
The fact that you seldom know you’re pregnant before 6 weeks just doesn’t register with them. So maybe we need to open up D&C clinics so that women can go once a month right after ovulation … just to make sure.
Maybe after the state deals with a rash of "vigilante" suits going after people supposedly involved in abortion start filling the courts.

After all, it isn't like we aren't one of the more litigious societies.

What could go wrong?

Discover that judge / business partner or rival / neighbor / political rival you don't like who went against you once, has a daughter who WAS supposedly pregnant but isn't now after a trip out state?

SUE! The judge, the person who drove her to the airport, the airline, the...

What could go wrong?

No one would ever use the legal system for the wrong reasons right?


Who would do that?

Oh wait. Texas just did, to intentionally circumvent outside involvement.
Maybe after the state deals with a rash of "vigilante" suits going after people supposedly involved in abortion start filling the courts.

After all, it isn't like we aren't one of the more litigious societies.

What could go wrong?

Discover that judge / business partner or rival / neighbor / political rival you don't like who went against you once, has a daughter who WAS supposedly pregnant but isn't now after a trip out state?

SUE! The judge, the person who drove her to the airport, the airline, the...

What could go wrong?

No one would ever use the legal system for the wrong reasons right?


Who would do that?

Oh wait. Texas just did, to intentionally circumvent outside involvement.
I think a very likely scenario would be a man suing a woman he impregnated if she gets an abortion.
I think a very likely scenario would be a man suing a woman he impregnated if she gets an abortion.
You're thinking too small, the repubs can't be concerned with such small stuff. They're okay with that.

This was intentionally crafted to be weaponized against abortion.

Like any weapon though, anyone can pick it up & use it once they figure out how.

Someone WILL use this in a fashion they hadn't intended, and the finger pointing will come out faster than the guns.
I think a very likely scenario would be a man suing a woman he impregnated if she gets an abortion.
Another very likely scenario is a man suing a woman he dated if she doesn’t want a relationship with him after learning that he’s an asshole. Surely it must be because she had an abortion, right?
I think a very likely scenario would be a man suing a woman he impregnated if she gets an abortion.

Another very likely scenario is a man suing a woman he dated if she doesn’t want a relationship with him after learning that he’s an asshole. Surely it must be because she had an abortion, right?

The new get rich quick scheme in Texas. Perfect for the incel. Rape a woman, get her pregnant and then sue so that you can benefit from your crime. I can see it now.
These parts of the story really stood out to me:
Instead, the law allows private citizens -- anywhere in the country -- to bring civil suits against anyone who assists a pregnant person seeking an abortion in violation of the ban.
Opponents say the law is part of a new wave of laws put forward by states hostile to abortion rights and will inspire other states to follow suit.
My bold.

So you can be a grandparent living in Alaska and sue your granddaughter in Vermont to stop her from having an abortion. 😡

Heck, you don’t even have to be related.

And let’s say a 16 year old girl tries to run away on her own, and takes a bus to another state to get an abortion. I guess you can sue the bus driver. 🤨

It also sounds like the invisible but heavy hand of ALEC has been at work again.

Theoretically enough of these laws could all but overturn Roe vs. Wade…and we have a Supreme Court which thus far has shown no inclination toward intervening. 😡
A piece in The Guardian about some of the consequences of the Texas law in wake of high court's failure to act.

It is the duty of every woman to produce more children for the Reich. If she is unable to take care of the child they will be adopted by a party member.
It is the duty of every woman to produce more children for the Reich. If she is unable to take care of the child they will be adopted by a party member.

Draconian state laws against termination of pregnancy are a tail wagging the dog in the USA.

Only 19% of Americans favor a complete ban on abortion. 58% oppose overturn of Roe v Wade.

At state level, so-called "heartbeat" laws and others making no exception for rape or incest are typical examples of where the Republican Party's accommodation of extreme views in hopes of retaining a majority electorate is backfiring. The extremists are more vocal in the era of social media, and it's not working any more for the party to have a platform distinct from its lawmaking.

The GOP used to count on a platform plank being sufficient recognition of anti-choice sentiment. That's long gone and doubled down on now with the current GOP's cult of personality... and the states are painting the Republican Party into a corner, where new state laws invariably end up challenged in the court and are aimed at taking on Roe v Wade at the federal level.

Meanwhile voter registation by party continues to drop, more districts are purple and their congress critters are increasingly like most of the Americans they represent nowadays. They may say that they oppose abortion personally or as a matter of personal adherence to religious doctrine, but will not allow those views to affect their legislative oaths of office. And so they do support Roe v Wade and a personal choice in legal access to legal abortion, and sometimes particularly when it comes to matters of rape or incest.
I honestly never thought of this...

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1432865331878502404/

But for many leaders in the Jewish faith, such interpretations are problematic and even insulting.

“It makes me apoplectic,” says Danya Ruttenberg, a Chicago-based rabbi who has written about Jews' interpretation of abortion. “Most of the proof texts that they’re bringing in for this are ridiculous. They’re using my sacred text to justify taking away my rights in a way that is just so calculated and craven.”

Across the country, as a wave of anti-abortion legislation reinvigorates the fight over reproductive rights, Jewish religious leaders, activists and women are speaking out in favor of a woman's right to choose, buoyed by their faith.

It’s not just that the U.S. shouldn’t be deriving law from poetic language, Ruttenberg said. It’s that the Jewish tradition has a distinctly different reading of the same texts. While conservative Christians use the Bible to argue that a fetus represents a human life, which makes abortion murder, Jews don’t believe that fetuses have souls and, therefore, terminating a pregnancy is no crime.

While some Orthodox rabbis have denounced abortion, within Jewish communities there’s considerable support for keeping it legal. Studies from the Pew Research Center show that Jews overwhelmingly (83%) support abortion rights. The National Council of Jewish Women, a 126-year-old organization that helped establish some of the first birth control clinics across the country, considers reproductive rights a cornerstone issue and has publicly condemned the strict abortion bans recently handed down in Alabama and Mississippi.

Which makes all of this seem even less representative of the will of the people, and just catering to the whims of the few.

If only we had A separation of Church & State, perhaps this could be avoided, since NOT everyone is of the same belief system. So making laws based on ONE belief system wouldn't seem so anti U.S.
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1433124828098273280/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1433123676182953988/

To see it spelled out, forces asking the obvious question

Didn't some people hate "frivolous" lawsuits, or are we carving a new exception based on personal beliefs?

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1433083143574233097/

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1433072170188611592/
Screen Shot 2021-09-01 at 15.37.37.png

It’s impossible to register to vote online in Texas. You can fill something in online, but then you have to print it and mail it to them. Considering the fact that you can look up your status online and update your registration online (if you move within the same county), there appears to be no technical reason for this. It’s simply meant to make the process more difficult.
Draconian state laws against termination of pregnancy are a tail wagging the dog in the USA.

Only 19% of Americans favor a complete ban on abortion. 58% oppose overturn of Roe v Wade.

At state level, so-called "heartbeat" laws and others making no exception for rape or incest are typical examples of where the Republican Party's accommodation of extreme views in hopes of retaining a majority electorate is backfiring. The extremists are more vocal in the era of social media, and it's not working any more for the party to have a platform distinct from its lawmaking.

The GOP used to count on a platform plank being sufficient recognition of anti-choice sentiment. That's long gone and doubled down on now with the current GOP's cult of personality... and the states are painting the Republican Party into a corner, where new state laws invariably end up challenged in the court and are aimed at taking on Roe v Wade at the federal level.

Meanwhile voter registation by party continues to drop, more districts are purple and their congress critters are increasingly like most of the Americans they represent nowadays. They may say that they oppose abortion personally or as a matter of personal adherence to religious doctrine, but will not allow those views to affect their legislative oaths of office. And so they do support Roe v Wade and a personal choice in legal access to legal abortion, and sometimes particularly when it comes to matters of rape or incest.

I think we mistranslated the GOP’s “small government” platform. We thought they meant they want a smaller government. What they really meant was minority rule, lots of government still all up in your shit, just controlled by fewer people and based on their priorities.
It's been said for a long time now that if conservatives ever succeed in banning abortion, it will be the end of the Republican party. We are very close to seeing that put to the test.

On the other hand, if the GOP ever wanted to hand a loaded weapon to Democrats, they are in the process of doing it. This will likely draw even more Democrats to vote or to register for the first time.
It's been said for a long time now that if conservatives ever succeed in banning abortion, it will be the end of the Republican party. We are very close to seeing that put to the test.

On the other hand, if the GOP ever wanted to hand a loaded weapon to Democrats, they are in the process of doing it. This will likely draw even more Democrats to vote or to register for the first time.

I’m still pretty shellshocked by Trump’s win, his narrow loss to Biden, and the fairly even split in Congress even after 4 years of Trump. So I don’t put much weight on theories on what will destroy the Republican party or if it will even happen. A scary breed of voter feels they are finally being represented and aren’t going to go back under their rock peacefully. The Republican party has become their home.
I’m still pretty shellshocked by Trump’s win, his narrow loss to Biden, and the fairly even split in Congress even after 4 years of Trump. So I don’t put much weight on theories on what will destroy the Republican party or if it will even happen. A scary breed of voter feels they are finally being represented and aren’t going to go back under their rock peacefully. The Republican party has become their home.
I read some right-wing message boards and their biggest worry is “culture.” They literally consider it a war. By culture, they mean people of other cultures and races supplanting WASPs as the dominant force in America. They are HIGHLY motivated to vote and hold power by any means necessary, because they openly admit the demographics are changing, and not in their favor. Their stance is basically zero immigration of any kind, and if they come, they cannot be allowed to vote, and their kids shouldn’t gain citizenship.

The voter turnout of these folks is extremely high. It took 4 years of Trump taking a dump on women, minorities, and everybody BUT white evangelicals for them to go out in force and vote against him. They knew they were under threat. These right-wing culture warriors literally feel under threat constantly. You can’t keep them away from the polls, and they are getting more and more extreme.
...So I don’t put much weight on theories on what will destroy the Republican party or if it will even happen. A scary breed of voter feels they are finally being represented and aren’t going to go back under their rock peacefully.
True that. The abortion prediction was made several years ago, when most of the country was still sane. I believed it then, but I don't think I believe it now. We're living in a different world.