The 2022 Midterms

He's learned nothing and while I'm happy to see republicans more level-headed after the elections than they usually are, I know things can turn quickly and they could be back in Trump's thrall tomorrow. But I'm enjoying his very public skewering in the meantime.
The MAGA party the party of no responsibility. has nice ring to it.
“Yeah, but someone who dropped out in kindergarten could technically win the lottery, so… education is for suckers.”

-typical redneck MAGA

Think what you want. But skilled trades people, you know the ones you all look down on, can make $50-80/hr without college. WalMart is currently hiring truck drivers for $100K+

Is that MAGA? No it isn't. And no college required. Note, I said college is not needed, I didn't education is not needed. A kid my daughter went to HS with went to the trade school and when they all graduated, he started a job as a welder making $40K as many others were paying that to go to college. Where are they now? He has made in excess of $160K and the ones who took loans are in the negative. How long will it take them to catch up? A decade or more?

And I say this as someone who has a graduate degree. Sure if someone just has a HS diploma and gets a job at a c-store or in fast food they are not going to get ahead. But learn a skill and college is not needed. Our neighbor's son went to Clemson. Came home after his first semester and told his parents that college was not for him and he was enlisting in the AF to learn how to fix jet engines. After 6 years in the AF, he came out with all his certs and now works for Gulfstream making well over $100K. So no, college is not a requirement for a good job no matter what you elitists think.
Think what you want. But skilled trades people, you know the ones you all look down on, can make $50-80/hr without college. WalMart is currently hiring truck drivers for $100K+

Is that MAGA? No it isn't. And no college required. Note, I said college is not needed, I didn't education is not needed. A kid my daughter went to HS with went to the trade school and when they all graduated, he started a job as a welder making $40K as many others were paying that to go to college. Where are they now? He has made in excess of $160K and the ones who took loans are in the negative. How long will it take them to catch up? A decade or more?

And I say this as someone who has a graduate degree. Sure if someone just has a HS diploma and gets a job at a c-store or in fast food they are not going to get ahead. But learn a skill and college is not needed. Our neighbor's son went to Clemson. Came home after his first semester and told his parents that college was not for him and he was enlisting in the AF to learn how to fix jet engines. After 6 years in the AF, he came out with all his certs and now works for Gulfstream making well over $100K. So no, college is not a requirement for a good job no matter what you elitists think.

I was an electrician. I was a member of the IBEW. How dare you accuse me of looking down on skilled tradespeople?

yeah, I later got four college agrees including two doctorates. And I can assure you that those college degrees have paid for themselves many times over.

As for the rest of your redneck bullshit, you are intentionally missing the point. The issue isn’t that you CAN’T do well without a college degree. The issue is that a college agree makes it FAR MORE LIKELY that you will do well. The vast majority of people without college degrees are living paycheck-to-paycheck, and are one unexpected medical issue, car accident, or house fire away from financial ruin.
Since McCarthy will be indebted to the MAGAs, it’s going to be a lot of fun watching the public “Hunter Biden Laptop Hearings” and the three Biden impeachments.
I was an electrician. I was a member of the IBEW. How dare you accuse me of looking down on skilled tradespeople?

yeah, I later got four college agrees including two doctorates. And I can assure you that those college degrees have paid for themselves many times over.

As for the rest of your redneck bullshit, you are intentionally missing the point. The issue isn’t that you CAN’T do well without a college degree. The issue is that a college agree makes it FAR MORE LIKELY that you will do well. The vast majority of people without college degrees are living paycheck-to-paycheck, and are one unexpected medical issue, car accident, or house fire away from financial ruin.

I apologize to you. But should know damn good and well that tradespeople, even skilled ones, are looked down on. I get it all the time walking in someplace with dusty jeans, Carhartt shirts and workboots, even around here.

See, I think it depends more on the person than their level of education. If they are smart and willing to apply themselves, then they will be successful. But why are college grads more likely to do well? Maybe it is because they are willing to work and learn and not because they have a piece of paper that says they passed some class they will never remember taking in 20 years.
Damn. With 98% in, Boebert's in the lead. 😐

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Think what you want. But skilled trades people, you know the ones you all look down on, can make $50-80/hr without college. WalMart is currently hiring truck drivers for $100K+

Is that MAGA? No it isn't. And no college required. Note, I said college is not needed, I didn't education is not needed. A kid my daughter went to HS with went to the trade school and when they all graduated, he started a job as a welder making $40K as many others were paying that to go to college. Where are they now? He has made in excess of $160K and the ones who took loans are in the negative. How long will it take them to catch up? A decade or more?

And I say this as someone who has a graduate degree. Sure if someone just has a HS diploma and gets a job at a c-store or in fast food they are not going to get ahead. But learn a skill and college is not needed. Our neighbor's son went to Clemson. Came home after his first semester and told his parents that college was not for him and he was enlisting in the AF to learn how to fix jet engines. After 6 years in the AF, he came out with all his certs and now works for Gulfstream making well over $100K. So no, college is not a requirement for a good job no matter what you elitists think.

I think many people take circuitous trajectories with respect to formal education. I fell into that category, and looking back was glad I did. Left college in my early twenties and went to work for a silicon valley aerospace/defense company. Because I had a lot of experience designing electronics and radios when I was young, I was soon designing elements of signals processing systems (and later systems engineering) that were deployed all over the world. And I was able to travel the world supporting them. One was a location literally in the middle of nowhere, where I signed up for a year and a half tour. Because it was a hardship location with few people, my salary was doubled and at that time if you were out of the country for a year and a half there was no Federal income tax. That there was no place to spend any money was a bonus - I saved everything I made. That projected income allowed me to buy a house in the SF Bay Area before I left, which I rented out while I was gone. Unfortunately, the country experienced a revolution, making it difficult getting out, though was glad to witness that happening firsthand. And was able to move into my house when the tenants lease expired. A few years later I finished my engineering degree.

Turns out the most rewarding classes were not engineering (they were easy), but liberal arts/social sciences/etc. For me those classes were personally far more valuable than those related to engineering
So no, college is not a requirement for a good job no matter what you elitists think.

As for the rest of your redneck bullshit, you are intentionally missing the point.

You both made points of substance and I hope other members will read entirety of both of your posts.

The main thing is for people to have the OPTION to go to either vocational school or college, which more than implies need for adequate and universal K-12 education... and that the next steps in education should not cost the sun moon and stars to complete. (and one could write a book on need for better policing of the godblasted scams still popping up as shortcut versions of vocational training).

I also have long since regretted that there has not been more federal and state focus on underwriting quality vocational education options and development of related apprenticeship programs, with local schools and businesses involved.

Really one should not have to join the military to get a ticket off the doomed family farm and find a way to make a living. Same with exiting an urban poverty pocket. That ticket should include preparation for college and financial support enough past tuition so your choice is not decent food or owning textbooks.

Also,,,, and I realize this is an unpopular opinion in the late stages of capitalism, the purposes that a liberal arts college serves are to open eyes, encourage interests not discovered or supported during K12, underpin the knowledge base of our future teachers, historians, philosophers, musicians and yes, theologians. Those are the people who over the centuries have held us together in times of darkness, let us remember and understand the struggles, successes, brilliance and stupidity of human experience. Not to remember, they say, is to be doomed to repeat. Past that, not ever to have learned is tragic.

So I could definitely do without all the bashing of "useless" liberal arts degrees. We do live in a capitalist system. One man's treasure is another man's curbside trash. Particularly in times of high polarization in the body politic, we should take with a grain of salt each other's most extreme views of the values of this or that aspect of education. We do live in a democracy. Choice is a feature, not a bug in the workings of how we manage to live together. One person's choice should not be able to dismiss the choice of hundreds, thousands or millions of others: compromise is not a dirty word.

And "both sides" should encourage kids to keep learning. If that takes government intervention at such basic levels as making sure children get enough to eat and something to wear to keep the weather off them while waiting for the bus, so be it. Our kids are the future. Not to shelter and feed them well enough even to take advantage of educational opportunities is a ticket to societal hell on earth.
States are going to do what they are going to do, but right now there’s about a 50,000 vote difference between Warnock and Walker with an estimated 99% of votes counted. That hardly seems like a difference that calls for a runoff election.
I also have long since regretted that there has not been more federal and state focus on underwriting quality vocational education options and development of related apprenticeship programs, with local schools and businesses involved.

We also need to get past the notion that tradespeople aren't smart. Many are very smart, but some people simply don't want to work in an office.
Think what you want. But skilled trades people, you know the ones you all look down on, can make $50-80/hr without college. WalMart is currently hiring truck drivers for $100K+

Is that MAGA? No it isn't. And no college required. Note, I said college is not needed, I didn't education is not needed. A kid my daughter went to HS with went to the trade school and when they all graduated, he started a job as a welder making $40K as many others were paying that to go to college. Where are they now? He has made in excess of $160K and the ones who took loans are in the negative. How long will it take them to catch up? A decade or more?

And I say this as someone who has a graduate degree. Sure if someone just has a HS diploma and gets a job at a c-store or in fast food they are not going to get ahead. But learn a skill and college is not needed. Our neighbor's son went to Clemson. Came home after his first semester and told his parents that college was not for him and he was enlisting in the AF to learn how to fix jet engines. After 6 years in the AF, he came out with all his certs and now works for Gulfstream making well over $100K. So no, college is not a requirement for a good job no matter what you elitists think.
I personally don't discount trades over college bound. In fact I am a strong believer that college isn't the right path for everyone, and if you are not going to goto college a trade is the best option for folks to have a decent to even better living than some of the college bound folks. However a professional trade isn't for everyone and still a successful trades person wants to at least get an associates degree from a community college in basic business (account, finance, etc.) So they can run their business after they spend 10 or so years mastering their craft.

The other example you cited of the Walmart truck driver... That is an aberration of the times, shortages in the field and our dependence of trucking in the country. If Amazon has their way, they will eliminate truck drivers all together, with driverless long haul trucking and or drone delivery (probably 5 - 10 years out). Not to mention that long haul trucking isn't a career path I would wish on anyone. It is filled with a lot of stress and unhealthy and lonely living. Imagine how stressful it is to drive with all the maniacs on the road and have a deadline?

With all that above, there is still a place for college education. Will every field of study make 150+/year? No. What I personally detest is that somehow the right has clamped on to the notion that there isn't a need for a college education, and if you want one then you are somehow an elitist.

There is room for every trade, service job, and professional career in this world, I just don't think it's a right or left thing.
We also need to get past the notion that tradespeople aren't smart. Many are very smart, but some people simply don't want to work in an office.
Who the heck says that? I am often stumped by something as simple as a compound miter cut for molding in an angle not 90 degrees, or hell if I can figure out a GFCI/AFCI outlet chain. I have the utmost regard for our trades people, in fact I started to pick up an old world trade of blacksmithing. I figure when the shit hits the fan and society collapses, my IT infrastructure skills won't be needed that much.
We also need to get past the notion that tradespeople aren't smart. Many are very smart, but some people simply don't want to work in an office.

This made me think of an excellent episode of Love Death + Robots where a group of robots were touring the wreckage of earth caused by humans and each area was populated exclusively by a political or class tribe who thought they had everything all figured out but each failed because of their exclusivity.

I think there are stereotype assumptions made from both sides, but as opposed to looking down on the other side, it's that one side simply doesn't care about the other because they are wrapped up in their own problems brought on by their job and environment. Despite the media insisting on extreme divisiveness, I don't think that's really the way it is.