The 2022 Midterms

I've been expecting this. Especially if Frisch pulls back into the lead by a slim margin. No way will Boebert sit still for that.

Bring it on. Republicans really need to think about how they move forward. Democrats have their own reckoning, but Trump's stolen election lies were on the ballot, and they lost. Sure, there will still be a few muttering about it, but now that we've had our first set of elections in the wake of Trump's loss, that is a losing issue. Arizona, Georgia and small pockets elsewhere may keep it going, but I don't see the party as a whole openly embracing that garbage the way they did last year. Plus, there's a Georgia runoff coming up, and the republicans will need to be on their best behavior - a challenge, I know.
Bring it on. Republicans really need to think about how they move forward. Democrats have their own reckoning, but Trump's stolen election lies were on the ballot, and they lost. Sure, there will still be a few muttering about it, but now that we've had our first set of elections in the wake of Trump's loss, that is a losing issue. Arizona, Georgia and small pockets elsewhere may keep it going, but I don't see the party as a whole openly embracing that garbage the way they did last year. Plus, there's a Georgia runoff coming up, and the republicans will need to be on their best behavior - a challenge, I know.
Donated to Warnock, because I think he is going to need it to get the folks to come out again. I am fearful that the third party candidate peeled off a lot of the GOP votes, but still have hope that Walker is just too much for them to vote for him. Hopefully they either sit it out or hold their nose and vote D.
I think it’s kind of funny right-wing pundits are arguing over which fascist they should send to Georgia to promote their dumpster fire.
Donated to Warnock, because I think he is going to need it to get the folks to come out again. I am fearful that the third party candidate peeled off a lot of the GOP votes, but still have hope that Walker is just too much for them to vote for him. Hopefully they either sit it out or hold their nose and vote D.

Walker won’t be down-ballot from Kemp this time. If it’s a 50/50 senate, both sides will be motivated, but it wasn’t enough in 2020, and that was with Trump and republicans still in a post-election frenzy. It’ll probably be close again, but unlike this week’s election, people showing up to vote will be doing so to vote for or against someone. People split the ticket, many who voted for Kemp voted for Warnock or the other guy, or maybe nobody. If more of the people who voted for the independent vote for Warnock, it’s over for old Herschel.

Actually, to be honest, I have no idea what the hell is going to happen, lol.
wait are they valid sounds like ballot loading. come on now lets file a lawsuit.
The numbers here will be close enough for a recount, I’d think. Don’t know for sure but if LB loses, she’ll demand a recount for certain.
I don’t need an education or a job. I can just win the lottery. In your face, elites!

But just so you know, I do have a graduate degree. But I can still call you all elites because I’m a white man, and white men cannot be elites. It says so in the Bible and/or constitution.
I don’t need an education or a job. I can just win the lottery. In your face, elites!

But just so you know, I do have a graduate degree. But I can still call you all elites because I’m a white man, and white men cannot be elites. It says so in the Bible and/or constitution.
You need to work on your sarcasm notification flag.

What makes you less than elite, is your love for the Sabers, and probably the Bills :P /s
Reading this latest news for Colorado & seeing reports her opponent has conceded. Another Dem win.

This is gettin' good. There are at least three CA seats remaining that were projected lean-red but that have mail ballots out expected to run heavily blue...

The Rs might end up in practice having to court a bunch of blue dog Dems just to have backup of their tiny majority if they even land it. Also, If McCarthy gets the gavel he's gonna regret ever having called any on his own side of the aisle a RINO or worse.
No matter how the Frisch/Boebert race turns out, this will be one of my favorite posts of the midterms.

Screen Shot 2022-11-10 at 3.37.27 PM.png
This made me think of an excellent episode of Love Death + Robots where a group of robots were touring the wreckage of earth caused by humans and each area was populated exclusively by a political or class tribe who thought they had everything all figured out but each failed because of their exclusivity.

I think there are stereotype assumptions made from both sides, but as opposed to looking down on the other side, it's that one side simply doesn't care about the other because they are wrapped up in their own problems brought on by their job and environment. Despite the media insisting on extreme divisiveness, I don't think that's really the way it is.

Even before the world was graced or cursed by things like social media and television, just the time-consuming aspects of everyone's life can guarantee that we will all miss out on news of this or that potentially divisive event or issue, never mind engage in quarrels over them.

To call that apathy (which I have done once in awhile) is arrogant and elitist, but also forgetful of what it is to just go about daily life. We do get wrapped up in our own problems and that's as it should be... and thank god there are people on the planet who are better bakers than I ever was. I try to remember than when inclined to complain that some pitas are misshapen or wrinkled.

The big problem comes when someone decides to stir pots by setting the bakers against the poets or truck drivers.

There is a place for all of us, and a commonality amongst us despite our rarely feeling the need to articulate it. And that commonality does usually extend to not caring a whole lot about what "other people" in general are doing today. Whoever forgets that, in conduct of political campaigns or other aspirations to power, will eventually pay a hard price for the oversight.

It becomes tiresome after awhile to be yelled at by pols about how terrible everything is, yeah even if things can sometimes get pretty bad. We know that. We still have to go to work or look for a job, make the coffee, finish the essay, hang up the wash, fix the godblasted leaky tire or replace the toaster, try to ground a kid for bad behavior without making him suicidal or homicidal. We don't all have the same problems but we share the experience of having terrible problems surface out of the blue and having to deal with them. We are humans, and if we're fortunate we have some great times and just enough sorrows to make an okay day all the sweeter.

Meanwhile we got these pols up there spending hundreds of millions of dollars for the right to tell us we hate each other. WTF. Really I begin to think by end of a campaign season that it's a miracle anyone can summon the will to actually fill out a ballot.
Couple tweets here indicate more Colorado-3 ballots due in that won't be counted today. The posters are Colorado journalists. So this very close Frisch-Boebert race (never mind recount if it comes to that) might not be over until sometime next week.

more CO-3 ballots next week.jpg
What's discouraging is that even if Bobert loses it apparently will be by a small margin. That's true of Oz's loss in PA. And the Georgia Senate race is so close it's going to a runoff.

What's wrong with these voters? Boebert is a whack job with a long criminal rap sheet. Oz is a con man who accepted money to push cures to his trusting audiences and has virtually no history with Pennsylvania. And Walker is totally unqualified, having trouble putting together a cogent sentence as well as having a violent past and spawning an unknown number of children who he abandoned. Family values anyone?

That these sordid people got even more than a few percentage of votes is a sad commentary on the state of the nation. But I guess it's not surprising when tens of millions of people voted for the morally degenerate Grifter-In-Chief Donald Trump.
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