The Ai thread

This is interesting, Apple actually teaming up with Nvidia to improve Apple’s LLM performance on Nvidia’s GPUs. As the article states, collaboration between the two has been very rare over the last 16 years.

(EDIT) Apple’s post:

Here’s Nvidia’s more technical blog post:

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Almost all of my authentic video/reel posts get accused of being AI now and I've given up on defending it.

What gets me is I am a member of a Sedona visitor’s FB page and we don’t get many issues there, but other travel pages put up these clearly AI photos claiming to be Sedona that aren’t.

But the kicker is when someone responds that they have been to the place in the photo. No you haven’t because it doesn’t exist. 😳
What gets me is I am a member of a Sedona visitor’s FB page and we don’t get many issues there, but other travel pages put up these clearly AI photos claiming to be Sedona that aren’t.

But the kicker is when someone responds that they have been to the place in the photo. No you haven’t because it doesn’t exist. 😳
A lot of new pages were popping up that were featuring other people's art posted without credit and a lot of it was mine. They had no way to report copyright without going through a huge process so I gave up on it, it was one of the driving factors for me leaving the platform, Zuckerberg was just the final straw. They can steal my work but at least I no longer have FB recommending the pages of said thieves.
Here is a perfect example:

Can’t prove the photo is AI but I can’t determine what kind of car is on the road.

But the comments. SMH. This “supposed” road is 15 miles from my house and looks nothing like this.

That looks a lot more like it fits near Yosemite to me.

But there are elements of the car and the road markings that don't look right, but it's hard to tell from a screenshot like this.
That looks a lot more like it fits near Yosemite to me.

Here is a reel of the actual drive.

But there are elements of the car and the road markings that don't look right, but it's hard to tell from a screenshot like this.

Yes, the car seems too wide and too short. And I know cars pretty well and can’t even begin to identify the make or model.
I know cars pretty well and can’t even begin to identify the make or model.

It looks a bit like an Oldsmobile from the '70s or early '80s. The length could be distorted by a long lens. But that is some damn sloppy driving, going over a double yellow line like that.