This made me think of an excellent episode of Love Death + Robots where a group of robots were touring the wreckage of earth caused by humans and each area was populated exclusively by a political or class tribe who thought they had everything all figured out but each failed because of their exclusivity.
I think there are stereotype assumptions made from both sides, but as opposed to looking down on the other side, it's that one side simply doesn't care about the other because they are wrapped up in their own problems brought on by their job and environment. Despite the media insisting on extreme divisiveness, I don't think that's really the way it is.
Even before the world was graced or cursed by things like social media and television, just the time-consuming aspects of everyone's life can guarantee that we will all miss out on news of this or that potentially divisive event or issue, never mind engage in quarrels over them.
To call that apathy (which I have done once in awhile) is arrogant and elitist, but also forgetful of what it is to just go about daily life. We do get wrapped up in our own problems and that's as it should be... and thank god there are people on the planet who are better bakers than I ever was. I try to remember than when inclined to complain that some pitas are misshapen or wrinkled.
The big problem comes when someone decides to stir pots by setting the bakers against the poets or truck drivers.
There is a place for all of us, and a commonality amongst us despite our rarely feeling the need to articulate it. And that commonality does usually extend to not caring a whole lot about what "other people" in general are doing today. Whoever forgets that, in conduct of political campaigns or other aspirations to power, will eventually pay a hard price for the oversight.
It becomes tiresome after awhile to be yelled at by pols about how terrible everything is, yeah even if things can sometimes get pretty bad. We know that. We still have to go to work or look for a job, make the coffee, finish the essay, hang up the wash, fix the godblasted leaky tire or replace the toaster, try to ground a kid for bad behavior without making him suicidal or homicidal. We don't all have the same problems but we share the experience of having terrible problems surface out of the blue and having to deal with them. We are humans, and if we're fortunate we have some great times and just enough sorrows to make an okay day all the sweeter.
Meanwhile we got these pols up there spending hundreds of millions of dollars for the right to tell us we hate each other. WTF. Really I begin to think by end of a campaign season that it's a miracle anyone can summon the will to actually fill out a ballot.