Holding and wielding power no matter what is the game for this mob.

We are currently (1980-forward) witnessing the fight for the soul of this country, and as far as I can tell, Beelzebub is up 20. We focus on elected officials as the pieces of shit many of them are, but they just reflect the neighbors, that surrounds many of us. They might seem decent during a casual conversation, but when you get into a subject of substance then it all becomes clear.
At the pool yesterday living in enemy territory:
Me: I’ve not seen you in a while.
74 year old white man:
Yeah it’s been 3 weeks, had some things to take care of, you know life happens.
Me: <shrug> in acknowledgment.
We’ll it was COVID, the entire family.
Were you vaccinated?
No, I chose not too.
Me: <silent>
It’s my freedom to not get vaccinated if I don’t want to.
Me: <Nods head with an I’m not going to engage, but you are an idiot expression.>
Man: <Walks away>
This is the same reason why when the 93 year old white WWII vet, geezer tries to talk to me about the evil Democrats, I advise him,
I don’t talk politics at the gym.