The 2022 Midterms

Add this journalist to your Pueblo reporter list.

Right, she's actually who retweeted those other posts, so there's some good info under Winfrey's account,

What's discouraging is that even if Bobert loses it apparently will be by a small margin. That's true of Oz's loss in PA. And the Georgia Senate race so close it's going to a runoff.

What's wrong with these voters? Boebert is a whack job with a long criminal rap sheet. Oz is a con man who accepted money to push cures to his trusting audiences and has virtually no history with Pennsylvania. And Walker is totally unqualified, having trouble putting together a cogent sentence as well as having a violent past and spawning an unknown number of children who he abandoned. Family values anyone?

That these sordid people got even more than a few percentage of votes is a sad commentary on the state of the nation. But I guess it's not surprising when tens of millions of people voted for the morally degenerate Grifter-In-Chief Donald Trump.

That Colorado district is huge, sparsely populated in rural areas, a mix of wealthy (some seasonal or absentee) and working class and stone broke, total pop is the typical House constituency of a bit under 800k. It has been regarded as potentially competitive in certain circumstances,e.g., sometimes develops blue coattails behind a popular choice for President or governor, but usually leans conservative.

Below is a snapshot from Wiki of the demographics, prefaced by a summary of the district's characteristcs provided by a Denver post journalist via Wikipedia. Reading between the lines, the rural areas that are not swanky ski areas are stone broke populist and likely got caught up by Trump mania pretty good in 2016 when the whole country seemed unhappy with "the establishment." I'd say that median income figure of $63k disguises some pretty close to bone living for a lot of the residents.

The district is red-leaning, and it covers nearly half of Colorado’s land mass, including western and southern Colorado, and 29 of the state’s 64 counties. It’s also diverse, with wealthy ski towns like Aspen, giant swaths of agricultural land and public lands, and middle-class cities like Grand Junction and Pueblo.
— Alex Burness, Denver Post (November 3, 2020)

Snapshot CO-3 district demographics.jpg
What happened to the remaining sectors that were supposed to lean Dem?

There are still a bunch of votes out and not expected until next week but 1100 is a big number to meet.

Also, some of the "expected" votes could just be logbook entries where an absentee ballot was requested and sent out, not yet received back and the must-be-returned-by date has not yet passed.

So some of the "still out" ballots may never end up counted because they were never cast.
Hobbs increasing her lead over Lake by a few thousand, but still a lot to come in and Lake could easily take over, but it’s looking good in Nevada and AZ senate races….

If dems can get those two states, GA is still important but I can see one side or both getting complacent. I guess that would still make it unpredictable though.

NBC has decreased their GOP House total projections twice, from 222 to 220, both with a margin of +/- 7.
McCarthy will be lucky if he can even nail down the Speakership, never mind herd cats all term with a single-digit margin.

Matt Gaetz already called him and McConnell “McFailures” on Twitter, and I believe it was Rep. Biggs who said the caucus will have to “talk” about leadership.

He’s been a very weak leader this far. He doesn’t even feel like the leader of a caucus, just some guy who got name dropped to be speaker years ago and has been trying to hide under a car like a scared dog until the time comes.
Right, I don't see the Freedom Caucus (sic) willingly giving him the gavel without crazy asks.

That's the real problem. They're going to try to extract rule-tweaking agreements in exchange for their support. Crap that only the House Freeeeeeeeeeedumb Caucus could come up with. It's circus time!

Matt Gaetz already called him and McConnell “McFailures” on Twitter, and I believe it was Rep. Biggs who said the caucus will have to “talk” about leadership.

He’s been a very weak leader this far. He doesn’t even feel like the leader of a caucus, just some guy who got name dropped to be speaker years ago and has been trying to hide under a car like a scared dog until the time comes.

Yeah Kevin kinda sorta totally wants it but would instantly become "the dog that caught the car," LIke... uh oh now what?

And then people like Gym Jordan and MTG would run rings around him and make a true circus from hell out of that chamber for as long as it took some sane Dems and Republicans to add themselves up to 219 and elect a different Speaker. Say a month?

Since you don't even have to be a member of Congress to acquire the speakership of the House by majority vote of the members, people are proposing some crazy options on social media lately. Including Trump, of course.

I swear I might not be too old to emigrate from the USA...
Wonder how he'd feel loosing to MTG? I don't want to see that happening. Yet I kind of do just for entertainment value.

Arggghh. Please, no. But it's not out of the question. Stefanik would try to scratch her eyes out first though, probably.

Man in my best dreams the three CA seats now leaning blue would go there and Bobo would lose and... and...
Walker won’t be down-ballot from Kemp this time.

Actually, to be honest, I have no idea what the hell is going to happen, lol.

But he also won't have the Libertarian Candidate sucking 81,000 votes away. So the question is whether or not those votes will go to Walker or Warnock.

I think this election is going to depend on which party does less crazy stuff over the next month.

And like you, I have no idea.