalez said during a press conference that "for now, we're going to take a victory lap, we're very happy with the result that we got today." Renae Eze, a spokeswoman for Abbott's office, said the governor's "resolve to protect the rights and freedoms of all Texans has not wavered."
In some better news
I heard about this on the radio this morning. More areas of Texas are basically daring the Governor to try and stop them from protecting their children. They interviewed people in Austin and they are going to mandate masks at school regardless of his statements. I believe he has already jumped the shark on this anti-mask, anti-vaxx BS and just hasn’t realized it yet.
How to get a GOP measure to the floor in Texas House. Just fake the presence of a quorum.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1428501448388759563/
By 2024 we won’t even have to vote in places like Texas and Georgia because the R’s who now control the state will simply appoint their slate of winners, regardless of the will of the people. That is their goal.
By 2024 we won’t even have to vote in places like Texas and Georgia because the R’s who now control the state will simply appoint their slate of winners, regardless of the will of the people. That is their goal.

I would love to know what specifically in Georgia's voting law is a problem?

Is there a thread on it?

As for TX, I think Abbott, and DeSantis for that matter, are wrong to prohibit masks. I think they should have let the local governments, school boards, etc decide. Then when the voters didn't like those policies, they could vote those people out. I will say that school board elections will be getting more scrutiny in the next couple of cycles. Voters are going to want to know who these people are.
I would love to know what specifically in Georgia's voting law is a problem?
Mostly it’s the fact that under the new law, they control who counts the ballots and if they don’t like the way they’re counted they will have the ability to change the count without any oversight. Kinda like Trumpy wanted them to do in November.
As for TX, I think Abbott, and DeSantis for that matter, are wrong to prohibit masks. I think they should have let the local governments, school boards, etc decide. Then when the voters didn't like those policies, they could vote those people out. I will say that school board elections will be getting more scrutiny in the next couple of cycles. Voters are going to want to know who these people are.
That’s all well and good, but how many deaths will occur before the next election?
I think they should have let the local governments, school boards, etc decide.
No, it should be a national mask mandate, and a vaccine mandate too. There is no “freedom” to infect other people... just like there’s no “freedom" to drive drunk, fire guns randomly around the neighborhood, etc, etc. Does a local school board member in rural Texas know more about infectious diseases than the CDC?
I would love to know what specifically in Georgia's voting law is a problem?

Is there a thread on it?

As for TX, I think Abbott, and DeSantis for that matter, are wrong to prohibit masks. I think they should have let the local governments, school boards, etc decide. Then when the voters didn't like those policies, they could vote those people out. I will say that school board elections will be getting more scrutiny in the next couple of cycles. Voters are going to want to know who these people are.

If they don’t like the election outcome, they claim fraud just like they did this year based on their big fat fib, but unlike this year they will be able to appoint cronies to void the election, that’s how. The only reason that did not happen this year was because the independent election board told them there was no fraud. Next time look out, our Democracy will be flushed, without a doubt.
