
Look what happened in KY when they got a Dem governor. The state just changes laws to prevent the governor from being able to do anything. Kinda like when the POTUS is a Dem and the House and Senate are R controlled.
Agreed, which is why I think the voting rights law is so important. Gerrymandering (by both parties) needs to go the way of the dodo. States with over 50% voting Democrat should not have a legislature that is 2/3 Republican. It’s plainly undemocratic.
Before you wipe Texas off the map, I have this to say


There are decent people there, and interesting places. I think we should make more of an effort toward rehab.
It’s the same story as in many Republican controlled states, 51-60% of those who bothered vote broke bad. Of the total this leaves some large % of those who don’t seem to care which ass-hats lead us, and 30-40% by my rough calculation decent folks. I feel sure that that numbers required to take control of the Statehouse is much less than 50% of the total.

To qualify, are there no decent Republicans left? I’m sorry to say that if you support today’s GOP you are supporting an anti-democratic, racist, pushing us to fascism so they can hold control at the cost of our demicracy. And whether you are ignorant or drinking the Koolaid, by definition you either are not decent or you have become so selfish and living in a fantasy you can no longer see the reality of what your selfishness means to the Nation.

The first time I lived in Texas, 1978-1980, Ann Richards had not so long ago been the Democratic Governor and it seemed to be a much better place than it is today,
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Look what happened in KY when they got a Dem governor. The state just changes laws to prevent the governor from being able to do anything. Kinda like when the POTUS is a Dem and the House and Senate are R controlled.
Holding and wielding power no matter what is the game for this mob. 🤬 We are currently (1980-forward) witnessing the fight for the soul of this country, and as far as I can tell, Beelzebub is up 20. We focus on elected officials as the pieces of shit many of them are, but they just reflect the neighbors, that surrounds many of us. They might seem decent during a casual conversation, but when you get into a subject of substance then it all becomes clear.

At the pool yesterday living in enemy territory:
Me: I’ve not seen you in a while.
74 year old white man: Yeah it’s been 3 weeks, had some things to take care of, you know life happens.
Me: <shrug> in acknowledgment.
Man: We’ll it was COVID, the entire family.
Me: Were you vaccinated?
Man: No, I chose not too.
Me: <silent>
Man: It’s my freedom to not get vaccinated if I don’t want to.
Me: <Nods head with an I’m not going to engage, but you are an idiot expression.>
Man: <Walks away>

This is the same reason why when the 93 year old white WWII vet, geezer tries to talk to me about the evil Democrats, I advise him, I don’t talk politics at the gym. 🤬
Before you wipe Texas off the map, I have this to say


There are decent people there, and interesting places. I think we should make more of an effort toward rehab.

Already happening. Harris County having elected so many new female Black judges in the 2018 midterms, for instance. Of course that very event underlies part of the voter suppression backlash, but media focus on the backlash ignores the relentless push forward by progressives in Texas.

Holding and wielding power no matter what is the game for this mob. 🤬 We are currently (1980-forward) witnessing the fight for the soul of this country, and as far as I can tell, Beelzebub is up 20. We focus on elected officials as the pieces of shit many of them are, but they just reflect the neighbors, that surrounds many of us. They might seem decent during a casual conversation, but when you get into a subject of substance then it all becomes clear.

At the pool yesterday living in enemy territory:
Me: I’ve not seen you in a while.
74 year old white man: Yeah it’s been 3 weeks, had some things to take care of, you know life happens.
Me: <shrug> in acknowledgment.
Man: We’ll it was COVID, the entire family.
Me: Were you vaccinated?
Man: No, I chose not too.
Me: <silent>
Man: It’s my freedom to not get vaccinated if I don’t want to.
Me: <Nods head with an I’m not going to engage, but you are an idiot expression.>
Man: <Walks away>

This is the same reason why when the 93 year old white WWII vet, geezer tries to talk to me about the evil Democrats, I advise him, I don’t talk politics at the gym. 🤬

I don't even ask people that get sick if they're vaccinated or not because the majority of them are unvaccinated. I just say "Thoughts and Prayers" in my sarcastic tone lol

I could give 2 shits if unvaccinated people that can take the vaccine die. Good riddance. Maybe that makes me heartless but if they don't care about their health and everyone around them then good riddance. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.

I feel for the ones that can't get vaccinated for whatever reason and end up sick.
I could give 2 shits if unvaccinated people that can take the vaccine die. Good riddance. Maybe that makes me heartless but if they don't care about their health and everyone around them then good riddance. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.

Actually, I don't think this attitude makes you heartless at all. In my opinion, it does quite the opposite.

I suspect this attitude comes from frustration that they won't do the right thing. It tells me you care more about protecting innocent lives than they do. And I agree 100%. If you still won't do anything to protect yourself, collect your Darwin Award and piss off so the rest of us can get past this. I don't want to see people die. But I also don't want the stupid to continue making things worse for the rest of us. As they've shown they won't change, perhaps they should be removed from the gene pool.
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Actually, I don't think this attitude makes you heartless at all. In my opinion, it does quite the opposite.

I suspect this attitude comes from frustration that they won't do the right thing. It tells me you care more about protecting innocent lives than they do. And I agree 100%. If you still won't do anything to protect yourself, collect your Darwin Award and piss off so the rest of us can get past this. I don't want to see people die. But I also don't want the stupid to continue making things worse for the rest of us. As they've shown they won't change, perhaps they should be removed from the gene pool.

I've know a few people that have gotten really really sick and thought they were going to die. They were unvaccinated. Now they are preaching to everyone to get vaccinated...only because they nearly died.
I've know a few people that have gotten really really sick and thought they were going to die. They were unvaccinated. Now they are preaching to everyone to get vaccinated...only because they nearly died.

Obviously, that's a better outcome than them not learning. It's a shame it had to come to that to open their eyes. But that's awesome that their eyes are opened now.
Yes, but why for so many do they have to get figuratively slammed upside the head with a grand piano...to learn something?

Extreme politicization of any issue results in a kind of tribalism that's pretty hard to break out of, even if a part of one's brain is willing to acknowledge at least in private that there's more to the issue than a totally binary thumbs-up or thumbs-down on it.
The first time I lived in Texas, 1978-1980, Ann Richards was the Democratic Governor and it seemed to be a much better place than it is today,

Pardon me for being pedantic, but you would be off by about a decade. She was the one who said (in reference to the elder one), "George Bush was born with a silver foot in his mouth" at the D convention; a few years after that, she lost her re-election to, of all worms, W.


Every time they do/say ignant shit, make them look like the idiots they are being. It needs to be done with pure levity, no denigration, but it needs to be relentless, until they are afraid to spew bilious roils lest they end up in stocks. We absolutely must not allow the RWers to barf on us at will, but they have to be reined in judiciously, that we make no martyrs of them.

(This might work 'Bama as well.)
I've know a few people that have gotten really really sick and thought they were going to die. They were unvaccinated. Now they are preaching to everyone to get vaccinated...only because they nearly died.
Whatever works. Live or die.
Actually, I don't think this attitude makes you heartless at all. In my opinion, it does quite the opposite.

I suspect this attitude comes from frustration that they won't do the right thing. It tells me you care more about protecting innocent lives than they do. And I agree 100%. If you still won't do anything to protect yourself, collect your Darwin Award and piss off so the rest of us can get past this. I don't want to see people die. But I also don't want the stupid to continue making things worse for the rest of us. As they've shown they won't change, perhaps they should be removed from the gene pool.

I've know a few people that have gotten really really sick and thought they were going to die. They were unvaccinated. Now they are preaching to everyone to get vaccinated...only because they nearly died.

It was reported on NPR yesterday that the Delta varient is much more virulent. That it can be spread by those vaccinated, which is different than previous versions and why it is vital to still wear a mask. However, the key to arresting this pandemic is to still talk the dummies into getting their shots. :unsure:
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Pardon me for being pedantic, but you would be off by about a decade. She was the one who said (in reference to the elder one), "George Bush was born with a silver foot in his mouth" at the D convention; a few years after that, she lost her re-election to, of all worms, W.
So much for my memory. Ok, she was still around… :(
Someone right now in Texas is taking notes, for future culture wars

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1434019945365614592/
See also:

It was reported on NPR yesterday that the Delta varient is much more virulent. That it can be spread by those vaccinated, which is different than previous versions and why it is vital to still wear a mask. However, the key to arresting this pandemic is to talk the dummies into getting their shots. :unsure:
Which basically means those of us who have been vaccinated are wearing masks to protect the idiots who refuse to get vaccinated.
And us, too. Don't forget breakthrough infections happen. Some of us can still get sick, if less severely.

Personally, I have a moderately serious lung condition. Getting infected at all is not a good option for me.