Well, the first time I lived in Texas was 1978. It was a pretty good place. I was Republican leaning Navy Officer, but the Democrats were in charge of the State. I was amazed at how good the roads were, and discovered it was oil revenue that powered Texas.
I would have never chosen to come back here to live, too hot, except my wife talked me into it so she could be closer to her parents. Since the mid 80s I have been leaning Left, and the farther right, the Right matches, the farther Left I end up leaning just to hold my position.
Living in a Red State is tough. I listen to the good ole boys rail about liberals and democrats while praising Trump and end up biting my tongue, responding to one old geezer the age of my father,
I don’t talk politics at the gym. This or I would have let him have it and found myself surrounded.
Now Abbott appears to be on the defensive after the Winter storm disaster and appears to throwing some red meat to the anti-mask Rumpsters. It’s very discouraging because wearing a mask does nothing to harm busines, but it does help us climb out of the COVID hole faster, but since when in the last 20 years have Repubkicans done anything not based on a partisan twist?