The 2022 Midterms

These three chatting together is making me laugh.

animal chat.jpg

I all know is that come Wednesday morning I am likely to way happier than you. And it’s not going to be just because of MAGA individuals.

It is going to be because the people are getting tired of the progressive push left. Hispanics are bailing to the GOP in record numbers and the Dems pissed of the mama bears and they are returning after their vote against mean tweets.

Thanks, I am enjoying my Wednesday!
Looks like Progressive Summer Lee will/did win despite the Anti-Palestinian super PAC AIPAC dropping at least a million on ads against her. This should make Kanye happy.
Kari Lake eating into Hobbs' lead... razor-thin race with a lot of votes left to be counted. Lake being defeated would be the cherry on top for Trump-backed candidates being defeated, but she may pull it off.

Republicans need a big win, so whatever. She doesn't seem restrained enough to be a major national candidate, but I'll hold my breath on that after what we've endured the last few years.
I all know is that come Wednesday morning I am likely to way happier than you. And it’s not going to be just because of MAGA individuals.

It is going to be because the people are getting tired of the progressive push left. Hispanics are bailing to the GOP in record numbers and the Dems pissed of the mama bears and they are returning after their vote against mean tweets.

Most people in the U.S. have been conditioned to fear that which would benefit them the most, namely a "progressive push left." They've been convinced that the government taking more of a role in their well being means a loss of freedoms. When you watch a travel show about a European democracy, the difference is obvious. The people there don't live in fear of going bankrupt if they get sick, many have been provided with a college education because the country values an educated populace - they don't spend half of their working lives digging out of debt. The transportation systems in countries like Sweden put ours to shame. The reason is that many of those governments view their mandate to be to make life better for their people. You may be happy if the GOP does well, but what it will mean is continued attacks on Social Security, Medicare and the Affordable Care Act, continued deterioration of our infrastructure, more tax cuts for their billionaire donor class and of course more voting restrictions.
Kari Lake eating into Hobbs' lead... razor-thin race with a lot of votes left to be counted. Lake being defeated would be the cherry on top for Trump-backed candidates being defeated, but she may pull it off.

Republicans need a big win, so whatever. She doesn't seem restrained enough to be a major national candidate, but I'll hold my breath on that after what we've endured the last few years.
I was just reading this and find it scary AF. Lake is off the chain & we don't need anymore of her ilk.
Most people in the U.S. have been conditioned to fear that which would benefit them the most, namely a "progressive push left." They've been convinced that the government taking more of a role in their well being means a loss of freedoms. When you watch a travel show about a European democracy, the difference is obvious. The people there don't live in fear of going bankrupt if they get sick, many have been provided with a college education because the country values an educated populace - they don't spend half of their working lives digging out of debt. The transportation systems in countries like Sweden put ours to shame. The reason is that many of those governments view their mandate to be to make life better for their people. You may be happy if the GOP does well, but what it will mean is continued attacks on Social Security, Medicare and the Affordable Care Act, continued deterioration of our infrastructure, more tax cuts for their billionaire donor class and of course more voting restrictions.

Great post. Also the Rs of our time have accelerated pushback on environmental regulation. It's where they excel at digging up the occasional anecdote about the ruined livelihood of some small biz owner stymied by having to respect an endangered toad or whatever, in what was going to be his expanded parking lot... meanwhile intentionally glossing over the catastrophic toll on clean air, water and soil of wink-and-nod behavior towards industrial polluters in the USA. We're still doing cleanups from when the EPA was first passed...

And: the Republicans have conveniently forgotten that Nixon was who started up the EPA due to public pressure. Not sure what makes them think that pressure no longer exists. Everyone wants clean air and water and soil underneath where their kids play and go to school.

Dems will at least need to message more loudly whenever the Federal Register prints up another impending Republiclan-engineered workaround of environmental protection rules. This especially now, given that the Supreme Court has signaled it may be inclined to declare those rules unconstitutional (since some are indeed hard to work around, having been entwined with supporting legislation, duh).

It will come down to doing more than messaging then. Dems will have to take environmental protection arguments and bills back to the floors of Congress and the conference rooms of K street lobbyists. Among other things some light may shine on any Dems who have managed to take campaign contributions from would-be polluters while hoping that the Rs would take the heat when the public gets all fired up over some scheme to strip-mine new parts of national parks.

PITTSBURGH–Speaking to the Republican candidate over the phone early Wednesday morning, a smiling John Fetterman reportedly asked Mehmet Oz if he would mind slowly repeating his concession for the fifth time. “I don’t know if you knew this, but I’ve been experiencing some auditory processing difficulties–would you mind repeating yourself again?” said Fetterman, who settled into an armchair as the phone call with his defeated opponent passed the 45-minute mark. “I’m sorry, I didn’t quite get that. A little slower please. You said something about losing? I just want to be absolutely certain I’m hearing this right.” At press time, Fetterman suggested that perhaps he could accept the concession in person if he were ever in New Jersey.

Dr. Oz will have lots of time for preparing crudite in one of his many homes. Perhaps he can hopscotch to another state and set up another run. The sad part is he’s probably a level-headed guy, even if I disagree with him. But he had no charisma, zero personality - strange, because those things are what made him famous - and was insanely out of touch. There was no enthusiasm for him, he was a cookie-cutter, rubber stamp for the republican agenda, which would have been enough, but he was also a total rug for Trump.

A boring but acceptable candidate, but a total opportunistic carpetbagger with no connection to the average American. Not to take away his accomplishments - but there was no morphing that into anything relatable. He didn’t run because he was deeply concerned about healthcare, about health in general, etc. He’s an accomplished doctor, celebrity and TV personality who sold quack medicine and I guess got bored and decided to try to snag an open senate seat in a state he has as much to do with as I do Indiana, which is virtually nothing other than living next to it on a map.

Really glad Fetterman defeated him. Amongst the battles the left and right have over the mental faculties of Trump and Biden (ridiculous, but that’s where we are), Fetterman is unique in that there’s nothing abnormal about his recovery, it’s just that they usually don’t play out in public. But it has nothing to do with his ability to legislate, which is never what the debates about Biden or Trump are about.

Really glad Fetterman defeated him. JD Vance was one too many of that type of opportunistic carpetbagging.
Dr. Oz will have lots of time for preparing crudite in one of his many homes. Perhaps he can hopscotch to another state and set up another run. The sad part is he’s probably a level-headed guy, even if I disagree with him. But he had no charisma, zero personality - strange, because those things are what made him famous - and was insanely out of touch. There was no enthusiasm for him, he was a cookie-cutter, rubber stamp for the republican agenda, which would have been enough, but he was also a total rug for Trump.

A boring but acceptable candidate, but a total opportunistic carpetbagger with no connection to the average American. Not to take away his accomplishments - but there was no morphing that into anything relatable. He didn’t run because he was deeply concerned about healthcare, about health in general, etc. He’s an accomplished doctor, celebrity and TV personality who sold quack medicine and I guess got bored and decided to try to snag an open senate seat in a state he has as much to do with as I do Indiana, which is virtually nothing other than living next to it on a map.

Really glad Fetterman defeated him. Amongst the battles the left and right have over the mental faculties of Trump and Biden (ridiculous, but that’s where we are), Fetterman is unique in that there’s nothing abnormal about his recovery, it’s just that they usually don’t play out in public. But it has nothing to do with his ability to legislate, which is never what the debates about Biden or Trump are about.

Really glad Fetterman defeated him. JD Vance was one too many of that type of opportunistic carpetbagging.

I wouldn't quite say Fetterman is presidential quality, but the Dem party could learn a great deal from him about how to reach those just about everybody agrees they've lost touch with. I also see his style appealing to young voters. He's the "I don't give a fuck" that Democrats desperately need.