The 2022 Midterms

Sorry, you can’t “both sides” this one. One “side” is FOR everybody getting a vote. The other isn’t. Can’t get any more clear on which “side” opposes democracy.

The big illusion of the 2 party system is that there are only 2 sides and each side is in unilateral agreement. The fact that Congress can’t get anything done is proof that, that isn’t the reality.
The way I see it, their lies on economics are no longer being bought by their voters.

And how is everyone's economic well-being right now?

Whether it is causation or just correlation, people are struggling and are going to blame Biden and the Dems. Right or wrong, that is just how it is.
And how is everyone's economic well-being right now?

Whether it is causation or just correlation, people are struggling and are going to blame Biden and the Dems. Right or wrong, that is just how it is.

Most people’s economics are in the shitter.

What I’m saying is they could no longer perpetuate the myth that giving rich people and corporations even more money would somehow make it to the common citizen’s wallet in any impactful or long lasting way. At best they could call it a failed experiment that went on way too long (and continues to). I think the death blow was the massive government bailouts which made things crystal clear. Now we have the nail in the coffin that is as soon as the workers started getting ahead with raises profiteer generated inflation hit wiping all that out.

I hate where the current breed of Republicans are taking us, but on the left all I see is begging people to defend a system that is corrupt as fuck with no intention of changing that.

Good bait and switch in there. Be that as it may, Americans like to believe they are immune to global issues. There’s America and there’s everybody else. If everybody else is having an issue that shouldn’t mean we are having that same issue. If we are then it’s our government’s fault.

Having said that, it does feel like our government is doing little more than finger pointing. Not a word about the struggle of those at the top or the sacrifices they are making, possibly because that’s not happening. Pretty much the opposite of that is happening by all accounts.
As easy and lazy as it is to blame Biden (or any administration) for the current economic problems, I don't hear any solutions being offered by the right and they have a pretty good track record of blocking everything that even remotely resembles economic asistance. And I'm sorry, but kicking more people off welfare isn't going to decrease the cost of your mortgage or grocery bill. It seems their solution is more of a psychological attempt, you may be fucked but you're better off because we made sure more people are more fucked than you. There's pride in being among the lesser fucked.
Looks like the new NY map is not favoring the Dems.

Thanks for sharing the story, but Fox offers little information past the headline. Here’s an article with considerably more detail.

Funny thing, I was on the Fox site and saw this headline:

Republicans claim victory in congressional redistricting fight​

I thought it would be another story about NY state.…. Nope. It’s a story mainly focused on the court overturning the DeSantis map in Florida… which is literally the opposite of a victory for Republicans. Good ol‘ Fox News. Maybe they need to bring back the “no spin zone“ because… yeah.

Such blissful news. I was ecstatic when I first read the news last night.

As great as that is, it doesn't change the fact that he got paid extremely well to do little more than be a troll.

However, unlike most former politicians I don't really see a clear career path after this stunt. I can't imagine him being much of an experience or connection rich asset to anybody.
However, unlike most former politicians I don't really see a clear career path after this stunt. I can't imagine him being much of an experience or connection rich asset to anybody.
He'll be on Faux Noise soon!! Wouldn't surprise me if he quits before December.
He'll be on Faux Noise soon!! Wouldn't surprise me if he quits before December.

I don't think he even qualifies to be the gate guard at a trailer park. So yeah, Fox News political expert is probably his best option. Or he could probably go down the path of similarly disgraced flashes in the pan and become a porn star. Congressional orgies could be a fetish.
I don't think he even qualifies to be the gate guard at a trailer park. So yeah, Fox News political expert is probably his best option. Or he could probably go down the path of similarly disgraced flashes in the pan and become a porn star. Congressional orgies could be a fetish.
More like occasional talking head. I don't think even Faux Noise would want him on the air too much. Some Repugnant aligned outfit will employ him for their needs. Unfortunately, he'll probably run for office again. Probably as early as 2024. Maybe even for state office in NC as enough loons truly like him. Especially with Mango's blessing. Although I wonder how he feels with one of his endorsed candidates going down in flames.
Somehow 14% of Americans think the economy is in good or excellent shape. At minimum I bet 100% of that 14% drives a Tesla. Never having to go to the gas station is the only way I can conceive of how those people think the economy is good to excellent. That, and they are probably part of the crisis profiteer class.
Gerrymandering is out of control (due to advanced data analytics and other factors). Instead of doing something about it, the Supreme Court insists it’s the same as it’s always been. We may have the worst set of justices ever on the court. It’s not just missing what’s happening in the modern world, it’s actively making the consequences worse… guns, abortion, voting rights… they are trying to impose 18th century values on a society that moved past them 2 centuries ago. Even the Republicans that think they‘re winning right now are going to lose when our country falls into ruin.
Gerrymandering is out of control (due to advanced data analytics and other factors). Instead of doing something about it, the Supreme Court insists it’s the same as it’s always been. We may have the worst set of justices ever on the court. It’s not just missing what’s happening in the modern world, it’s actively making the consequences worse… guns, abortion, voting rights… they are trying to impose 18th century values on a society that moved past them 2 centuries ago. Even the Republicans that think they‘re winning right now are going to lose when our country falls into ruin.

If the right regains control I look forward to them explaining how to pay our bills with fear and outrage. Will it be like bitcoin but with government backing? I'm sure the reason we haven't heard about their economic plan is because they've all been canceled.
The 2022 and 2024 elections are going to be brutal. There’s been little to no complaining about the primaries, which are being held virtually the same way, but wait until the general. To complicate matters, republicans putting all these restrictive laws in place and with revelations of just how far Trump and his feckless cult followers have worked to overturn the actual vote, democrats will probably be wary of the ultimate outcomes themselves.

Going to be a total shitshow. Republicans will rejoice and totally ignore their concerns about election fraud if they win, but double-down on it if they lose. Trump has not only convinced them they either win or the system is broken, but that they literally cannot trust anyone who ever goes against his will. If there’s a judge on a case, they must be a conservative or else they must be biased. If a conservative rules against him, they must be a RINO.

You’ve got republicans pulling out their guns during discussions on gun safety. They’re wanting to turn elementary teachers into armed guards. They’re outlawing acknowledging or helping LGTBQ youth. Their racism is so bad I feel we’re about to see the return of the n-word to their everyday discussions.

Republicans have done a good job convincing a majority of their base that they win or the elections are rigged, and that sentiment has gotten stronger since 2020, not weaker.
I am putting this here because I don't think it necessitates its own thread and is related to the '22 Midterms.

So, will SF DA Gascon be recalled today? Should he be?