The 2022 Midterms

I'll be sad if Barnes loses; it's way past time for Ron Johnson to depart American politics.

Still hoping the unions will have got out the vote for her.
I'm staying up till 1am to see the start of race calling in NV, and updates in AZ. Then I'm sleeping. Looks like the Dems didn't do as bad as expected and will hold the Senate and may.... MAY barely lose the House. No Red Wave. At best, a Red Ripple.
I'm staying up till 1am to see the start of race calling in NV, and updates in AZ. Then I'm sleeping. Looks like the Dems didn't do as bad as expected and will hold the Senate and may.... MAY barely lose the House. No Red Wave. At best, a Red Ripple.

Yeah. Probably means all the Rs can do in the next Congress is throw hissy fits from the House side. A Gym Jordan reality TV show, absentmindedly overseen by McCarthy and Stefanik who once free of required allegiance to Trump will be focused on trying to advance their own interests.

NBC calls it for Fetterman!

Trump really hurt the Republicans in these races, by some of his endorsements and campaigning and otherwise sniping from the sidelines. He's toast... and Mitch McConnell scores points for having made noises about how the GOP needed to be more focused on "quality candidates."
Probably shitting their pants trying to figure out a way to tell him NO.

If republicans had made a good faith effort to get rid of Trump after January 6, or at least distance themselves from him, they may have nominated better candidates and won more convincingly this evening.

Instead, they may have blown the midterms and in doing so, they’re making Biden and the dems look far more effective.
I was planning to hop in the bed at 1am. But as I finally prepare to sleep, it looks like the Dems will keep the Senate with a possible runoff in GA. I still think Warnock will get 50%+1 to outright win there (outstanding votes in Fulton & Cobb counties where he's crushing Wanker Walker). So Dems keep the Senate 51-49, most likely.

The House will depend on CA. But it looks like maybe McCarthy becomes House Majority Leader at 219-216. But it also can slip through his hands. I remember Santos being declared the winner on Long Island two years ago and then losing once mail-in and absentee ballots were counted. It's a possible case of deja vu all over again for him. And I think there's a strong possibility of a Dem pickup in CA by Chen over Steele (only ~45% counted, so who knows).

It wouldn't surprise me if Pelosi maintains the gavel for Dems: 218-217 or even 219-216.
Kornacki pointing out dems may well hold the house. Wow, if that happened, the Trumpers will explode.

Well actually what will happen is that the RNC will implode... Trump did this to his party.

Even if the Rs take the House, McCarthy is gonna have trouble asserting his right to be Speaker. The margin he was projecting ahead of the elections is not even remotely possible now.

t wouldn't surprise me if Pelosi maintains the gavel for Dems: 218-217 or even 219-216.

Yeah it's true there are a handful of CDs leaning red now that were blue and have enough ballots out yet to stay blue. My own CD in NY-19 is one of them. I can't read it well though because it's newly redrawn. Some of the population is in my county which has a purple tendency and is often part of why it flips now and then. Keeping fingers crossed. I think there are about 15k ballots out and the R is leading by 6k.
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NH kept both of their seats for Dems. I’m just going to spend the day enjoying that. This was a foregone conclusion to me two weeks ago and then those polls came out last week and got me all riled up. It made no sense that NH would send two Trump goons to Congress.
If republicans had made a good faith effort to get rid of Trump after January 6, or at least distance themselves from him, they may have nominated better candidates and won more convincingly this evening.

Instead, they may have blown the midterms and in doing so, they’re making Biden and the dems look far more effective.

I’ll just say adding "If you’re a Trump supporter and would like to leave a death threat press 6" to their answering service would probably be an appropriate idea to help with efficiency along with bringing that necessity to the public’s attention. Nobody is buying that you think Trump is a totally stable genius, unless you‘re a MTG conspiracy sponge.
Good to see Tim Ryan concede graciously with his speech. Republicans are being taught a lesson - democracy matters and abortion rights matter. You can lose even if the majority of voters stand with your policies or party. DeSantis and Kemp won decisively. If republicans try to keep the big lie alive, they will further erode their chances and you will see more split ticket votes.

If we can hold off Kari Lake, that would be great for defeating Trumpism. But even if she wins, it was not a good night for republicans. In a midterm, with inflation… Biden’s legislative victories, demeanor and the republicans overturning Roe while pushing lies and showing total subservience to Trump has hurt them three elections in a row now, and they’ve never seemed to understand Trump never had a majority of voter confidence from the start, and it gets worse for republicans each time he is on the ballot, either directly or indirectly.

This should have been a 20 seat pickup for republicans. Instead, they’ll be lucky to hold power at all, with no real referendum on the Biden admin that is convincing.

*Edit - You seriously have to wonder how many races republicans could have picked up if there hadn’t been so many COVID deaths.
Meanwhile the beat goes on in a nearby rural county with Rs teaching how it's done at micro-local-level. Just write someone in, or run unopposed to get a foot on the ladder. Unofficial results in local paper:

"• Sherburne — No one was​
on the ballot for the town jus-​
tice position and two write-in​
ballots were cast. The result​
was not available by press​
time. Emily Acee was elected​
to be a library trustee with 89​
Lindsey Graham admitting he's learned nothing...

NBC anchor Lester Holt asked whether the Republican Party’s mediocre performance in the midterm was a result of the "Donald Trump effect," meaning association with the former president may have hurt Republican candidates.

Graham responded "not really," still suggesting that the midterm was a "referendum on Biden," adding "If we take back the House, and we get the Senate majority, that is a very good night. A wave would have been New Hampshire and Colorado."

Two things can be true at once. This could be a slight referendum on Biden, but clearly Trump was dragging the party down. Imagine if they had a referendum AND listened to America on abortion issues AND separated themselves from Trump.

Biden has outperformed in the midterms. The democrats bucked historical trends. They didn't do that just out of luck. Trump is the biggest reason.
Meanwhile in Moronic Have My Cake and Eat It Too, Donny Land: If my guys win, I deserve all of the credit, if they lose I deserve none of the blame.
