
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1433098599336873986/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1433278805498646528/

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1433311805498068996/
I read some right-wing message boards and their biggest worry is “culture.” They literally consider it a war. By culture, they mean people of other cultures and races supplanting WASPs as the dominant force in America. They are HIGHLY motivated to vote and hold power by any means necessary, because they openly admit the demographics are changing, and not in their favor. Their stance is basically zero immigration of any kind, and if they come, they cannot be allowed to vote, and their kids shouldn’t gain citizenship.

The voter turnout of these folks is extremely high. It took 4 years of Trump taking a dump on women, minorities, and everybody BUT white evangelicals for them to go out in force and vote against him. They knew they were under threat. These right-wing culture warriors literally feel under threat constantly. You can’t keep them away from the polls, and they are getting more and more extreme.

Tucker Carlson’s show is basically a nightly klan meeting.
⬆️ That’s not an ideal solution, but between voting rights and abortion, it’s starting to look better all the time.
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1433278805498646528/

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1433311805498068996/
Congratulations Mitch McConnell. Your political ruthlessness when it comes to the Supreme Court has led to a country that bans abortion. You’ve really improved America.

Conservative members of the Supreme Court: You are not dumb. You know history. You know people will get abortions illegally and people will die unnecessarily because of it. That blood is officially on your hands now.
Congratulations Mitch McConnell. Your political ruthlessness when it comes to the Supreme Court has led to a country that bans abortion. You’ve really improved America.
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1433434147880673282/
Conservative members of the Supreme Court: You are not dumb. You know history. You know people will get abortions illegally and people will die unnecessarily because of it. That blood is officially on your hands now.

Which leads us to this line of thought
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1433384638030958594/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1433400280683581440/

There's a saying about being careful what you wish for.

Critics bitched about being in Afghanistan, NOW those same critics are bitching about us leaving. Why? Because of who pulled us out, and any political points that may come from it, not out of concern for the lives involved.
I’m starting to see these moves as a wartime strategy to keep more liberals from moving to Texas and inspire the liberals who already live there to leave. It seems any legislation they determine will piss off liberals gets fast-tracked to top priority, the desperate flailing of a dying party.
This law undermines Roe vs Wade. SCOTUS refused the first attempt to block it on technical grounds which could be valid, or it could just be the result of having a conservative Court. :unsure:

My question is on what basis is there to sue a woman or someone who helps facilitate an abortion can be sued, just because you have a personal objection?

I’ve always thought in the United States you can sue for any reason, but you need to rely on the Court system to reject ridiculous claims and I‘m not sure of what defines ridiculous in terms of civil suits. There could be an assumption by the shit heads, that any jury formed in Texas will be anti-abortion and will find for the plaintive. This is just fucked up, another nail in the progressive agenda part of the master plan to return to the 1950s and create a Christian theocracy. 🤬
This law undermines Roe vs Wade. SCOTUS refused the first attempt to block it on technical grounds which could be valid, or it could just be the result of having a conservative Court. :unsure:

My question is on what basis is there to sue a woman or someone who helps facilitate an abortion can be sued, just because you have a personal objection?

I’ve always thought in the United States you can sue for any reason, but you need to rely on the Court system to reject ridiculous claims and I‘m not sure of what defines ridiculous in terms of civil suits. There could be an assumption by the shit heads, that any jury formed in Texas will be anti-abortion and will find for the plaintive. This is just fucked up, another nail in the progressive agenda part of the master plan to return to the 1950s and create a Christian theocracy. 🤬

@Huntn, an excellent post (and not just because I agree completely with it).

Why not (also) post it in a separate thread that has been created by @SuperMatt to discuss these court rulings specifically?
I’d say increase SCOTUS to 11 but can Biden and Congress get that done? I think the GOP will block. 🤬

If the GOP tried to pass a law to reduce the Supreme Court to 1 judge who must lean conservative the Democrats would fail to block it because they have no teeth. And no balls. And at least several closeted Republicans in their ranks. At best they’d issue a collective sour puss face in response.
I think we mistranslated the GOP’s “small government” platform. We thought they meant they want a smaller government. What they really meant was minority rule, lots of government still all up in your shit, just controlled by fewer people and based on their priorities.

I stuck a laughing emoji on that one so I wouldn't cry.

The other day I woke up at 3 in the morning out of a nightmare --not a lucid dream with do-over options-- where I was in line to vote in person at the polling place and when I stepped up to sign the book and said my name, the clerk looked it up, then said Oh you can't vote, we have you down for a charge of "having listened to speech deemed treasonous."

Yeah. Woke me right up. I've decided not to read any political news after 7pm, give my brain time to focus on something else until bedtime...
I stuck a laughing emoji on that one so I wouldn't cry.

The other day I woke up at 3 in the morning out of a nightmare --not a lucid dream with do-over options-- where I was in line to vote in person at the polling place and when I stepped up to sign the book and said my name, the clerk looked it up, then said Oh you can't vote, we have you down for a charge of "having listened to speech deemed treasonous."

Yeah. Woke me right up. I've decided not to read any political news after 7pm, give my brain time to focus on something else until bedtime...

Yeah, I'm starting to question spending so much time on these subjects. I sometimes feel like if I woke up in the morning and out my window I witnessed the explosion of a foreign missile on the horizon it might improve my mood. At least the end would be quick and so many things not to have to worry about anymore.
I’m starting to see these moves as a wartime strategy to keep more liberals from moving to Texas and inspire the liberals who already live there to leave.
By all means, I think Biden should send a shitload of Chinooks to rescue all of those who want to leave Texas before Austin falls and the entire state is taken over by the American Taliban.

I think I'm joking... :cautious:
Before you wipe Texas off the map, I have this to say


There are decent people there, and interesting places. I think we should make more of an effort toward rehab.
They could elect a Democratic governor. I think with gerrymandering it is impossible for them to have a Democratic legislature though.

But unless Congress passes voting rights legislation, states like Texas could stay Republican forever. Such legislation should forbid partisan gerrymandering.
They could elect a Democratic governor. I think with gerrymandering it is impossible for them to have a Democratic legislature though.

But unless Congress passes voting rights legislation, states like Texas could stay Republican forever. Such legislation should forbid partisan gerrymandering.
Look what happened in KY when they got a Dem governor. The state just changes laws to prevent the governor from being able to do anything. Kinda like when the POTUS is a Dem and the House and Senate are R controlled.